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People in love are truly blind they think world around them is blind too but they are not .chanyeol can easily changes in youngers behavior .it been two weeks taehyung joined company he was attending daily with him Jungkook was joining too.

Younger hardly went a whole 7 days in month now he was going daily while taehyung was driving .

He closed the laptop which placed infront of him he sighed deeply and closed his eyes while ruffling with his hair .

He trust is brother more then anything but little warning wont hurt anyone .it will make there sight clear .which was fogged with unknown infatuation or anything .

He got up and walked around his room before leving his canbin out of sudden . He want to look exactly where his brother allocated cabin to taehyung.

He took he phone left to the down floor as he ceo took the last floor .

He went to younger fllor and started walking towards youngers cabin only to see younger was just working in cabin and taehyung explaining something which other just nodding he was attentively listen to him .

Chaenyeol looked his brother he doesn't want to distrub there work so he went again to room.

Jungkook took deep breath and looked at taehyung who looked at him little confusingly as few minutes ago jungkook was literally in his lap and taehyung was sitting in younger chair .

Younger tricked him when he said he want to discuss something so taehyung went near him and more importantly younger didn't gave taehyung cabin he just made him sit infornt him.

He walked towards younger with his laptop to explain his work he placed his laptop near and stood beside and leaned a little to exlalin the work.but he didn't know what happed in split second he was in jungkook chair and younger smashed his lips on others it almost took 2mins for taehyung to register everything but again younger suddly got up when he got beep and an told taehyung to stood up .

After chanyeol left younger leaned and placed kiss on older cheek.

"You can continue youre work baby "jungkook said as his brother already destroyed his mood .

He was feeling so much hor*y today and his love in black shirt didn't help it .

He actually placed sensor which will inticated who ever is entering his floor .
Jungkook was actually thankful for keeping it he did it just before taehyungs interview.

Jungkook looked older who back to other was working .he placed his hand under a chin while he was capturing older every move with eyes .

Taehyung felt heavy stare but he ingore he knows younger was looking at him he was used to this behavior from one week.

It was next day younger was getting ready for office .

Chanyeol was in living room when his phone ranged .
He looked at caller id it was rose's father .

He picked the call .

"Hello "he said while placing his tea cup on the table .

"Chan can you come home fast it is important rose is speaking something nonsense "park said .

"What is it uncle she finally came home ".chanyeol asked .

"Yes now she bought some road side prick telling that she will marry him "park said .

Chanyeol gritted his teeth after listening " i will be there ".

Chanyeol looked at taehyung who was working in kitchen.

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