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A/N: I made some changes to the previous part so got check that out otherwise this next part might be a little confusing.

     "Listen up! I'm Menchi and this is Buhara. We will be your examiners for the next phase!"

A louder then intended "Tch" was heard from Shoto's mouth. All he wanted was to rest in Katsuki's arms while he was finally calm. But now it was too late for that, Kat was practically shaking with excitement now.

"Alright, the next phase is simple, all you have to do is cook a meal that both me and Buhara like, and the main ingredient has to be pork. Any questions?" As Menchi finished up the faces on almost all of the contestants were becoming bitter and angry. Menchi took note of this and was prepared to give a harsh lecture they'd never forget.

Before anyone got the chance to protest however, a loud "HELL YEAH!!! YA'LL 'R GOING DOWN! HAHAHAH" could be heard. A split second later it was silent. They turned to the blond who was fighting Shoto who had his hand over Katsuki's mouth. "You need to watch your volume and what you say, your going to say something that could get us killed one of these days" Shoto said followed by a sigh, "Promise to be quiet" he said looking at Katsuki, who lightly nodded. Shoto slowly removed his hand only to be smacked hard in the back of the head by Katsuki's fist. He fell forward a bit and clutched his head in pain. Everyone was still looking on in curiosity and he hated how he was embarrassed in front of everybody, so the only thing to do, revenge obviously! Shoto exaggerated his pain going into a kneeling position. From there, using the ground to stabilize himself, he kicked out one of his legs, tripping Kat and bringing him to the floor. Once Kat was on the floor he stood up with his neutral expression in place and acting as if nothing happened. Meanwhile Katsuki was standing up, and about to go after Shoto, but he turned around and caught his hands, the two pushing against each other's heads (like the anime head butt fight scenes). Everyone there wondered if they were the same people who were literally JUST cuddling for SEVERAL HOURS while waiting for the others to arrive!

Menchi thought things were getting out of hand so she finally decided to intervene, "I LOVE THE ENTHUSIASM!" she yelled to get everybody's attention. Shoto and Katsuki finally settled down to listen and went back to leaning on each other, leaving everyone else to *sweat drop* at their actions. Once she had everyone's attention Menchi continued to explain the second phase. As she did she was disappointed to see the upset or neutral faces of the examinees. Excluding Katsuki of course, cooking was something he loved, a hobby, one of the only things he had time for back home other then taining to be a hero, and his growing excitement was written all over his face.

When Menchi let everybody go Katsuki picked Shoto up and booked it so he could get what he wanted first. When he saw the giant pigs, he without hesitation threw Shoto into the heads of two pigs killing them before anyone else was in sight. He picked both the giant pigs and Shoto before booking it to the cooking space he wanted, and situating Shoto next to him. Not giving Shoto even a moment to express how annoyed he was at being thrown around like a rag doll. Next he went back out to collect ingredients to add to his dish. He picked up lots of edible flowers and apples before returning to his station. He didn't want to admit it but he was worried about Shoto, everyone knew he couldn't cook if his life depended on it. He started preparing the utensils, bowls, pots and food he would need. He looked around before he started cooking and notices that half of the people were only planning to cook the pig whole, WHOLE! He figured a lot of them were idiots, but this was just sad! Even Shoto was doing better, and that's saying something!

Katsuki decided to tune everyone else out and focus on cooking, which is why he couldn't feel the multiple pairs of eyes on him, one of them being Shoto who was admiring and checking him out with zero hesitation. When Katsuki finally came to he saw Shoto looking at him, then looked at Shoto's dish before yelling, "DAMN IT ICYHOT! GET TO WORK! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING SLACKING OFF!? YOU'RE NOT GOING TO PASS THIS PHASE IF DON'T EVEN TRY TO COOK ANYTHING!!", "Right, sorry~" Shoto hummed in a playful tone before attempting to make something edible.

Everyone started presenting their dishes to Menchi and Buraha, but the best score anyone got was a single pass mark, but you need two in order to pass the phase. Katsuki seriously disagreed with the scores people got, I mean they didn't even deserve one pass mark!! It was outrageous! Of the people who got a pass, more then half of them barely cooked the pig adequately! None of them looked appetizing, and only about two people added an ingredient other then the pig itself, which still looked pathetic as HELL!!!

It was Shoto's turn to present his dish, and Katsuki had to admit that it at least looked edible this time. When he presented his dish, the Menchi and Buraha actually tried his food! Unfortunately Menchi started berating him like she did every other examinee so far. The difference between Shoto and the others is that by the end of the verbal beating, he was smiling, which confused Menchi and everyone else to no end. "I ... Why are you smiling?", " what do you mean?" , "I mean exactly what I said, I just verbally destroyed you, and failed you. So tell me, why the hell are you smiling!?", "Oh ... that? That was nothing, it was actually the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my cooking. Well I mean Katsuki is the only other person to have witnessed my cooking, so your really only being compared to one person...", "I ... Who's Katsuki?" Mechi asked, and Shoto pointed to him. She couldn't say she wasn't surprised, but could this guy really be worse then her? Just then Katsuki spoke up, "Sorry about him, we're working on his cooking skills, just be glad that dish was actually edible, I mean you should have seen his first attempt at cooking - " Just as he was about to go on Shoto cleared his throat and said, "And that's him being calm about it" He only blinked and shivered remembering the first time Katsuki caught him trying to cook. Menchi could almost feel his pain through his expression alone. "Well if you lecture someone so harsh about their cooking you better have the skills to back it up" She said with a smirk, one that Katsuki gladly returned. "Of course I do, I AM~ Katsuki after all!" with that he brought his dish up to be judged. When he revealed his dish the smell that had built up and been released made every single mouth water. Buraha dug in without any hesitation. Menchi showed a bit more control and took the time to look at the presentation, which was on a professional level, but was she going to say that? Of course not! She finally decided to dig in and felt all of the flavors melting on her tongue, it was delicious! "Why not take a sip of the tea too?" Katsuki said with a smirk. "Whaa...? Okay" Menchi took a sip, and the flavor of the tea mixed perfectly with the food, this was next level!! When it was time to vote Menchi and Buraha both held up pass marks, making him the only contestant to pass.

Katsuki smirked even wider, turned around and shouted, "SEE THAT!" He said pointing at the marks with his thumb over his shoulder, "THAT MEANS I'M BETTER THEN ALL OF YOU EXTRAS!!" BAMM Shoto had hit Katsuki in the head "THE HELL ICYHOT!! HOW DARE ... you" Katsuki looked over to see Shoto with his hands on his hips with a 'try me' look in his eyes, staring at him. Katsuki just squatted down and held his head mumbling curses under his breath. Most everyone was seething with anger at what Katsuki had just said, shouting amongst themselves.

In all of the chaos the chairman had come down from a blimp and scolded Menchi for her prejudice, and asked her to choose another test. She just smirked, "I have the perfect idea, say, chairman, can we use the blimp?" , "Of course, What's the destination?", "Split mountain!" Menchi said with a sadistic smile on her face.

"ALRIGHT! Listen up there has to more then just one of you to pass the exam so load up your redoing the second phase. Just know this time is going to be a lot more dangerous for those who aren't ready to be hunters. Prepare yourselves." And with that part two of the second phase was set into motion!

A/N: Hope you enjoyed, see you next part!!

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