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Jungkook tried move a little but he couldn't he was still sitting on table he can feel taehyung knees were becoming weak .

He tried to move a little but but other growled a little 'strawberry 'he said and moved his face close to jungkook neck..

After some time finally
He held taehyung slowly got down from the table .
He took taehyung in bridal style and went away form the club .
It took him a lot of efforts to place taehyung on the passenger seat.

They were looking damn messy .
He fixed his hair first and covered the coller bones it was already past 12 he just thank the god his hyungs are not in present in the house .they were out for some meetings.
He would never go like this infront of his brother.

He fixed taehyung messy hair and started the car.

He keep on glancing at taehyung with small
Smile. Other was sleeping not even caring about the world they reached the house around 1.

Jungkook took older  to his room .and placed in on the bed but taehyung held his waist and brought him close .now jungkook was on top him.

He saw how taehyung was holding his delicate waist more tightly which will definitely leave marks .

He look at taehyung slowly moved closer to him.he started looking at taehyung face capturing every detail with his eyes from moles on face to the small scars .

He place him plum lips on taehyung fave leaving a gentle kiss on his mole which on left cheek.
And moved his eyes little down to see his mole on the lower lip.

He placed few pecks on his lips he just want to stay like this forever.

Finally he nuzzeled his face in taehyung neck inhale the manly scent .he can spend entrie day just like .

His eyes slowly become dizzy he want to stay awake but his eyes were betraying him..he lastly placed a long kiss on his lips closed him eyes .

Jungkook woke up when he felt something wet on his neck .taehyung was again sucking in his sleep .His eyes were closed .and literally shoving face in youngers neck .

Jungkook bet that older was again  thinking about some strawberry .he chuckled on the his actions and held him close. Taehyung started to suck more aggressively.jungkook visibly shivered .and clutched taehyung hair tightly.

After some time He looked at clock it was around 6 30 he need to get up his hyungs will come .

Taehyung left younger  after good amout of time .sleeping peacefully and leaving younger  rock hard .

Jungkook slowly got he need to take a cold shower .
Jungkook went inside the washroom and stood infort the big mirror and slowly removed the shirt now he can clearly all the marks which taehyung created filling his neck chest and hands marks on his soft milky waist .

He tranced his finger on marks his breathing got ragged this about olders touch he shivering  even thinking about that .
He liked the marks the older gave him.

He was never like this .he never this desperate for any one .he never  thought that he will weak under someone touches .

He removed the robe completely and went under shower .cold water touched his body which Intensify his emotions to hudered .

Jungkook closed his .he mind was only on how older kissed him like he owns .

He  took cold shower he went out wearing bath robe and stood in room he will be using foundation on the neck for the first time to cover up his marks .

He wore dress and saw Taehyung was moving slowly.

Taehyung opened his eyes he held his head it was paining a alot .
He slowly opened eyes and looked jungkook sitting near him looking at him while  holding coffee mug in his left hand .

1st he thought what jungkook was doing in his room..he slowly looked around .it was not his room.

He should up immediately.

"You were too much drunk last time "jungkook said standing up.

Taehyung hardly remembers anything he juat know he went to rose party there after everything was blurr expect his dream of eating  sweet and juicy strawberry. What a beautiful dream .but he snapped out when jungkook called him out .

Jungkook was internally tensed if taehyung remembered anything but looking at how confused elder was looking at him he confirmed that he didn't remember.

"Sorry sir i don't what happened last night i am extremely sorry i wont repeat it again ".

Taehyung said he was afraid what if jungkook will.shout on him.

"It ok you can take this medicine will help you get rid of the headace ".Younger  said moving closer too taehyung giving him meds .

Taehyung thanked him when about to go out.jungkook  words stopped him

"You have wieard obsession with strawberries don't you".

Taehyung looked at jungkook "yes sir i even get dreams about eating them ".

"Yeah you really ate one yesterday the best one "jungkook  said with smirk.

Which taehyung doesn't now what is means.he is most obvious person.

He just gave a small oh.and left the room.

Jungkook chuckled at the dumb bear .



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