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It was evening taehyung didn't eat anything since morning plus fixing tire in mid afternoon was cherry on top.

He didn't have money to buy anything .He went inside the house he was feeling little dizzy. he was about fall down baekhyun held him..

Baekhyun has came home early today .He saw how taehyung was looking so much pale.

He was about fall down baekhyun run to him  to hold him.

"Taehyung what happened you are looking pale "baekhyun asked .

"It's nothing sir ".

"Did you eat anything " baekhyun asked .

"Yes sir "taehyung said but stomach betrayed him.

"Didn't I said to  you taehyung you can eat with us come here "baekhyun said took him dinning area .

"No sir I will cook ".

"Shh Don't say anything first eat "Baekhyun said and served him food.

Taehyung started to eat his food hesitatedly .

"What course did you did in college taehyung ". baekhyun asked  looking at younger .

"Business sir ".

"Just call me hyung ok ".
Taehyung gave a small nod .

After dinner baekhyun went to see taehyung room .He hardly have any thing to eat he just have an electric stove and 1 packet of ramen and that's all . Baekhyun felt so much Guilty .He just overlooked he fact that the boy doesn't have money .

He decided to talk to Chanyeol.

He gave leave for the rest of day and tae went to his room to sleep.

It was dinner time .
Chanyeol and jungkook were eating baekhyun was standing near dinning.

"Don't you think you're overboarding it  yeolie ".baekhyun asked in middle of there dinner

Chanyeol looked up at beakhyun.

"What are talking about baek ".

"About taehyung ".

Jungkook stopped eating and looked at baekhyun.

"His dad easily gave him to means he doesn't even care about his own son you doing worse yeol he doesn't have anything to eat yeol aleast pay him some money .He was looking so much pale when he came home .I don't even now when he ate his last meal .". baekhyun said .

Jungkook felt pang in his heart
So how he is reason for his today's condition .But he will still not accept it .

"I have some work "jungkook said and went to his room .

"I will pay him baby "chanyeol said and baekhyun gave him small nod .

Jungkook mind was keep on thinking about the incident.

He layed on bed he tried to sleep  to avoid the uneasy feeling  bubble inside him.but he couldn't

He saw time it was almost mid night .

He decided to see him.
He slowly went down he doesn't want distrub any one .
He took spare key and slowly opened the door only too see taehyung who was sleeping peacefully on bed with small pout on his face .

Jungkook slowly went near him.he can see how handsome other was looking.

He slowly bend down and touched his cheeks.he felt fluttering  sensation  in his abdomen .his whole faced started to become red when his right hand touched taehyung cheeks.

He moved his hands away from him and immediately when out .
He ran into his room as fast as he can. .

He closed he door immediately and his heart was panting heavily he held his heart which beating more fast .He saw himself in the mirror he face neck where red .

He can see how he was blushing.

But then suddenly he snapped back to reality .

"Stop jungkook he was doing this all to get sympathy .These are tricks of person like him and hyung was falling for ".jungkook mumble while gritted his teeth.

He was not ready accept .that he is affected by older presence.


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