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Gon and Shoto refused to put Killua and Katsuki down. Instead they just walked off, heading to get lunch before packing and leaving for York New. The two were finally put down once they reached the restaurant. It was a bit fancier then the ones they'd been visiting, but they enjoyed themselves, talking and laughing. They enjoyed the moment, because they had no idea what to expect in York New, especially after Hisoka's warning.

The next day they all got up and made their way to the airship that would bring them to York New. One thing they hadn't anticipated was how long the flight would take. The first thirty minutes were fun and exciting just because of the semi-new experience. After that was a nightmare for Katsuki. Killua and Gon were finding things to entertain themselves, and usually involved a significant amount of noise or movement. Both were extremely annoying to Kat. The annoying excitement only died down after a couple hours. They still had a long flight to go, but at least Shoto and Kat could have a moment of peace now that Gon and Killua were asleep. "They're asleep, now what?" Shoto asked. The two had been his main source of entertainment. Now that they were asleep, he himself was board. "I don't know, I'm just glad it's quiet." "But that's boring." "Maybe, but at least the quiet isn't giving me a massive headache, or getting us a bunch of scornful stares." "I didn't think you cared about that. I mean you are aware of how you used to act back home." Katsuki just chuckled "Icyhot, I thought we went over this. I only acted that way to see people's reactions." "I still don't understand why though?" Katsuki heaved a sigh. This might take a while. "Well, I did it because of my views of our former society. Because we wanted heros, villains were born. Now criminals are more dangerous, and more lives are lost then if civilians would just get off their lazy asses, and learn how to defend themselves. Now that they can 'count on the heros' they rely on them, and blindly believe they're going to be their if they ARE in trouble." Shoto just nodded along, following what he was saying as best he could, trying to wrap his mind around what he just heard. Katsuki continued," Point is, they have this warped sense of how a society and -" "Maybe it's you with the warped perspective." Shoto suggested, also board and wanting as much entertainment as he could get. "In brain it makes perfect sense, therefore it's everyone else with the warped perspective." He said crossing his arms over his chest, in a confident and sure manner. "Anyway, I just like behaving in a way that will elicit a reaction from them. How a person reacts says a lot about them. The same is true about a group of people. By acting out in a public place I can see where their ideas and morals lay. I do it to analyze our community. I continued to act out because more often then not, people disappoint me." Shoto was quite impressed with his thinking. He knew he was smart, but his views were also so different an d entertaining. Not wanting the conversation to end he asked "What about me?" "Huh?" "You've acted out around me, what did you think of my reaction?" Katsuki was quiet for quite some time, thinking. "well-" he began then sighed and Shoto looked at him "well, to be honest, I don't know. To me you're a mystery or an unknown. At first I found your reactions concerning, and since I couldn't read you, I kept my guard up, in case you were dangerous." "Really? Then what about now?" "Now, I realize that you are dangerous, just not to me. To me you're like ... a giant puppy." He said nodding his head, agreeing with himself. Shoto didn't like this "You're comparing me to a dog?" Hearing it out loud only made Katsuki chuckle, doing his best to not completely lose control and wake up their sleeping companions. "It's not funny." Katsuki only turned to look at Shoto's face before slapping a hand over his mouth, keeping his laugh contained was even more difficult.

"Kat." Katsuki stopped and sat up, looking at Shoto, who was staring him down, clearly not amused. Despite the threatening aura in the air Katsuki still refused to break character. "What do you want Icyhot?" Shoto just starred at him. It felt like he was starring into his soul, and Katsuki didn't dare move. He couldn't figure out what Shoto wanted, but didn't want to risk asking again. After 5 whole minutes Shoto smirked at him. At this Katsuki quickly looked him up and down. "THE HELL ARE YOU SMIRKING FOR?!" Shoto didn't answer, instead he leaned in towards Katsuki with no sign of stopping. This forced Katsuki to scoot back, only to be follow by Shoto scooting forward. This repeated a couple of times before Katsuki felt the wall right up against his shoulder. Before Shoto could close the distance, he turned so his back was facing the wall (now sitting sideways on the seat) and his feet were in between him and Shoto. He had hoped Shoto would stop his advance, but he didn't. Instead he felt his ankles and feet being grabbed, and parted slightly. Shoto had passed his last line of defense, and was oncec again starring at his face. The only difference was the proximity. Now they're noses were almost touching, and they could feel each others breath. Without warning Shoto reached up and grabbed his face with both hands. He looked at Katsuki's neck and face. He licked all the way from his collar bone, up and over his lips, stopping just his nose. He had felt Kat squirming in his hands the whole time he'd occupied his mouth. He didn't let go, but he did pull back. He loved what he saw, a red and flustered Katsuki, who was both pissed that he broke his character, and confused. "W-why did you do that you icyhot bastard!?!?" Shoto only tilted his head to the side, that now, portrayed an innocent expression "What do you mean, aren't I a big puppy? It's only natural." Katsuki just glared at his method of payback, but soon after started chuckling. "Wow sho, didn't know you were such a smart ass" he continued to laugh. "Well I am, now -" Shoto quit supporting himself, now laying on Katsuki, his head on his chest, looking up into Katsuki's eyes "-give your adorable puppy some attention." This only made Katsuki laugh even harder, but complied, and started rubbing his head and playing with his hair.

Both of them were right on the cusp of sleep when "ATTENTION PASSENGERS! WE HAVE ARRIVED IN YORK NEW! PLEASE COLLECT YOUR THINGS AND CALMLY EXIT THE AIR SHIP! THANK YOU, AND HOPE YOU ENJOYED YOUR FLIGHT!" The intercom turned off, Gon and Killua were slowly getting up, and our two lovebirds were groaning in annoyance, headaches and eye bags already forming. They were finally in York New.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed! This part is bit longer then others, but it was a lot of fun to writ, and I want to thank you all for your continued support! See you in the next part!

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