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Today was a good day. At first Shoto thought about going home and still becoming heros, but since coming here he's felt himself get stronger, he gets to be free, and he gets to spend all this time with Katsuki. His day gets to start and end next to the explosive blond. He also gets to be away from his horrid and abusive family dynamic, so he's come to the conclusion that coming here has been the best thing to have happened to them. He didn't regret it at all. "Night Kat." He whispered before finally succumbing to sleep.

They woke up the next morning to Killua and Gon barging into their and jumping on the bed with, adding to the pile of limbs. "Morning!" Gon whisper yelled with his signature smile adorning his face. "Morning Gon" Shoto said, moving his eyes to his but his staying in its place on the pillow. And Katsuki only gave a groan in response while burying his face deeper into his pillow. He was on his stomach with his legs slightly parted so Killua had just curled up in the small space, and snuggled into one of his thighs. Gon had been sitting on the bed but once he saw that no one was about to get up he opted to join the pile by fitting himself into Katsuki's side and pulling Shoto's arm over him. 

They continued to sleep in, and past noon, waking up around 1:30. Katsuki was the first to wake up and un-tangle himself. He made his way to the Kitchen and started making fluffy rice omelets, and sweet strawberry filed crepes to go with. The smell that began wafting through the house had not escaped Gon's nose and he woke up, his movement woke up Shoto who caught on instantly to what Gon was  drooling over. He calmly got out of the bed and began to head for the kitchen while Gon leaned down telling Killua that Katsuki had made breakfast. In turn Killua's eyes shot open and he speed into the kitchen almost knocking Shoto off his feet when he flew by. Gon just chuckled and ran after Killua, in a normal speed of course.

Killua's sudden entry into the kitchen and made Katsuki turn around, "What's got you in such a rush?" Katsuki asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Oh nothing, say, what'er you make n'?" Killua asked "Rice omelets, and crepes" Killua had stars in his eyes after hearing about the sweet treat. By that time the other two had also made it into the kitchen. "You guys wait at the table I'm almost done" Katsuki said as he was plating the last dish before skillfully balancing and carrying all of them over. Not even a second after the plates were placed in front of them, they were digging in covering their faces in rice and cream from the crepes. Shoto and Katsuki just laughed at how excited the boys were. After the delicious meal they headed over to the counter where they had first checked in and where they got their scheduled fights to see if anyone had challenged them. To no ones surprise there were no challenges for Shoto or Katsuki after the examples they made of  Gido and Sadaso. There was however a new challenge for Gon from Sadaso. He had seen his fight with Gido and probably thought Gon would be an easy win. Killua of course was not happy about that, but he would wait before doing anything. When Killua focused again, he realized that he also had a new challenger, Riehlvelt. He figured, with the trend of opponents, that he was the third person in the wheelchair he saw with Gido and Sadaso. He also saw that the fight was scheduled for the end of the week while Gon's was tomorrow afternoon. That definitely wasn't enough time! "What the hell are they doing scheduling him so soon!" He voiced outwardly. "Tch" Katsuki was obviously annoyed at the decision as well, Shoto shaking his head looking at the sheet in his hands.

They walked away from the stand with their moods now soured. "Lets go sight seeing" Shoto suddenly suggested, "We do have the rest of the day" Katsuki said nodding along. "Yeah!" Gon said excitedly said, beginning to skip towards the elevator doors. They enjoyed a nice day out on the town, they went shopping, got dinner, and even got to watch the sunset from the top of Heavens arena when they  got back. It was dark and they were finally starting to get tired, with Gon already being asleep. They made their way to their floor before splitting to go to their respective rooms.

When Killua got to his and Gon's room, he laid Gon on the bed before leaving the room again. He had made his way to Sadaso's room he saw him standing in front of the mirror. He concealed his aura and snuck up behind him, somehow getting his hands on a kunai  looking knife. He got right behind Sadaso and brought the knife down stopping just above his head, getting his attention. With a dark shadow over his eyes he began to threaten him. "You move. you die. you make a sound. you die. use nen, and you die. You will show up to the fight tomorrow, but you will forfeit. Do.I.Make.Myself.Clear.?" Before Sadaso could answer he was interrupted, "Don't. Close your eyes if you understand."

After closing his eyes, and opening them again, Killua was gone. He was satisfied with the results of the visit, and made his was back to his room to get some sleep. He changed and got under the covers immediately being grabbed by Gon, and pulled into his chest. He just snuggled closer, enjoying his company. Happy and Content he drifted into unconsciousness with Gon by his side.   

A/N: Hey! Just wanted to say sorry for the shorter chapter but I really appreciate the support I've been given and SO happy to be over 7K so THANK YOU!! See you in the next chapter!!

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