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Upon closer inspection they saw that his fingers were cover in metal talons that were acting as armor. But how is he wearing it? They could have sworn he wasn't wearing any defensive gear when they walked in. He wasn't even wearing any when they surrounded him. His clothes weren't ones where he could hide armor like that without being detected, so how? That's when their boss spoke up. "So. You're a conjuror then?" "I don't know what you're talking about?" "Don't play dumb. Is that your nen ability? To conjure armor." "No, it's not. I actually don't have any specific type of nen. I just make it do whatever I want. If it counts and conjuring, then so be it." He shrugged passively. "Don't have a nen type. Then what was that? For not having a type that's some pretty strong armor you 'conjured'" "If you think that's impressive, you should see what they're really meant for!" Katsuki got a little to excited. He was now hunched over in a defensive position. His talons replaced with his gauntlets, and sneering smile on his face. Shoto rolled his eyes at the sight. "Here we go again."

Before the troupe could make any effort to object, Katsuki set off one of his ap shots, aiming for the base of the tall ponytail on top of Nobunaga's head. At first they only noticed that he'd missed, but one the smell of singed hair filled the air, they all took a second look at Nobunaga. They watched him slowly and pitifully reach up and feel his singed hair. After a few moments to let his loss sink in, he unsheathed his sword and launch and attack at Katsuki. He could have used his talons to block again, but what's the fun in that? Instead he fired a larger, less precise shot at his stomach. This sent Nobunaga back several feet, but he was strong, and so he still landed on his feet. None the less you could tell that the blow hurt by his hunched over stance, and sweat already forming on his face. He launched another attack, and again he got blown back. This time his newly cut hair was down and out of the first hair tie. As frustrated as he was, he wasn't about to give up. He rushed in again, but this time Katsuki's gauntlets had gone back to talons. When he swung, katsuki dodged, and made a swipe at him but missed as only his air got cut. However, that was not his counter attack because he felt the contents of his stomach being pushed out thanks to the force of Katsuki's punch to the gut, then he got blown back by an explosion let out by the now un balled fist right next to his stomach.

Chrollo did not miss the fact that the gauntlets were not needed to produce explosions, but that they helped with control. He watched as Nobunaga kept getting thrown back. "What the hell is that kid doing? He's not getting anywhere. His attacks are't anywhere near strong enough to take him out, but he's only doing one or two moves over and over again." Said Pakunoda, the others watching agreeing with her. Chrollo only ignored them and turned to look at Shoto who was both shaking his head in disappointment and chuckling with a hint a amusement in his eyes. This combination was a strange one, but he could guess where it was coming. As soon as he had that thought there was a much louder explosion that sounded, drawing his eyes away from Shoto and to the fight. Chollo looked just in time to see Katsuki soaring towards Nobunaga, the first real offensive move he's made so far, and use a second perfectly timed explosion to switch trajectory, and land a knock out blow that sent his opponent flying, landing in front of his comrades. When Chrollo got a good look at Nobunaga's face, more specifically his hair, his suspicions were confirmed. He also heard Shoto laughing quite a bit louder then before. Moving closer to him he asked, "What's so funny?" Shoto stopped laughing and looked to the man. The question had a tone of pure curiosity with no animosity behind it, so he thought he'd indulge the man. "I fully expected him to get out here and wipe the floor with you all, not holding back at all." "It that not what he did with Nobunaga?" Chrollo asked, already knowing the answer, but wanting more then just that. Shoto picked up on it, but talked anyway "No" Chrollo thought the kid would talk more, but he really had to pry, "Then what was he doing?" Shoto let out a small chuckle at the frustration, not escaping Chrollo. What Shoto could play his own little mind games if he wanted! "He likes to mess with people. He also obviously couldn't stand the guy's hair cut seeing as that's what he chose to target." "I see. Quite the character then." "You have no~ idea" With that Chrollo could tell that the conversation was over and looked back over to the center of attention. Katsuki. "Oh yeah!! WHY DON'T YOU COME DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT THEN!!" He was taunting the other members, and soon enough he launched forward, choosing his next target.

It had only been 10 minutes but there were only three members left standing, Feitan, Machi, and Hisoka. He had just finished with Sphinx, and made eye contact with Machi. She, eager to put a stop to him, accepted his silent challenge. They rushed at each other, Machi getting her thread out, ready to deal lethal damage. Katsuki dodged the thread last second and delivered a quick but effective jab, breaking 3 ribs. As Machi went to quickly look at her side to access the damage Katsuki stepped in, using his hips for momentum, and elbowed her square in the face. Machi could feel her vision blurring. She new she had to do something quick before he had the chance to attack again. She sent nen to her hands and face healing herself. When her vision cleared up, she was met with Katsuki already in her face launching yet another attack. This time he threw hard punches, one after another. He hit her all over, but he mainly focused on her solar plexus and face. While he did a lot of damage, Machi was still a very skilled fighter so she was able to block most of his punches. It didn't matter to Katsuki though, he'd just have to punch through her defenses. Katsuki didn't stop his barrage of punches, and the loud cracking of Machi's arms breaking could be heard. Once he'd rendered her arms useless, he was landing all his punches, delivering the final punch to her solar plexus before she finally passed out.

"Looks like I'm next" Feitan said as emotionless as ever. "Guess so!" Katsuki said in a childish manor. The sudden childishness annoyed Feitan and Katsuki knew it, they both did, which is why it annoyed his even more. His game was torture, but he could definitely fight is he needed to, and he needed to. He was not about to let this nobody that caught the bosses interest just walk in here and beat all of them. He couldn't, it'd be a disgrace. So he rushed in, completely prepared to rip his heart out, but Katsuki sidestepped, grabbed his wrist, and pinned him very similarly to how he had pined Gon earlier. "You should know I don't like when people touch what belongs to me." Katsuki had leaned down and whispered in his ear. He was about to threaten him some more, but all of a sudden, he saw a foot slam down into Feitan's head, knocking him out. Katsuki stood up angrily. "Hey!! I wasn't done with him yet!" "Yes you were" "No I wasn't!" "Well I decided you were done, so I knocked him out for you" '"Wha- you can't just decide that for me!" "I can when you're whispering in his ear, and I see him blushing" "You were just seeing things, I was threatening him!" "Yeah well he's out now, so to bad."

Chrollo just watched the whole time, completely amazed by the two. He was the boss of the strongest and most infamous criminal group, yet these two teenager could beat them without even breaking a sweat. It was in-fathomable. He also noticed Shoto's reactions to how close and personal Katsuki's fighting style got at times. All of it was so entertaining. He had yet to figure out what their nen abilities were, but he figured Katsuki's was centered around his explosions. As he was thinking he heard shuffling behind him. Hisoka stood up, and made his way to the two boys. "I guess it's finally my turn~" All three dropped into battle stances, each acknowledging the other as a worthy enough opponent to take seriously. Chrollo really needed to keep these two for himself.

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