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'He likes him and most importantly he is possessive  about him 'young girl in her twenties  said sitting across the ceo of the kims .

"You think i dont know that yet "other male said with evil smile .

"I got everything  i caught him read handed "male continued  .

"Then what are you waiting  show to chanyeol  everything "girl said

"We can't predict him lia just know he scolded because of entering  the jeons without permission  he is not right person,even his brother is wrong he will kill us first for invading his privacy. we need to little patience and i already have some one in mind who can execute or plan as the way i want "kai said thinking of certain someone.

Lia sighed and  folded her hands .she was biggest traitor  in the group .and thats is why jungkook  hardly trusts any one even in  friends.


Jungkook   went inside the his hyung room
.taehyung  already stood up.

"You both can leave kook  we taking him in "chanyeol said.

Jungkook  smiled at his hyung and looked at taehyung  who was looking down.

Jungkook  Slightly gritted his teeth everything  was going well  but bit*h ruined it .

"Lets go "jungkook  said going out of the office taehyung bowed to older and followed him .

"You can sit here am goona drive today "jungkook  said  going inside the driver seat .

Taehyung sat inside and was looking outside his mind was occupied with so many things Firstly he was happy for getting job .

Jungkook  took him to hair saloon .

He booked seprated room for older ."sit here okay i will come "jungkook  said and went out .

Older looked around the room there were different types of magazines.
He picked on of it and started looking at it .he hope younger doesn't pull anothere stunt like he did it in the mall .he cheeks Slightly truned pink recalling  youngers moans that day .

He layed on sofa and slowly drifted off .
He didn't he didn't get mych much sleep just night  he was busy preparing for the day .

After some time jungkook entered the room .drying  hia freshly dyed hair with towel .
He eyes fall on taehyung who was peacefully sleeping on armrest of the sofa.

He eyes fall on taehyung who was peacefully sleeping on armrest of the sofa

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He smiled looking at his love he left the towel near and sat infront of him .
He  moved clser to him and softly moved his bangs aways from his forehead.

Taehyung Slightly flinched when he flet cold hands on his cheeks he tried to open his open but he cant he was in deep sleep his eys were slowly  stared to burn he moved his hands to rub his eyes. But soft hands held his and stopping him from rubbing his eyes.

Possessive (taekook)Where stories live. Discover now