Its just the beginning ch.3

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      After the staring contest with Hisoka, it was about another half hour before the walls of the room began to shake. The far wall lifted and revealed a tall slender man, who ... had no ... mouth?! It was a very strange sight. Not as odd as some of the mutation quirks they've seen, but still very strange.

     The man said few words, and took off running down the tunnel. Katsuki and shoto stayed relatively towards the middle of the crowd, to stand out the least bit possible. It was only about a kilometer in, and people were dropping like flies. The two boys had to constantly be adjusting their speed to stay in the middle. Little did they know that Hisoka was keeping an eye on them. He watched them speed up or slow down with ease, and noticed how they not only, were not tired, but that they were in better condition then him! He was really intrigued now.

     At one point during the test Katsuki started to act and breath pissy. Shoto almost immediatly picked up on it since they were running so close together. "What's wrong Katsuki?","Nothing you icy hot bastard!! Now shut up and keep running!"  "Aww, c'mon Kat I know somethings bothering you" He tried to get him even more upset be using a nickname, it worked!  "UHHH, I told you to quit giving me STUPID NICKNAMES!! Damn bastard!" he said while he sighed and rubbed the back of his head roughly.  "You still haven't told me what's bothering you." Shoto bluntly points out.  "How can you be so annoying! Uh! Its just that number 99 is using a skateboard."  "That's it? You do know the man up front never said we have to run. He only said we have to follow him." "YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT!! OF COURSE I KNOW THAT! I just wish I was the one who had the skateboard." As he said that last part he crossed his arms and turned his head away from Shoto, pouting like a little kid. He and Katsuki might only barely be friends, but he can't help the feeling that jumps in his chest when katsuki acts off of emotions other then anger. He also found it weird that he wanted that experience all to himself. Unfortunately for him he wasn't the only one who saw kat, Hisoka was watching them from afar. Like a predator stalking its prey.

      When they had finally got out of the tunnel shoto heard kat mumble, a gratefulness for the light, under his breath. As the examiner was explaining the second part of the first phase, one of the creatures came up pretending to be the examiner, and claiming he was the real deal. The other was the imposter. It was so stupid and cliche, but what was even more stupid was the fact that some people were actually entertaining the idea that what the creature said was true! He happened to look at katsuki, and noticed right away the tale tell signs he was about to set off an explosion. In order to stop it he had to do something quick. He didn't have enough time to think of the consequences and took Katsuki's hand in his attempting to cool it down with his quirk. Katsuki gave him a weird look but that was it, Shoto guessed he'd realized what he was doing. Thank All Might I didn't get my hand blown off!

      When the two looked back at their surroundings they saw that Hisoka had taken care of proving which instructor was real and which was the fake. The imposter laid flat in the grass with three playing cards in It's stomach and chest.  "I hope you know, if you do that again you won't be able to take the hunter exam" the examiner gave him a slight glare to show he was serious. Hisoka only responded with a playful "hai~, hai~" 

      The door to the tunnel we came from began to shut, and with a loud "Don't get lost" the second half of the first phase began!!

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