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Anger was oozing out of baekhyung eyes .
That bastr**d dared to come to his office and apart from that he was digging in personal matters .

He hand was shivering looking at the pendrive in this hand and file which has photos.

He closed his eyes tightly and fisted his hand tightly to stop shivering .

He opened the file many photos of jungkook and taehyung were persent in it was not any intimate picture it was just there photos of leaving towards the guest house

He gasped younger haven't mentioned any thing about visiting the guest house .

Was jungkook lying to him ?

His hands were still shivering .his heart started to beat fastly when he inserted pendrive in laptop.

And opened first vedio among five .

Tears were leaving his eyes when he saw how jungkook was clutching taehyung hair and kissing him forcefully.

He immediately closed the laptop .

He place hand on his mouth so no one can here his sob tears where never leaving .

He couldn't save an innocent person jeons eyes .

Guilt was eating him .jungkook was really forcing him and he came to know about it through outsider.

He stayed in office little late he has no mood to go home .

He closed his eyes and layed on his head table closing his eyes.
But something striked him baek open his eyes and started packing his thing to leave home he know taehyung will be alone at home with jungkook he cant make his happen more.

He ran to his house .
Only to see jungkook coming out of taehyung room .

He need to do something fastly before its too late .


It was next morning jungkook got down to have breakfast only to see baek was looking little pale .

"Are you okay hyung "jungkook asked.

'How can i'baek thought looking he still can't believe his brother with innocent face doing filthy things behind his back.

"Yeah i am fine "baek said .

"Actually kook i want you to invite some people personally for your Tommrows birthday can you do that for me "baek

"Who you want to invite hyung".

"Oh that is my parents and mr.woo family "baek said

Jungkook eyes went wide when baekhyun said cause one were in busan and other in Daegu.

He cant even deny as it was his hyungs parents.

But it okay cause he will take taehyung with him he will not feel boring .

"Dont go alone okay take driver with you "baek said and went back to work .

"Ah dont take taehyung he don't know much how to drive in country side rods i have already said to take you " baek said .

Jungkook clenched his fist he cant stay away from taehyung whole day .

He dashed towards his room .

Baekhyun sighed and looked at upstairs.

Jungkook soon started his journey he tried to find taehyung but he cant see other in house .
He huffed and entered his car .


Taehyung was in grocery store baekhyun asked him to bring some necessary iteams.

He did collect everything and checked out .

He was holding two bags actually baekhyun asked him to take car but once he came out of house he knows mr.lee will not allow it .

He started to walk on foot path .

Loud horn distrub his peaceful walk.

He turned to see who was that stupid.
He ate his worlds in his mouth cause it was lia in the car jungkooks friend waving at him.

He gave her small smile and bowed to her.

"Hey its okay taehyung you dont need to do that aleast it fornt of me"lia said soflty.

"Come i will drop you "lia said

"No no its okay ma'am i can go myself "taehyung said .

"Please don't call me ma'am taehyung i am just your age you can call me by my name and youre bag looks so heavily. Dont worry am going to house too so come one "lia said soflty covering her real bish character.

She will never allow lower clas* people to call her by name .but this time she was doing for her own profit.

Taehyung noded and entered the car after placing things at backside.

He sat in passenger seat .

Lia started her gave .

"Oh my name lia soorry for late introduction taehyungsii "lia said .

Taehyung smiled at her .

"Yeah i know it already ".
Taehyung said .

"Ohh my bad "lia with said with sad face .
Taehyung chuckled at her .

Lia looked at Taehyung .older was unapologetically handsome. Thats why her friend is so much desperate and possessive.

She smirked at her plan she will definitely have him for aleast one day she cant miss this golden opportunity.

Taehyung is like beautiful flower in garden that attracts everyone good or bad .

Lia faked smile and sweet talked with taehyung and also helping him with taking food inside .
The house .

Taehyung thought it waz just normal day Tommrow he will purpose younger .

He thought about lia she was not that bad jungkook says .

He wish to go everything smooth Tommrow.

But how erong he was.

Possessive (taekook)Where stories live. Discover now