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Parks decide to stay there that at night .
Rose was walking in garden only too see taehyung who was in the garden it was almost evening .

Rose talked to taehyung the other was total sweetheart.

"are you working taehyung "rose asked .

Taehyung looked up to see her
"Yes ma'am ".he replayed softly.

"Plz don't call me that am i looking that old to you "rose acted like she was hurt.

"No no maam you look lot younger it just "taehyung was trying to internally panicking.

Rose chuckled looking at other .

She placed hands on olders shoulder .

"Hey i was just kidding ok just call me rose "rose said with smile .

Taehyung gave nod and returning a smile she was second person treating him like normal human .

"Can you show me what are you doing "rose asked.

"Yes i was rosie i was just planting "taehyung said .

She smiled at how other was calling her rosie .

"Can plant one "rose asked .

He was helping rose to how to plant. taehyung was explaining everything .but she was so lost looking at him .

He was so much innocent human being it won't take much time fall for him .rose was thinking how jungkook able to resist all this.

(A/n - plz don't hate any one be good boy like v okay ").

She has seen many boy who flirt her but he different he is special .rose was just looking unaware to black eyes looking at her with burning stare .

Jungkook came outside washroom stood near the window only to see taehyung working in garden.

He didn't move he was jsut looking at him.

But frown from on his face when rose came to taehyung. She was just starting at taehyung without even blinking .

He took near by flower vase and hit the wall .

"Argg what she is doing with him ".

He said and looked at himself at mirror .
Looking totally different it was not him it was someone's else .

He never get jealous now he is feeling it .

But it of something turned on in him.

"You can't like him jungkook "his inner self was saying.

This so much confusing and frustrating for
him .

He just closed the curtains and layed on his bed but he can't sleep images rose and taehyung keep on messing his head .

He just closed his tightly .

It was next Morning they all are having breakfast .

"When you gonna marry rose "chanyeol asked .

"I haven't decided yet anything hyung but i am sure i will not see his status to love him or marry him .i just don't want any rich assh*le in my life I want one who is innocent and total sweetheart ."rose said.

"Really you will not see his status "chanyeol asked

"Love have nothing to do with it hyung it just our ego comes between "rose said looking at Jungkook was giving cold shoulder to her snice yesterday's evening.

She is not too blind to know what going on he was clearly jealous of her .

Jungkook looked at rose.
Rose lightly smirk and looked at him.

"We are so after this status thinking ourself superior they are human too with beautiful heart .which doesn't take much time to steel our heart . If i found that kind of person i wont hesitate to run away with him ".Rose said directly looking at him.

"I just don't want to regret ".rose said lastly said.

She was just indirectly warning jungkook either he treat taehyung like human or she wont hesitate to take him away.

Jungkook just looked away from her .
He got his warning .

"I have to go "kook said .

Fastly running away from the house.

He haven't see taehyung coming in his way .

He collided to taehyung hardly which made both of them to fall on ground jungkook land on taehyung Hitting his face to others chest.

Taehyung cold hand met jungkook waist where his tee went up .the cold hands on his bare skin sent shivers down youngers body .

He looked at taehyung who closed his eyes .

He can feel the others manly scent .which so much addicting .unknowingly he moved his face towards other neck .he was about kiss others neck

Thats when taehyung tired to get up younger came out of trance and stood up immediately.

"Am sor-" taehyung didn't even complete full word jungkook stormed out for there .

Taehyung saw how other cheeks red almost matching with lips color.


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