chap -17

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T-Tae "younger moaned when other was Kissing his collar bones .
Taehyung opened. His eyes when he heard other voice.
He looked up to see younger who was holding his neck and arching back.

Taehyung was horrified realizing what he did he kissed the younger .
He kissed him when other hated him for touching.

He shivered when he thought what younger will and jeon will kill him if he know his .

Jungkook haven't felt any kiss he opened the eyes to look at older.who was shivering badly.

"I-I a-m s-sorry s-sir "taehyung said said shivering tears where following from his eyes .

Jungkook gasped looking at older.he grabbed his neck and hugged him tightly.

"It ok baby Shh clam "jungkook said caressing older soft locks .

Younger felt tears on his shoulder .

"I-I will never do it again "taehyung mumbled with shaky voice.

"Shh I liked it tae I will not say anything please clam down first "jungkook said he felt bad how older was literally shivering. He knows he was reason for it .

Taehyung closed his eyes listening to smoothing voice of younger .he inhaled other strawberry scent .he felt how other hands was moving in his scalp soothingly.

Jungkook felt how older was claming done he continued to do it .he kissed others soft locks holding him more closely.

Few minutes they stayed like that .
Younger moved and cupped taehyung face.
Taehyung looked at him.

Jungkook wiped others tears near eyes.

"Dont worry it will ok "jungkook kissed his forehead.

"Sit here I will come in 5min ok "jungkook asked softly.

Taehyung noded his head .
Jungkook got down from the counter and went towards the changing room .

Taehyung composed himself he kissed the younger and other said he liked it .

Small smile made up on his lips when he remembered how other was calling him baby and holding him tightly .

Younger changed to his regular fit and came out but his time he didn't need to cover his neck older was not as aggressive as he was wehn he was drunk .he went taehyung .

"Shall we go "he asked .

Taehyung noded .they went outside .

Jungkook and taehyung leaved the mall .

He called the girl who stood near reception.

"Take care we are leaving and put my bags I car "jungkook he was back with his cold aura he will only show his soft side to taehyung.

He held taehyung hand and took him to car .

"I will drive "taehyung said.

Jungkook looked at taehyung with small smile "we not going home i.will drive ".
He said going inside the car.

Jungkook was too happy so wants to spend some more time with him .

The didn't saw person looking at them with small Smirk he clicked few photos of jungkook and taehyung holding hands.

It mailed to immediately to person..

Jungkook took him to his villa it was private area noone one are allowed in premises of 10 kms .

It was just 12 am in morning he wants to take care of older some time.spend time with him.

Taehyung stopped car infront of big villa .
"Come with me "Jungkook said going out .
Taehyung gave him nod before following the younger.

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