chap -30

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At the party .

It was almost all guest left the place .

Baekhyun was searching for the younger .
Chanyeol approached him .

"Did you find him he was not even picking up the phone ".chanyeol said rubbing.

"I tried to call taehyung but he was also not picking up he should have inform me before going somewhere "chaenyeol  said .

Baekhyun eyes widen he looked at his husband. Both taehyung and jungkook where missing  .

"Hello sir "kai came to them with dirty smirk playing on his lips .

"You know sir i can really help you to find them "kai said .

"Them "? Chanyeol asked .

"Oh jungkook and taehyung "kai said with smirk .

"I know jeons hate low class people  but what of i say you lovely brother sleeping with youre slave ".kai said .looking at baekhyun who gritted his teeth .shaking his head to not to say anything.

He knows chanyeol will kill taehyung even he was innocent he will kill him..

"What hell are you taking you filthy peace of shit "chanyeol growled holding kais collar.

"Easy mr.park you clearly know who is filthy peace of shit now as dont want trust me you check on yours brother penthouse "kai said before leaving  .

"If what that bastred is taking comes true i wont fucking spare taehyung"chanyeol said taking his keys out .

Baekhyun eyes widened it was jungkooks fault he was forcing him.

Chanyeol and baekhyun were now it car moving towards mansion .

Chanyeol entred the house with spare everything was messy in hall .

Coats of taehyung and jungkook and some accessories were messly lying in the floor .

Chanyeol blood boiled looking at the mess .

He took gun  and loaded it.

"Chan listen to me "baekhyun tried to stop him .

"Move away baekhyun i will kill that bastred for betraying me ".chanyeol said pushing him away .

"Please calm don't   do this just listen to me  first "baekhyun pleaded he was sitting on floor .

Chanyeol gritted his teeth while looking at his husband he bent down facing baekhyun.

"Say "he said in his unusual deep voice which he never uses with him.

Baekhyun noded his head and said about what is happening between them and how younger backmail him.

" it wasn't taehyung fault chan please leave him".baekhyun said .

Chanyeol held baekhyun jaw tightly.

"You are assucing my brother and support the low class shit "chanyeol growled at baekhyun.
"No no i have proofs please think carefully the boy who afraid to even talk to you and jungkook will do something like that " .

Chanyeol took deep breath leaving baekhyun jaw and making him stand up .

In the room it was already morning sunlight was peeking through window.

Younger slowly opened his and looked around last night memories flash infront he smiled at looked down taehyung was sleeping beside holding him tightly around his waist and his face was buried in younger chest .

Beautiful smile adored younger face which was looking very different almost like he never smiled like that .

The after hour glow was illuminating on his face.

He hugged older more tightly bringing him close him .
He body flinched when loud knock heard on  the door .

He gasped and looked at older who still sleeping heavily.

"Open the door kook "chanyeol growled.

Jungkook clucted around the taehyung tightly he hyung was outside. This cant be happen .he only got his just last night he brother cant find truth this soon .

"Am giving you 5 mins kook or else i will brag in the room "chanyeol said this time with deep voice .

Jungkook looked and slowly untangled himself  form taehyung he placed soft on older forehead before running into room to clean himself .

He wore what ever he could and dashed outside door and close it .

There they were his brother and standing infornt on him .

Baekhyun looked at younger he can easily say what they did in room.

"Can we take in hall "jungkook said looking at  his brother
Who just dragged kook to hall.

First thing baekhyun did was slap on younger cheek which was adored with kisses last night .

"Whats wrong with u kook why did you force him to do this "baekhyun asked looking at koom with teary eyes.

Chanyeol stood there looking at his brother he dont  know why his heart was feeling weak suddenly .he dont want to hear anything for the kook which will make it more weak

"Was   verbally  as*ualt him wasnt enough for you that you  played this cheap trick huh ab*sing him physically now "baekhyun asked .

"Enough just because i didn't said anything that doesn't mean you can keep on accusing me  "he stopped at looked at before continuing .

His guilt was eating inside him .

"I love him hyung i was not forcing him it was happened with consent ".
Jungkook  said .

That way last string chanyeol was holding his   felt his body was not at supporting him
His legs were trembling.

He  leaned on sofa for the support.

Baekhyun chuckled when younger said he loves tae

"Love really  kook by forcing him to kiss by forcing him go around you and making him completely feel useless  this  u 0call love kook i have seen how he tormented  all youre bratty things and dont tell me you kissed him mall and other things you physically did to him have his consent  "baekhyun said .

Jungkook eyes filled with rage .how does they know .

"You fu*cking stalked me "younger growled.

"Lower youre volume kook  i havent followed but youre sweet did ".

"Yo-"jungkook was cut offed by  chanyeol.

"Enough  "he said coming closer to jungkook  .

"You did enough jungkook  you made me jeons honor loose today you can  could get anyone you want but you want  the my mere employee go to mansion i will take care that bastred ".

"Touch him hyung i will show you want i can i do i will ruin the jeon empire completely ".jungkook said .

And evil smile formed on chanyeol face .

He moved closer to younger.

"Youre standing against me for that bastred you know if i will kill him you will destroy jeons empire  but you know what jeon jungkook i can built company again but you can't bring him back so dont act over smart and go home "chanyeol  said him tried to protest but bodyguards  draged  younger in normal  he would easily beat shit out them but his lower part was painful because of last night  the he can hardly  stand .

His dropped when He saw he his hyung was going inside the room with gun in his hand .


I know i did too much late but there other update on Sunday  i am finally getting inspiration to write after long time .

Sorry for keep you all wait.

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