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It was next morning  baekhyun was making breakfast for jungkook and his  friends. He know how full there where at night he prepared hangover soup for them.

Chanyeol was already left for office it was only them.

He called taehyung for little help.which taehyung accepted with whole heart .

There was only person which gives him his own vibes is taehyung. Baekhyun got to know how pure heart was younger without any ounce of hatred towards anyone.

There both happily making breakfast taking with each other .

"Hyung is this ok "taehyung  showed the consistency of pancakes batter to baekhyun.

Baek closely looked at that gave him green signal to continue  .

Taehyung  started to pour the mixture on the pan.

Jungkook  was looking baekhyun and taehyung interactions with small smile on his lips .
Atleast he will get no objection from him.

"I will come after showering  you can serve  it on table ok "baek said and went away .

Taehyung gave a nod to older.and continued   to his be totally obvious to who is entering into the kitchen.

Jungkook entered kitchen  as soon as older left the room.he slowly went behind the older and hugged from backside .

"Making breakfast baby"younger asked giving small kiss on olders left cheek.

Taehyung stiffed when younger hugged his breath hitched when younger caressed his chest area .night memory flashed in fornt of his eyes where younger pushed older to his room .ripping taehyung  half of the shirt buttons. He kissed older  upper body where ever lia touched .

He whole face turned red when he remembered that .

Jungkook chuckled  looking  at older red cheeks .

"Why are you so shy now baby yesterday morning where literally  eating my lips "jungkook  husked in olders ears .

"I want to return  it too "younger said .older eyes went wide when jungkook  said that .

Jungkook turned of the gas he made older face him.
Youngers eyes were lingering on his taehyungs lips.

He moved closer to older who was taking every step back until his back touched the kitchen counter .

Younger grabbed older nape to bring him more closer to him .
Older was not that tall .he was just few centimeters tall then him.

Jungkook looked at older eyes who was looking at him with big puppy eyes .

Jungkook looked at older eyes who was looking at him with big puppy eyes

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Younger giggled looking at older face .
He smooched olders lips as he doesn't  want to scare his baby more.

Older closed his eyes when he felt soft lips his.he want to taste those lips more .but younger moved back soon.

Older opened his eyes  looking at younger confusingly 😕😕.

"Go to you're room after you done ok "younger said and adjusted older shirt which was messed up by him.

He went out leaving older in kitchen.

Baekhyun  came back after showering .
He saw younger was still working  in kitchen .

"You can leave  tae it will  enough I guess "baek said looking pancakes.

"We will be going out soon eat breakfast ok "baek said packing a box for taehyung.

"Take it when you leave ok ".older asked

"Yes hyung "taehyung  said with boxy smile.

Mike and lia where settled on dinning tabel .
Lia was holding her head.she drunk way too much then Mike.

"Arghh my head "lia said massaging her head.

"May be you shouldn't  drink like it was for free "jungkook  said with straight face .

Lia glared at jungkook when he said that.

"Ok calm down "Baekhyun  said as he bought soupe for them.

"Drink this you will  feel little better "baekhyun said with small smile forwarding  soup for lia and Mike.

"Thankyou so much oppa "she sid taking  soup .

Jungkook rolled his eyes and continued eating his food .

"Tae can you bring me the juice  "baek asked .

Jungkook drop his fork when he seen older was coming near dining area.

Mike and lia both looked at black haired boy coming to them .with small smile

"Who it  hamdsome man oppa is he you're brother "lia asked to baekhyun.

"Ah n-"
"our servant " jungkook cut off baekhyun in middle .

Taehyung smiled faded when younger said that he looked at other who was literally glaring at him.

"Didn't  I said  something  for you mister "jungkook asked raising his voice .

"Kook what is this  behavior you can't do with every one kookie they are humans too you need to respect them  "baekhyun  said  jungkook who was still looking at taehyung.

"Yes sir "taehyung  said .

"Then leave "jungkook said .

Baekhyun sighed looking at jungkook  .
The younger was crossing limits too much and he still can't do anything.

They had they breakfast  Mike and lia went out with baekhyun  as denied jungkook there offer of  going out .

He went towards older and and braged inside without  knocking.

Taehyung didn't looked when younger entered his room .

Younger went near."Didn't I say go to you're room after  that what is you're problem why are so desperate to get there attention. "Younger shouted .

Taehyung  had enough younger was blaming him for nothing .

He stood up and looked at younger darkly.

Cold shivers sent through youngers body when older looked at him with dark .

"I am you're servant right "older taking steps closer to younger who was taking every step back.

"Do you kiss you're servents too huh "taehyung asked caging younger between his body and wall .

He placed both his hands wall caging younger betwwen them.

"Do you claim you're every servant  as you're property "taehyung  moving closer to younger.

Younger looked at older dark  eyes.

He shook his head slowly.

"No it is only you you're only my property ".

"Why me why are you doing all this only to me why are confusing me so much "taehyung  asked.

Jungkook took deep breath and he let out finally which wants to say for long time.

"Cause I love you taehyung ".


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