How in the Hell?! Ch. 49

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"Wahh! We did it Killua! We beat greed island!" Gon said and he jumped on Killua giving him a tight squeeze. "We. Did.    Now. Let go. Before I pass out!" Gon released him and backed away shyly "opps. hehe. sorry Killua." Killua sighed seeing Gon's face looking so hurt "It okay" he said rubbing his head. At that Gon beamed. "Wha-! You little faker." Gon just laughed at his accomplishment. He had gotten Killua to give him public affection. "So" Killua's voice brought his attention back, "What now?" Gon smirked, something that unsettled Killua "We're going to use this!" "That's just the chameleon card." "Not. Quite." "huh?" They watched as the card changed after gon used his necklace. Killua's eyes widened slightly "An accompany card!" "Yep! Now Accompany ON!! To Katsuki!"

"Ahh. Thank goodness the jewelry came back with us!" Katsuki exclaimed in relief while holding up the hand with his ring on it. "Yes, it would have been a waist if they got left behind."

Katsuki and Shoto were finally able to leave the hospital and would officially be going back to class and hero training. Aizawa had walked in late to class, "Listen up class. I've got an important announcement." The whole class erupted in excitement. "Maybe it's a new student!" "I hope it's a girl!" He hadn't even been in the classroom for more than a minute and he was already sick of his class. "Alight come in you two." "Finally, you took forever." Katsuki said as he walked in. Shoto following behind him silently, but he stood straight and had an air of confidence about him that he didn't before. Upon seeing their previously comatose classmates, 1-A erupted in cheers and rushed the two. They were firing one question after another.

When it came time to sit down and actually continue the lesson, Shoto sat down in his seat that had been vacant for so long. Katsuki, instead of going to his seat, went and stood menacingly over Momo. "Bakugou? Can I help you?" "Your seat." "What?" "Your. Seat." "Yes, but what about it." Katsuki rolled his eyes, forgetting how slow his classmates could be sometimes. "I want it." Momo looked to Aizawa who sighed. "We found that due to and since the accident the two of them have been somewhat inseparable." "Somewhat?" Shoto said so quiet everyone almost missed it. The whole class was shocked by the revelation, some had glum looks on their faces. "Pay up!!" our favorite alien queen squealed. Half of the class ended up taking out 10 dollars and dreadfully walking it over to Mina. Meanwhile Momo took Aizawa's statement as permission to switch with Katsuki.

The class had settled down, and gotten though their morning classes and lunch. They'd tried to find Katsuki and Shoto to talk during lunch, but they were no where to be found. Only turning back up when it was time for their heroics class. This time they'd met in a large open area. All Might was at the center of it. Katsuki leaned into Shoto "They still let him work here?" Shoto only shrugged not to sure how he felt about the topic. "Today we are sparring with a partner." "Yes!! Shoto!" "For sure." Katsuki started to eagerly find a place to spar. "Wha- I haven't finished." "Oh whatever." Katsuki huffed as he went back to his spot and leaned back on Shoto, huffing. "As I was saying, you will pair off and choose a spot far away from the other teams. We'll do this until the end of class. I will make my rounds, watch your spars, and give you feedback. If you and your partner need to take a break, watch and analyze other teams. Alright, pair off and break. PLUS ULTRA!" "PLUS ULTRA!!" A majority class shouted back, and went to work.

It had been about a half hour and the class was stating to slow down. One by one deciding to take breaks. They'd all been to caught up in their own fights to hear it at the time, but now that were taking a break, it was one explosion after another. The sound of ice shattering and laughter from both parties. Now everyone who went on break was watching Katsuki and Shoto. They were throwing attack after attack at each other. Laughing all the while. Eventually Katsuki charged in to get closer. When Shoto reeled back for a punch, Katsuki slid and tried to go for a leg sweep. Shoto dodged by jumping onto his hands. This led to him being on top of Katsuki and being able to pin him. Katsuki would have none of that though. He quickly freed one of his legs and used it as leverage to lessen the weight and hold Shoto had on him. He then switched their positions. Shoto twisted his hands in Katsuki's grasp to grip his wrists. Ice began to encase Katsuki's arms, slowly working it's way up. After it passed his elbows, Shoto connected the ice to the ground and really worked his way back out from under Katsuki. Katsuki was releasing smaller explosions, but he was making them from all along his arm. Slowly, but effectively breaking away the ice, giving both of them a little bit of a breather. Once free Katsuki shot himself a few feet away. He stood up and flexed his hands a few times. They heard him say "should we take this up a few notches?" Shoto dropped into a battle ready stand "Bring it."

The class and aizawa watched as a glove formed on Shoto's wrist, and two familiar gauntlets formed themselves on his arms, but they had a much more dangerous feel to them. Also, Where did they come from!! They just appeared out of no where! Aizawa would definitely be asking them about this afterwards. Their jaws snapped closed when they saw the magnitude of the explosion Katsuki was sending right at Shoto. "Sensei! I thought you said they were inseparable!!" Kirishima shouted over the noise of the explosion "I did! They are!" "Then why is trying to kill him!" Kaminari butted in. Their conversation was cut short due to having to dodge the broken pieces of ice. "How the heck can they do this!?" Someone shouted. "Yeah they were in the hospital, but came out even stronger!" Shouted another "Yeah that shouldn't be possible!" "Well it obviously is!" Someone sassed back.

Thanks to all the explosions and ice, an icy mist now covered the large arena. Everybody's hair and eyebrows were coved in little pieces of ice. The visibility was so low they could hardly see 10 feet in front of them. Even though they couldn't see, they could hear the joyous laughter coming from Shoto and Katsuki, upset that they couldn't fully take it in not being able to see them. This also meant that they heard the laughter abruptly stop before Katsuki and Shoto yelled out in unison, "HOW THE HELL ARE YOU HEAR?!"

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