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Chrollo just watched the whole time, completely amazed by the two. He was the boss of the strongest and most infamous criminal group, yet these two teenagers could beat them without even breaking a sweat. It was in-fathomable. He also noticed Shoto's reactions to how close and personal Katsuki's fighting style got at times. All of it was so entertaining. He had yet to figure out what their nen abilities were, but he figured Katsuki's was centered around his explosions. As he was thinking he heard shuffling behind him. Hisoka stood up, and made his way to the two boys. "I guess it's finally my turn~" All three dropped into battle stances, each acknowledging the other as a worthy enough opponent to take seriously. Chrollo really needed to keep these two for himself.

Despite being in battle stances the three all remained at a stand still. Waiting to see what the other party did, and not wanting to be the first to attack. Hisoka thought they would be like Gon where if he waited long enough they would make the first move. He was dead wrong. Instead he was met with the patient face of Shoto who looked like he had all the time in the world, and Katsuki's sneering smile that was taunting him to make the first move. Realizing that they weren't going to budge, Hisoka stood up out of his defensive stance, and put on a hand on his now popped out hip. "You really are going to force me to make the first move aren't you?" Katsuki scoffed, "Hell yeah we are! You're the power hungry, sadist, masochist, pervert!" "Considering we're giving you the fight you want, why wouldn't we make you work for it?" Shoto added, shrugging like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Well whatever~" Hisoka said as he took off towards the boys.

Chrollo was surprised by hisoka's speed, not knowing he could even move that fast. He was even more surprised, however, when Katsuki blocked the fast attack and threw a counter jab followed by an explosion. It was much bigger then the ones used previously. It threw HIsoka back and through the wall of the hideout. Taking this opportunity Shoto turned to Katsuki and asked "Should we just give him what he wants?" To which Katsuki shrugged "Eh. Give it 10 minutes. If he hasn't given up by then, go all out." "What about you? You gonna go all out?" Shoto giggled, and Katsuki laughed at the idea. "I don't want to level the place!"

Chrollo was taken aback by what he'd just heard. Was this boy really so full of himself that he thought he could level their base? His explosions were strong yes, but they were strong because they were right up close. Surely he didn't have much more fire power then that. It would be absurd for someone to have that much power in one strike alone, not to mention at his age. But what if he really did? What if he wasn't full of himself, but could really level the entire building? It was a frightening thought, but a thought Chrollo easily welcomed. Man, he really needed them for himself, but he'd be patient ... for now.

When Hisoka had finally up, and menacingly walking through the hole in wall, his hair was disheveled and he had his own sneering smirk on his face. "OH~ I loved that! Give me more~!!" He said as he made yet another charge at the duo. "YOU ASKED FOR IT!!" Katsuki yelled, also charging forward, leaving Shoto to fall back and have his back. The two clashed throwing punch after punch and jab after jab. Both completely enthralled in the battle. Even though Katsuki wasn't going all out, he still greatly enjoyed the exchanging of fists. Hisoka had landed his first blow on Katsuki that threw his head to the side. Hisoka went in for a second punch, but he faltered in a brief moment of fear. Katsuki's sneer grew as he snapped his head back, looking him directly in the eye and landed a hard blow to his jaw. Unlike Hisoka, he succeeded in landing a second blow. While the first blow was to his jaw, disorienting him, the second was to his stomach, dropping him to a knee, making him kneel on the hard concrete floor. Katsuki grabbed a fist full of Hisoka's hair, pulling his head back, popping small explosions so they were just barely in his line of sight. "How does that feel for ya!" Katsuki said as he moved his hand closer to Hisoka's face, increasing the amount of heat he was feeling.

Hisoka may be sick, but he was not about to let this kid get away with this. At Katsuki's taunt he only smirked. He snaked his arm around Katsuki's waist pulling him in almost flush with his own body and making him almost sit on the knee holding him up right. "Careful~ You may be strong, but that doesn't mean I'm weak." HIsoka's other other hand climbed it's way up Katsuki's leg. Right before going to far, Katsuki yanked on Hisoka's hair, and made him look him directly in the eye, the sudden and intimidating movement wiping the smile off Hisoka's face. "Don't." Katsuki warned, voice low and deadly serious. Both sat there face to face not moving while the threat took it's time to register in Hisoka's. He heard the threat, was scared of the threat, but what's the point of an exciting fight if you don't take risks? As he finished his thought, a perverted smile made its way back on to Hisoka's face. He continued the upward movement of his hand, the eye contact still being held. Right when he was about to go the last little bit Katsuki's hand took a firm grip on his wrist.

Everything was silent. Nobody was moving. Katsuki was still being held flush against Hisoka, and Katsuki still had Hisoka's wrist and hair in his hands. Slow footsteps started making their way towards Hisoka and Katsuki. Hisoka made and attempt to look around Katsuki but his head head was kept painfully in place. Chrollo just watched as Shoto slowly made his way over to the two. He stood tall behind Katsuki, looking down on Hisoka, who was now rightfully scared shitless from the looks he was receiving from the two. Shoto wound up and punched Hisoka hard in the face. A flicker of red could be seen, followed by the smell of burning flesh. Chrollo and Hisoka were stunned.

"What the hell kind of nen is that?" 

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