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A/N: I'm changing the targets slightly in stead of killua, hanzo and the other person who got one of the triplets as a target it will be Killua, Shoto and Katsuki. Also one more thing, we'll say Katsuki was neglected and abused by Mitsuki (Love her, It's just for minor plot) but just a heads up. 

"You all did amazing!" The chairman said, "Now instead of the airship we'll be taking a boat to the next phase. All Aboard!" They all loaded onto the ship and began to do their own thing until they arrived at the island. The chairman watched Shoto and Katsuki load onto the boat. He was curious before, but to find out they already knew and were skilled with nen surprised him to no end. They really were a mystery. And Katsuki, he knew he was perceptive but watching him play with Shoto, he was smart to! He could really be dangerous in the future. It was something he could really look forward to! 

Katsuki and Shoto sat away from everybody, Shoto sat in between Katsuki's legs leaning his head back on his comfy chest. "That was a lot of fun, I'm glad you came up with the slide idea." Shoto said with a soft genuine smile. "Of course! Life could always use more excitement!" "You're a lot smarter then others give you credit for. I have to admit it surprised me at first." "Yeah... *sigh* most people can't stand that I can actually back up my cocky attitude with my quirk and strength. And even though I don't flaunt my brains, it's pretty obvious that my actions are planned out. If your smart that is. Unfortunately those smart enough to see my plan ignore it because they don't like my attitude." "That sounds upsetting, being undermined just because of you're being yourself."  "Sometimes, but I would rather people do that then allow myself to be any other way!" "I'm glad" Shoto said with a small happy, content smile on his face. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep in Katsuki's arms, under the sun. It wasn't the best situation, but DAMN was this moment perfect. 

A few hours later Katsuki was waking up Shoto after being called to the deck. "Icyhot, c'mon get up we have to go, the next phase is about to be explained." "mmmn no, just a little longer" Shoto said while turning around, rubbing his head deeper into his chest and grabbing onto his shirt with a vice grip. "Fine, fine you have 'till we get to the deck" "huh? what?" Katsuki stood up carrying Shoto, who wrapped his legs around his wait to keep from falling, snuggling even closer then before. "I didn't know you were such a sleepy head. What did you do about school?" "Well at first the fear of my father kept me from even thinking about sleeping in. Then of course we moved into the dorms where I got stuck with all of our noisy early birds." Shoto said, but you could hear the eye roll at the last bit, making Katsuki let out a light but deep chuckle. "When you chuckle you sound like you can purr" "What?" "Yeah, I've felt how cats purr, and your chuckle feels the same" "..." He didn't know how to respond, "It was cute" Katsuki flushed at the comment, but quickly calmed is face as he walked onto the deck to join the group. He walked right to front 'n center with Shoto in his arms. An examinee in a bad mood called out "Aren't you embarrassed doing that in public" him and his little group snickered. "Aww, is someone jealous they're all alone" Katsuki said with mocking him with his voice. "Why you - !" *Clap* "Alright, now that everybody's here lets get this show on the road!" Katsuki set Shoto down, keeping a hand on him so he didn't fall down "Would Number 4 please step up to the box" He walked up with a powerful stride "Just grab one right?" "You got it!" He grabbed his and went back to Shoto. "Number 5" Shoto went and got his, before the rest of the numbers were called. Everyone took off their badges and hid them while also beginning to isolate themselves. Katsuki and Shoto were just kind of standing in the middle of the deck talking when they overheard a conversation, Katsuki found it quite interesting. "Are you nervous?" Killua asked Gon, who just kind of starred ahead shaking slightly. Killua was silent for a moment before continuing "Or are you excited?" he asked with a cat like grin on his face. "Both I think" Katsuki smirked after hearing him "Kids got guts!" he said to Shoto "What if he got someone weak? Would it really take any guts then?" "If the person he got was weak, but he got number 44" "poor kid. Why would - " "Man! I'm jealous! I wish I had gotten a stronger opponent, Instead I got one of the triplets." "Oh, wait." "What?" "I got one of the triplets to. That means we can stay together!" shoto said with a monotone joy in his voice. "I know" "You knew?" Shoto asked quirking his brow "Yeah, I set it up that way after I found out who I got. There was no changing who I got but I could manipulate who you got!" "How it was inside a closed box?" "I knew you were gonna pick after me so I made it happen" "That still doesn't answer my question of how?" "I'll leave that one unanswered" "What! But I want to know!" "Sorry" Katsuki said walking away with Shoto following him. He walked right off the boat to the shore, but when Shoto tried to follow him he was stopped. "Nope, you have to wait 2 minutes before you can go." Shoto just glared at Kat, and Kat threw him a taunting smile before going just barely in the tree line and out of sight. Once the 2 minutes were up Shoto went to find Katsuki, and he did after Kat had pounced on him from behind a bush. Both boys got up laughing at the tumble they just took. "C'mon, Lets stay close but out of sight so we can follow the brothers when they come." "Then should we wait in the trees?" "Yes, but we'll have to be careful, it'll be a lot easier to hear us when in the trees." "Got it"

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