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Chanyeol stoped working when  man in forties entered his cabin.

"What are you're comments on taehyung "chanyeol asked folding  hsi arms .

"The boy he absolute genius sir .he have creative mind in the long run he could help us many projects .i havent met any one in my life with that much knowledge  "mr.yeon said  giving his report chanyeol.

Chanyeol nodded while listening .
"Where is he know".

"Actually  sir jungkook sir is asking more questions  i think he will give his views too ".

Chanyeol  raised his eyebrow.

"You can leave now mr.yeon "chanyeol said .

His mind already occupied with his brothers behavior .he never conduct amy interview.He never like that process .but yesterday he immediately accepted the his request to conduct interview  and now that he was spending extra time .

Taehyung  came back to reality  when he finally realized what he did .he broke kiss  and moved .

Younger opened eyes .looking at Taehyung  confusingly.

"I need to go "taehyung  said avoiding  younger  .he cheeks are lightly pink .

Jungkook smirked looking at pink cheeks .he totally likes it when older blushes because of kisses.

He gripped older jaw  softly and made him look him .

"Why so fast baby you still some things to complete "jungkook said trancing his fore finger on olders face .

"What  things "taehyung   asked Slightly adjusting his seat  cause jungkook bum was almost touching  his thing .

"You know i haven't  distrubed you whole day  so i didn't get any kiss from  you so you make it up me today ."jungkook said leaning closer to taehyung  lips.

Jungkook attached his lips again on  not even giving time to older .jungkook was taking the lead and taehyung  let him do that .

He Slightly  opened his eyes to look at mirror behind them he can see younger bubbly cheeks (kookbooty on show everyone).

He was    was looking at that .
He hands slowly  made moved up from younger knee to hips .

He always   aroused  when ever  when younger was even close to him .he was never this pervert  .he was never like this .
Younger made him do many things  which he never did .

He was about to touch the his big bum but not his luck this time . Loud knock made both of Slightly  flinch .jungkook the kiss and wiped his  lips .he took his cloth an d softly  wiped older lips which has  his lip gloss smudged on his chin and lips .

He softy  corrected   olders collar before  moving  back .

"Stay here ".

He stood up and went near door to open only to see lia standing infront  .he  gritted his teeth looking  at her.

"What are you doing here lia "jungkook asked folding his hands

"Oh jungkook i want to go out but oppa said youre taking  some ones interview  so i reached here so we can go from here  "lia
Said Slightly  avoiding  someones name even she  knows whose it .
She likes how irritated and angry jungkook can get just looking at him.

She finally  got opportunity  to play with jungkook.

There friendship  was never pure they were close because they were rich in there school  to collage  there was big line between rich and poor .Even they jealous  and hate  each other  but they still act as all good .

"No i have some work "jungkook said .

"On come jungkook dont give me excues "she said and entered the room .

"Why are bragging inside my cabin "jungkook shouted .

Lia looked at Taehyung  inside jungkook cabin. His Slightly swollen lips say everything  .

Small smirk fromed on lia face .
She  was so happy  jungkook breaking his own principles.

He will make sure he will left just like her in end .sacrificing  her  love for so called pride .

"Oh what youre servent is doing in youre office "lia asked jungkook slamed door .

"Thats none of youre business  you can leave "jungkook said still holding his emotions  back  his voice was still stable.

"Dont tell me youre interviewing him jungkook cause since when you even started to talk with poor things like him you   were totally  hating them .youre disgusted even whem they Slightly  touch youre fingers "lia said looking at Taehyung  who was looked little hurt which was clearly  showing  in his eyes .

"That enough lia you can leave now " jungkook growled .

"I will take leave now sir "taehyung  said amd went away jungkook wants to stop him but he can't  .he doesn't  want lia to feed more shot in his head  .

Lia finally turned and looked at jungkook.
"Shall we go know jimin "lia . Smiled looking at jungkook.

But her smiled dropped  when chanyeol  entered the cabin.

"Lia "chanyeol  called her.

Jungkook looked at his hyung who entered the cabin .

"Youre parents  still take appointment  when they enter the parks empire the same goes with you .you cant enter  the co ceo cabin without  permission  even youre his friend."chan said folding his hands .

"And most importantly control youre  worda when youre in this premises  i dont want parks reputation to be runied understood "chanyeol  said

Jungkook smirked looking lia whose whole face lost color .

This what he likes about his hyung directly or indirectly  he always stand for him and defend him .

"Soory oppa "lia and looking down.

Chanyeol  noded ."you can leave now he will join you after coming home  " .chan said .

Lia noded and bowed to older going out  anger tears were dropping from her eyes .she hates parks more then any enemies.

Chanyeol looked at jungkook.

"Taehyung  is in my cabin i want to talk  him after that you both can leave to home okay "chan asked jungkook gave his hyung slight smile and noded his head.

Chanyeol  entred the cabin taehyung  stood near his and bowed to chanyeol again.

"Come will continue  interview  "chanyeol  said .

He wants to directly test taehyung skils cause it was very hard to satisfy mr yeon even best students can't  impress him but taehyung did.

Thats made him more curious  to  test taehyung  .

They held it for almost and chanyeol  was so impressed by both youngers skills and his behavior  .he can say younger was so much well behaved even living in such harsh conditions  .

Small smile fromed on chanyeol  face .this what he wants some one so passionate about  there dream .

"You have so much talent taehyung  have got any job offer before  "chanyeol asked .

"Yes sir i got in kims company  "taehyung. Said .

'Oh kims truly lost a gem 'chan mumbled.
" youre selected taehyung we are looking forward to work with you "chanyeol said

"Thank you so much sir "today really lucky day for him


Enjoy  .

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