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Younger looked up still holding the older in his hands .he didn't do anything just started at older who was avoiding his eye contact.

Jungkook moved closer older how beautiful older was looking this close to him.

He closed his eyes and slowly started leave smooches on older jawline .he moved his hands sensually on elders broad shoulder .

Taehyung shivered when he felt younger kiss and how younger was moving his hands almost leaving scratches on his shoulders breathing heavily. No matter how much taehyung tried to control but he couldn't this was really turning him on .After all it was jungkook who kissing him with those glossy pink lips .

It was getting torchorus for taehyung he just want to slam younger nearest wall and kiss him senseless.

Younger smirked at olders reaction .

Younger Finally leaved the older.."You will be coming with me Tommrow be ready at 9 ".

"Yes sir ".taehyung said finally breathing peacefully .

"See you tomorrow "jungkook said and left the room.

Jungkook looked to see if anyone saw him but there was no one .

"Jungkook " chanyeol called him.

Jungkook flinched when he heard his brothers voice .

He turned around to look at chanyeol who looking at folding his hands near his chest .

"What are doing here in workers area "chanyeol asked raising his eyebrows .

"It nothing hyung I was just informing taehyung to come with me Tommrow as I need to do shopping "jungkook said trying to be as clam as he can .

Chanyeol look at him few seconds gave him small nod

"Ok good night ".he said .

Jungkook gave a small nod an went towards his room.

Chanyeol looked at his brother .it was something different as jungkook never comes to workers area to infrom anything. He just orders them.

And main thing he never call any worker with him to shopping .

'I hope you don't wanna do same like rose 'chanyeol thought and went inside his room.

Jungkook closed the and entered his room.

This gonna be very hard when chanyeol will know that he loves taehyung. As he and his brother where always intolerant towards the poor people .They were always care about status .jungkook may be love taehyung but that doesn't mean he have changed .But little when compared to his earlier version .If his brother knows about he can't even imagine what will happen. He will never accept .He was opposing rose idea who want to marry a normal person.
How will he accept his own brother falling on love with one of there workers.

But for jungkook all care about was taehyung he thinking he will just be little carefull.

He chuckled remembering how older controlling himself from doing anything.

"Let's us see how you will be control yourself Tommrow "jungkook smirked at idea in his head .

He closed his eyes with small smile .

Morning came taehyung was done with garden work .he got up little earlier as younger said to be ready at 9.

He did his bath and went inside kitchen to help baekhyun.but older declied him and insisted him do breakfast.

"No hyung I will do it after ".
Taehyung said .

Baekhyun turned around and looked at taehyung.

"You will not listen to your hyung "baekhyun said with small pout acting fake hurt .

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