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Jungkook  stopped and looked at his hyung .

"Hyung are you okay "younger asked his voice was trembling  and his chin was wobbling as he was so close to crying .

He eyes were still finding taehyung  who was not there near his eyes site .

"What will happen to me "chanyeol asked  looking at younger .

"Is --".

"Is taehyung  okay "younger asked clutching  his shirt tightly  .

Chanyeol  looked at younger and signed deeply before leaving younger at door step .
He know it was too late now .

Chanyeol  closed his eyes and truned around he saw younger was going some where .

He sat on sofa before looking at nothing specific but mind in his mind many thoughts were running .

Jungkook  ran to back side of house as fast as he can and bragged inside older room .

Taehyung startled when he saw younger in his room.
His doe eyes where filled with tears .
He stood up .

Jungkook finally breathe again .he mind was imagining many scenarios looking at his brother like this.

he wasn't even listening to what older was saying .

He just throwed himself on taehyung  and hugged other tightly.

Tears where still not stopping from his eyes.
He hands were  caressing   older backs.

"I thought  hyung did something to you " younger said placing gentle kiss on his chest .

The small tear drop of younger which directly landed on his heart made something to taehyung  he liked how younger was afraid of   loosing him .which somehow his first experience even his own father didn't do anything for his like that on day they took him to the jeons mansion.

Younger passed all his test he doesn't  mind if younger is arrogant  he will  manange it .He will face every challenge in his life happily if he gets this kind pure love .

He smiled and placed his arms around younger waist .

"Shh calm down i was okay "taehyung  said caressing younger waist .

Younger Finally  calm down after some time .

Younger looked up at taehyung his eyes were puffly he nose was red he was looked cute with flushed red cheeks .

Taehyung cupped younger which managed  to skip few heart  beats for Jungkook.

"Why he will harm me huh"older asked .

"You know i thought  he know about us and and he  will harm you hyung is like this only "younger said with pout .

Taehyung  smiled at younger "nothing will happen to me your hyung love you so much "older  said .

Jungkook  noded his head .

Taehyung looked at younger he cant control himself  more .

He leaned towards.and softly placed his lips on younger soft petal lips .

Jungkook  smiled in between the  kiss he clucted older shirt to bring him more closer .

Jungkook stared to kiss him back it was not rushed just kiss filled with love .

Taehyung  placed his both arms on around  younger waist and held him little up to kiss properly.
Youngers legs are now in air just above older shoe.

He slammed younger nearest  wall and kissed him properly  there tongues where fighting to take the lead in end jungkook  gave he want   feel how taehyung  will return back kiss as it was his first first time .

They finally broke the kiss after as both were out of breath due to intense kiss .

Taehyung finally placed jungkook on ground  .

Jungkook  stood lightly  on his toes and kissed older forehead .

Taehyung  closed his eyes when he felt petal soft lips on his forehead.

He decide confess younger soon he wants to give it as his birthday gift .

"You should  go now sir is in the house "younger noded his head he gave last kiss on  older lips before going out .

But he didn't  noticed one eyes were on him when he left the room.


It was next baekhyun  was in his law firm setting  his file .

"Sir some one is  wants to meet you " .his assistant said .

"Tell them am busy right now "baekhyun  said without looking up .

"But they said its important  its "assistant said .

Baekhyun stopped his work and looked up .
He gave nod to her .

He adjusted his glasses and fixed his watch.

Kai entered the office  with small smirk on his face .

"Good morning mrs.park " kai and sat infornt  of baekhyun.

"What you want "baekhyun  said floding his hands .

"I thought jeons just holded hostage people and just make them as servent  but i didn't know they use them for pleasure  too "kai said with smirk .

"What hell are you taking "baekhyun roared.

"Be cool mrs.park i wasn't  saying anything without  proof  see   how yours brotherin law with your new maid ".kai said .handing him a pendrive .

Baekhyun heart started beating fast .this cant be happing his kook is not like this .he mind was keep on repeating it .

"You can see when youre free "kai said.

"What you want huh you know chanyeol will kill you if interfere in our personal  life ".baekhyun  said grinding his teeth.

"Who will killed will be decided after you watch  vedio mrs.park "kai said and went away .


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