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Nothing new jungkook was keeping on scolding everyone in office. Even he was quiet for a second he mind immediately diverted to taehyungs face sleeping peacefully he just doesn't want see his face but his heart was playing with him .

He gritted his teeth while pulling his has hair.

Rose entered the office only to see fire ball in the office.

"Kook what happened to you .you're acting like man on periods. And why are you scolding poor interns "rose said .

"Nothing "jungkook said and fixed his hair .

"Dont take your anger some where else ok "rose said looking at jungkook .

Jungkook  glared at her .

He was about to say something was distrub by phone call.

"Hello hyung ".kook said he quickly alerted because of phone call and tried to act normal.

"Kook go to home rose parents where coming just make sure everything is good baekhyun in middle of hearing and i am currently oustide "chanyeol said .

"Dont worry hyung i will be there ".

After the call .

"Your parents are coming "jk said looking at rose .

"Wow how come they never inform me ".
Rose said rolling her eyes .

"We need to leave "he  said .

Both them went towards the mansion .

They still 1hr still parks reach there house .

Jungkook went inside the house along with rose .

Only to see taehyung was working in kitchen .

Jungkook leaved rose in the hall and went towards taehyung whose was washing the dishes .

Taehyung saw him  entering the kitchen .

He bowed to younger .

"My aunt and uncle are coming home and i want you to prepare special Thailand dish for them ".jungkook said floding his arms .

"Sorry sir but i don't know how to cook i can only make ramen and rice ".looking down he still can't see directly into his eyes .

Younger  scoffed on what other said .
"Oh you don't know how to cook also then what else can you do cry infornt of my hyung for his pity .thats the only thing you can do correctly ".jungkook said angryly .

"I never really cooked anything in my life sir
Taehyung said control his trembling lips no to cry .

Jungkook scoffed at other and left the place.

He was in his middle of washing dishes the cooks came and started cooking .which taehyung was seeing for the first they were korean dishes too but in his life he hardly tasted any of this .

They said taehyung to sever dishes for new guests taehyung gave a nod to them.

Soom parks came .
Jungkook greeted them with big smile .
And hugged mra.park.

"How are aunt "kook asked hugging her tightly .

"Am good baby how are you "mrs.park asked him caressing his back .

"Handsome as always "he said gave wink to mrs.park

And them greeted his uncle with big hug .

"Am here too "rose said.

"Am sorry "parks said and hugged there daughter .

They were at dining table .the black messy hair boy got rose attention.
She keep on staring the boy who was serving them.

"Who is that "rose whispered to Jungkook

Jungkook looked at taehyung with small evil smile .

"Oh thats our new maid rose hyung recently got him .atleast hyung should get some productive people .when he had any plan of getting them "jungkook said louldy .looking
Taehyung .

But when taehyung eyes met his he can see sadness in them it stirred something inside him .he felt something twisting in his stomach.

May regret of his actions but his ego was not accepting.

Taehyung just continued his work though he will cry at any moment. But he doesn't what to be  cry baby .

They did there lunch rose helped taehyung which Jungkook didn't like a bit especially when taehyung a small genuine smile to her .

He fisted his finger he isn't liking how rose was keep on taking with taehyung .

Jealousy is first step and unknowingly rose is helping him to fingure out his feelings.




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