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"Well! Don't just stand and stare. What do you bastards want!" Katsuki taunted. "If it's the kids, you can give it up." Shoto said, giving an icy glare, sending shivers down their spines. While shoto's glare could kill, the chill came from his nen. very little was used, but it was expertly controlled and went unrecognized. Being the first to break out of the trance they were in, machi just gave them one word. "You." She said pointing at Katsuki. "Seems you've peaked the boss' interest so you'll be coming with us." Katsuki just smirked, excited to play some mind games, maybe have a fight or two! "Ok." "Ok?" Machi repeated, confused. "Ok, I'll go with you."

Shoto just looked at the troupe, then back at Katsuki. "Why must you always look for trouble?" "Huh!! The hell you saying?!" Shoto just blankly starred, getting his point across perfectly fine without words.  Katsuki just huffed "You call it trouble, I~ call it fun." He said crossing his arms over his puffed out chest as he so often did. "Yeah, well, I don't care what you think it is, it's trouble." Now it was Katsuki's turn to blankly stare. He stared for a solid 5 Mississippi before hitting Shoto on the top of the head. "!!! That hurt." Shoto said with no tone in his voice. "Yeah well maybe you should think more before just spewing nonsense." "And maybe you should think before doing something stupid or troublesome" The two just stared the other down with an intense gaze, the arguing now being done non-verbally.

The troupe members just stared on, bewildered at the gaul of those two! How could they sit there and have a lover quarrel when they were surrounded by THE phantom troupe!? Nobunaga cleared his throat, "Hey. You're still coming with us. The boss hates waiting." Shoto and Katsuki stared at each other a second more before tuning to look at him. They then looked at each other, and back to him before standing strait up, and making their way over to them. "Hai, hai. we're coming." "No. Boss only wants to see you." Katsuki stops and looks him square in the eyes, "Well your boss can suck it. He goes, or neither of us do." "You think you have the power to deci-" "Yes I do." Katsuki said, cutting him off, his tone deadly serious. Nobunaga stared back for a second, seemingly looking for something in Katsuki's eyes. "Fine, just come along."

By the time they had made it back to their temporary and run down base, they were tired of the two. They were always arguing with each other. Finding the silliest things to disagree on. It was mostly a set up. Talking about topic they knew they disagreed on, but obviously the others didn't know that. "Boss! We're back." "I assume you brought who I asked for?" Chrollo called back. "And more" Feitan grunted in dissatisfaction as they entered the main room. Hearing his words Chrollo looked up at the entering group and spotted two unfamiliar faces. "So. Which is the one I asked for and who is 'and more'" He asked, a curious but predatory look in his eyes. Katsuki got pushed forward, "This is the brat you were looking for." "So you're the one who stole our hostages." "Well it's naturally your faults. You stole our precious children before we stole your hostages." "Children?" Feitan questioned dryly. "Figuratively, yes." Shoto piped up, just as dryly. Chollo looked to him "And why are you here, I only called for your friend?" "I need to make sure that he doesn't cause to much trouble. Our 'children' are counting on him for dinner tonight" His statement and confidence in it, a confidence that caught Chrollo's attention. His statement implied that he believed they could leave whenever they felt like it. "Well, what the heck did you want me for?! I don't know if you heard, but I'm kind of on a dead line here." "Yes, well you took our previous hostages which means we need new ones. We also need information on the chain user and where Uvogin is."

Chrollo was indeed looking for information the the two subjects, but he was more interested in Katsuki's response. "Well, I won't tell you much about the chain user, but I will tell you that he buried your friend 6 feet under." "You brat!" Nobunaga snapped, going to hit him. Instead, though, Shoto calmly stepped forward next to Katsuki, and stopped the hand from reaching its target. They all stood there, someone had dared stop Nobunaga's hand. Someone they barely knew had the strength to. This of course infuriated him, and he drew his sword. His boss asked for the blond, which meant he could do whatever he wanted to the other one. He raised it over his head and swung. It all happed so fast. The troupe watched as Shoto's eyes simply to the side at Nobunaga in disinterest. Right when Nobunaga's blade was about to make contact, Katsuki's hand reached out and effortlessly grabbed the sword. This shocked the troupe even more. Catching his hand was one thing, but catching his sword was a whole other ball park. Just who was this kid.

Upon closer inspection they saw that his fingers were cover in metal talons that were acting as armor. But how is he wearing it? They could have sworn he wasn't wearing any defensive gear when they walked in. He wasn't even wearing any when they surrounded him. His clothes weren't ones where he could hide armor like that without being detected, so how? That's when their boss spoke up. "So. You're a conjuror then?" "I don't know what you're talking about?" "Don't play dumb. Is that your nen ability? To conjure armor." "No, it's not. I actually don't have any specific type of nen. I just make it do whatever I want. If it counts and conjuring, then so be it." He shrugged passively. "Don't have a nen type. Then what was that? For not having a type that's some pretty strong armor you 'conjured'" "If you think that's impressive, you should see that their really meant for!" Katsuki got a little to excited. He was now hunched over in a defensive position. His talons replaced with his gauntlets, and sneering smile on his face. Shoto rolled his eyes at the sight. "Here we go again."

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