chap -20

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Taehyung  body went stiff his mind went blank when jungkook confessed to him.he moved back slowly .He moved his eyes from younger.

Taehyung  was about to go out but jungkook  held his hands

Jungkook  saw how olders eyes went dark to something different  which he can't really know what going on olders head .

He cupped older face and made him look towards him.

"You know you're are first one who I want to be mine and I will not let you go taehyung  .this not just confession  taehyung you won't have any option you mine for this life ".

Jungkook  said and looked at older .he moved his older .and softy kissed on olders lips .

"I marked you as mine taehyung  and I don't want any filthy eyes on you "younger said brushing olders hair on forehead.

Taehyung  heart started beating  super fast  for the each word leaving youngers mouth it was more like younger was showing his authority and power .

"So dont come out baby I will manage it "younger said and went out he can't stay here more time  .

Taehyung  slumed  on his bed .youngers word's  kept reapting  in his mind .Till this day his mind made many theory about the whole youngers behavior  .

But all sudden youngers confession  made everything  come to end  he know younger was not playing  around anymore he was serious about it.He doesn't  know to accept in his mind at  first place .

He held his hair and closed his eyes.

Jungkook  went out with his friends .
Baekhyun looked at younger before shaking his head .

Baekhyun  went to check on tae but younger was already coming as he still have some unfinished work.

Baekhyun looked at olders gloomy face .
"Are you ok tae" baek asked .
Taehyung  looked at him and gave a small smile .

" am okay hyung dont worry ".taehyung said avoiding olders eyes and stared continuing his work .

"I am really sorry for that tae what ever kook said  " baekhyun  said softly that's all he can he do .

Taehyung  immediately turned towards baekhyun.

"No no hyung please don't say sorry it was my mistake I should have do what sir said  am ok now hyung please dont worry about me "taehyung  .

Baekhyun sighed seeing how younger was putting blame on  his own self.

They talked until  taehyung  done with his work .

Baekhyun saw how younger hardly talks anyone other them him .this raised question .
"Do you like some one tae like did you had girlfriend/boyfriend "baekhyun asked.

Taehyung chuckled  at question and shook his ."Am nerd hyung  in my both clg and school  i think it will all answers ".

Baekhyun chuckled at his answers.

"That's doesn't you can't like any one tae  "baekhyun.

Taehyung  stopped his work when older said that .moments with younger came to his mind specially  the kiss and smooches.

Taehyung shook his head before keeping his  exceptions to end.

"I don't like any one hyung "taehyung  Said .

Days passed taehyung was hardly doing any work .jungkook  was making sure of it .

Taehyung  stared  avoiding younger asmuch as he can he left house most of times when jungkook  was at home and nights Jungkook  can't really meet him as chanyeol  was staying in house he work late at night so he staying in living and sometimes sleeping there .it becoming hard for Jungkook to seen older .

It been 3 days olders was totally vanished younger can't even get his glance .

He had enough today he contacted Mr.lee to bring taehyung  to leaving  room .as his hyung was not there in house today it was just baekhyun  and his friends were out .

Baekhyun was getting   ready for his work there he saw taehyung coming behind Mr.lee.

"What happening  "baekhyun  asked .

"Nothing sir young master sai to bring him here "Mr.lee said and bowed to baekhyun to which another gave a small nod .

Jungkook  came down and looked at taehyung. Older moved back to Mr.lee to hide himself from younger angry gaze.

"Drive me to mall "jungkook  said and looked at baekhyun.

"Am going hyung it will take sometime"younger said and went out .

"Go boy "Mr.lee said and taehyung fastly followed younger .he gave a last Glance at baekhyun before going.

"Hope kook won't cross his line this time " .baekhyun mumbled .

Younger sat in passenger  seat and waited for taehyung to start .

jungkook  slient whole time and was tapping his feat continuouslylike he was controlling his anger.

Taehyung  glanced at younger who was looking at road with with stern face .

"W-where I need to drive sir ".taehyung asked with slight shiver evident in his voice.

"You know which mall to go  "jungkook  said still looking at road .

Taehyung  gulped when looking at road they where going to same mall which they went last time .

Taehyung  stopped car infornt of they mall they both went it was different from last time .not even single staff was present and and everything  was closed all windows are closed with  curtains making it impossible to see out from outside .

Taehyung  walking behind Jungkook  .
Taehyung  stopped his walk when halted his steps and turned around .

He gulped looking at jungkook who  walked forward..

In a split second he was couch beneath  him and younger was on him.holding his collar and placing his precious ass on olders stomach .

Younger hovered over taehyung  and held his face with other .

"You think avoiding  me will solve problem taehyung  huh    i will not run behined you to accept my love cause you should have too "younger asked with deep voice .
Taehyung  shivered looking younger this close to him .

" I don't like to be ingroned  you better keep it you're mind ".jungkook said softly  tracing  olders  face with his smooth fingers .

Younger gaze moved from older eyes to lips .
" I missed you baldy these 3 days so ever  avoid me "younger said smashed his soft lips on olders and closed his eyes tasting his lips .

Younger gave harsh bite on older lips to open it up.taehyung closed his when he felt plan in his lips .

He hands automatically  touched younger naked waist as his shirt went up a little .jungkook  shivered when he felt when  taehyung big fingers were tightly  gripping his small waist.

Younger unbuttoned  olders shirt .he slowly  left olders lips and started to give dark hickes on olders  neck .he was  acting like omega in heat .taehyung  scent making him carzy .it making him carve more for it .

Younger nails was digging  his nails on olders back .

He showing  his territory  this way .

Taehyung  moaned when jungkook stared to kiss on his collar bones .

Younger Finally left taehyung after leaving good  amount of marks on oldes neck.

"I love you  "jungkook  said looking at older little teary eyes.

But what they didn't saw was caners red light which was on whole time .


Really sorry for Delay guys
I am busy and Story I am still deciding how to make so it was  taking time ..I had two ways in my mind and am slowly thinking of making it how I want to at first when I started this book.

Hope you enjoys love you❤❤❤❤

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