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"Ugh! Will he ever leave us alone?" "I doubt it" "Whatever, lets just finish our movie." " 'Kay, I'll go refill our drinks" With that they spent their night finishing Tangled, and cuddling on the couch, dreading their next encounter with Hisoka.

It was finally the day they were waiting for. Gon would fight Hisoka. They were facing each other in the arena, Gon had a serious look on his face, eyebrows tightly drawn. Hisoka, on the other hand, sported a sick grin that stretched ear to ear. It made Shoto and Katsuki shiver in their seats when they momentarily catch Hisoka's eyes on them, before he went back to concentrating on Gon. The ref. looked between the two "Fighters ready?" They give him a quick nod. "FIGHT!" They were still, not moving a muscle. After realizing Hisoka wasn't going to budge, Gon decided to make the first move. He sprung into action, running, jumping, punching, and kicking at Hisoka. He launched attack after attack, but none of his attacks were landing. The same thing couldn't be said about Hisoka. He had been blocking and dodging Gon's hits, while landing a few of his own. A brutal elbow to the nose, breath taking palm to the chest, and a disorienting Kick that sent him flying. Before he could go back in to attack Hisoka finally broke their silent fight. "C'mon now. Stop holding back! I mean I haven't even moved yet!" He chuckled, Gon looked at Hisoka's feet. He disappointedly clenched his fists, and took a minute to think. It didn't last very long because almost immediately after, he was back at delivering quick attacks. This time was different though. After what seemed like more hopeless attacks, he suddenly backed off and ... lifted the concrete floor tile!! The crowd was shocked by his strength, and Hisoka was now intrigued with his plan of action, preparing to counter it, whatever 'it' was. Nobody expected him to kick the tile into a bunch of tiny pieces. They were sent flying around the arena, but mostly at Hisoka. He only laughed and his 'weak attempt' at a surprise attack, but was startled when he'd lost track of Gon, and could no longer sense him. His Zetsu was good.

When Gon had kicked the tile he hid behind one of the bigger pieces and hiding his presence with Zetsu. When he saw the perfect moment, he launched out from behind the broken tile, and flew towards Hisoka. He punched him square in the face. Hisoka was caught of guard, and couldn't dodge in time, surprised by the force behind the hit. He had been pushed back several feet by the punch, and it made him absolutely ecstatic "I knew you wouldn't disappoint me!! can't wait till you're all grown up! Imagine the power!!" By this point both parties had backed off, and once Hisoka calmed down, they slowly started inching their way back towards each other. When they reached the middle, Gon reached into his back pocket and pulled out Hisoka's badge from the exam. He held it out to Hisoka with both pride and determination. As soon as Hisoka took the badge he retreated. He wanted to try to win and see the fight to the end but right as Gon started charging in again, Hisoka raised his hand. Gon was immediately cautious of it, and stopped his attack, waiting to see what he was going to do.

"I forfeit" The crowd goes wild, wonder why Hisoka, who was clearly in the lead, would forfeit. Gon was also deeply troubled by this, seeing as he wanted to finish their fight. Hisoka caught his curious, questioning gaze. The only explanation Gon got was "I've got a flight to catch. See you in York New." He winked and walked out of the arena. Gon looks up into the crowd that, at the moment, resembled a frenzy and eyed his friends, wondering if he'd missed something, but they just shrugged and pointed to the exit of the arena, signaling to Gon they'll meet him there.

Gon had made it to the entrance before the others so he bought a juice for him, and one for Killua. When the group came into view, Gon lifted the juice box, and caught Killua's eye. Killua, after seeing the juice box, booked it towards Gon. When he got just in front of him Gon had lifted the juice box, making him have to jump for it, and then thrown it even further up. Killua caught it mid air, but Gon caught him. When he'd let go of the juice box, Gon positioned himself under Killua so he could catch him on his shoulders. Now Killua was leaning on Gon's head, happily sipping on his juice. Gon on the other hand, was in pure bliss, his cheek resting on Killua's thigh. Shoto, after seeing this turned to Katsuki. "Kat, jump" Katsuki just side eyed him "Not happening." "Why not" "What would I get out of it?" "What do you want?" Katsuki was quiet. He didn't really want anything, he just didn't was Shoto's face in his thigh. Especially in public. Seeing Katsuki's lack of an answer Shoto continued "I'll give you a kiss" "NO! That's embarrassing" "How?" "We're in public, YOU IDIOT!" "People kiss in public all the time, it's fine." "No! It's not!" There was a moment of silence between each other before "You idiot! Put me down!" "Nope" "Why!?" "You didn't give me a good enough reason not to." Shoto had put Katsuki on his shoulders anyway. Now that he had him ... "You Idiot!!" Katsuki hit his head, but Shoto kept lightly kissing his thigh. "Stop! People will see!" "You don't have to be embarrassed, besides, I'm being extra careful so I don't leave a mark" Katsuki thought it over "Fine, whatever" Not that he'd ever admit it, but it was actually pretty comfortable. After seeing what Shoto was doing, Gon decided he'd only give Killua one kiss, for now. That one kiss was his favorite part of the day. Not only had he gotten a cute squeak, but Killua, out of embarrassment, had squeezed his legs together, like getting a big hug. He'd only rubbed his cheek on both of thighs in response. That's when Killua, as embarrassed as he was, calmed down, and rested his chin on Gon's head.

Gon and Shoto refused to put Killua and Katsuki down. Instead they just walked off, heading to get lunch before packing and leaving for York New. The two were finally put down once they reached the restaurant. It was a bit fancier then the ones they'd been visiting, but they enjoyed themselves, talking and laughing. They enjoyed the moment, because they had no idea what to expect in York New, especially after Hisoka's warning.

A/N: DUN DUN DUUNNNN! I hope you enjoyed!!  Thank you for all your support! See you in the next part!

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