"FINISH HIM!!" Ch.18

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Once they were alone Shoto decided to speak up. "Y'know, you'd make a really good mother." He kissed Kat on the cheek, and went out into the arena. Katsuki was shocked. Where did that bastard get that from? When did he become so bold? How had he not noticed? He chuckled. "What the hell Icyhot, saying that and running off, not cool" He said to no one in particular, before joining the others in the stands.  

When Katsuki made it to the stands he saw Shoto in the ring with a fighter named Sadaso. He had white hair, and was missing an arm. As soon as the fight started a giant hand, almost invisible to the untrained eye, came out of the sleeve where the missing arm would've been. It's fast and launches towards Shoto, grabbing him and pulling him in, winding his fist back getting ready to punch him. Sadaso didn't realize that Shoto and slipped his hands out of the hold, so when he went to punch him, Shoto caught his fist in one hand while he launched a punch of his own, nailing him hard in his jaw. Shoto was dropped and Sadaso stumbled back with blurred vision, the announcer giving Shoto a point. Once his vision cleared, Sadaso launched another attack at Shoto, using his nen-made hand to throw a punch, deciding to keep a safe distance. What he hadn't expected was for Shoto to wait until the last second before side stepping the attack, and rushing him. He also hadn't expected him to be faster then his hand, and couldn't block or dodge in time. *BAM* He was hit again, this time he got nailed in the right temple, stunning him more then the last. Right as he was starting to recover, *CRACK* He was hit again in the jaw, same spot as before. He felt it snap out of place. Shoto was given two more points. When he was about to go on offense again, he had lost sight of Shoto. He felt a tap on his shoulder, and turned around. He was blindsided, with a hit he should've been expecting. It hit the other side of his jaw, snapping it painfully, and messily back into place.  He didn't even have the chance to register what had just happened when he took an upper cut to the gut. But even then he didn't get a break. When he leaned down to grab his stomach he was kneed hard in the nose, breaking it. Shoto got 3 more points, now giving him a total of six, only needing 4 more to win. That was when Shoto heard a familiar cackling from the stands, turning to see its source. There, without fail, was Katsuki. He was standing up arms crossed with a proud grin plastered across his face. "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD THAT IN YOU!! NOW....FINISH THE JOB RIGHT!!" Katsuki shouted his grin turned into an animalistic, shit eating smile, that could easily have anybody turning in their grave. "FINISH HIM!!" Katsuki couldn't wait to see how Shoto would end the fight, leaving him restless in excited anticipation. Shoto only grinned a bit, locking eyes with Katsuki and nodded. He began to approach Sadaso, his grin fading, his eyes going dull and locking onto Sadaso's. His blank stare sending a violent shiver through Sadaso's body, making him wince and shrink back. For every step Shoto took to close the distance, Sadaso scooted back further back in a pathetic attempt to keep the distance. He couldn't scoot back faster then Shoto could walk. In less then a couple minutes of the back and fourth, Shoto had Sadaso's collar in his hands. He decided to use a little bit of his ice disguising it as K.I. to make Sadaso's blood run cold. He leaned in, decreasing the temperature, around them only, and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry, I won't kill you just yet." Sadaso had almost passed out from the fear alone. But Shoto had to finish the Job. He pulled back and landed one good hit to his head, knocking him out. Shoto had won. Now of course Shoto wasn't actually planning on killing Sadaso later, he just wanted to scare him. After the realization he shivered a bit, Katsuki had a bigger influence on him then he'd initially thought.   

Shoto left the arena to go find Katsuki, and boy was he happy when he did. Katsuki came barreling towards him, wrapping his arm around Shoto's neck, pulling him down slightly and began to mess up his hair. "Ha! Good job! I honestly didn't think you had that in you!!" "I learned from the best" A small smile showed on Shoto's face. "You bet your ass you did! Now since you had such and epic fight, what would like for dinner, I'll cook it special!" Shoto replied instantly "Cold soba" It was quiet for a minute before Katsuki began to let out a genuine laugh, "You never change Icyhot! Cold soba it is." Shoto just let out a quiet "Yay". 

Soon after the exchange Gon, Killua, Zushi, and Wing found their way to the boys. Gon and Zushi being excited, and obnoxiously complementing Shoto for the fight. Killua had stayed mostly silent, but you just see the approval and adoration in his eyes. "That was an amazing fight Shoto!" Wing said after the boys had gotten into a quarrel and ran off. "Oh ... um, thanks, I guess" Katsuki just smacked his face at Shoto's sudden awkwardness, deciding to take over the conversation. "I'm making cold soba tonight for us and the boys, you and Zushi are welcome to join." A small whine coming from Shoto's mouth, surprising both boys when he says "But, if you invite more people I won't get as much." They both stared for a moment before chuckling softly and giving a comforting pat to the back, "Don't worry Sho, I'll make extra, in fact I make so much you'll have left overs to last you for weeks!" Shoto looked like he had stars in his eyes when he suddenly fell to his knees, wrapping his arms around Katsuki's waist and burring his head into his upper stomach, where a muffled "Thank you" could be heard. Katsuki just chuckled again and Wing smiled warmly at the show of affection. "We'll be there." Was all he said before walking off to go find his students. 

*Back to when the boys were fighting*  Gon and Zushi suddenly stopped, trying to get more air into their systems after running like they were. Killua however, didn't get the memo, and ended up crashing into Gon. Zushi looked at the two with concern, wanting to make sure they were all right. Gon had landed against the wall with Killua crashing into his stomach and landing on his lap. When Killua had finally got up he reached a hand out to Gon to help him up. Gon takes it, but as soon as he stands up, he tugs on Killua's hand bringing Killua closer. He then grabs his chin lightly, and gave him a very short 3 ish second french kiss. He pulled away to be met with a very red killua, and flustered Zushi. Gon walked over to Zushi's frozen form and waved a hand in front of his face snapping Zushi  back to reality. Not really knowing how to respond to when he just saw Zushi decided to move on like nothing happened, proposing they go sit on the near by couched until the others find them. 

*Present time* Wing could feel where Zushi's nen was, and made his way to him. When he made it to the 3, he hadn't expected to see Gon sitting down with Killua just kind of sprawled across is lap, getting a head massage from Gon. He just signed and decided to ignore it "C'mon you three, we're going to Todoroki and Bakugou's room. They're making dinner for all of us" Killua and Gon hoped up immediately, knowing how good Katsuki's cooking is. 

They made it back to the room, and all enjoyed a nice dinner with each other. Even though it wasn't understood by everyone why Katsuki would make cold soba of all things, but they really didn't care. The food, conversation, and each others company is all they could've asked for. 

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