Reunion Ch. 50

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Thanks to all the explosions and ice, an icy mist now covered the large arena. Everybody's hair and eyebrows were coved in little pieces of ice. The visibility was so low they could hardly see 10 feet in front of them. Even though they couldn't see, they could hear the joyous laughter coming from Shoto and Katsuki, upset that they couldn't fully take it in not being able to see them. This also meant that they heard the laughter abruptly stop before Katsuki and Shoto yelled out in unison, "HOW THE HELL ARE YOU HEAR?!"

The whole class and Aizawa were confused. Who was there? Was it villains?! They struggled to see through the icy fog in the air, but they made their way in the direction they heard Katsuki and Shoto, some almost bumping into each other. The ones that were close enough heard some of the conversation between their even more overpowered classmates, and the unknown guests.

"Well?! Explain!" They head Katsuki say. They were expecting a deep or slimy sounding voice of a villain, but their ears were met with the joyous, bubbly voice of a kid. "We beat the game!" "You beat greed island?" They heard Shoto ask. "Yep" They heard another voice say. This one was more androgynous, calm and relaxed. "Great congratulations" Katsuki said sarcastically, "but how does that explain how you got here?" "Well," They heard the cheerful voice speak up again, "When we won the game we got to bring 3 cards out of the game. One of the cards I brought was an accompany card which I used to bring me and Killua to you!" "So you got here using nen?" Shoto asked. "Yep, but where are we?" Killua asked. "You're in our world now" Katsuki said. "What do you mean your world?" The same androgynous voice asked, sounding suspicious. "Well, we were in an accident in this world. Nen was somehow involved and our minds were transported to your world creating our bodies their while our injured bodies remained in our world. We woke up after we attempted to enter the game." "Huh?" They heard the young boy sounding very confused and lost. "How is that even possible?" "I have no idea." Shoto said. The whole class was shocked. They'd mentally been in an entirely different world somehow. Of course this made more sense to Aizawa on how their relationship seemingly developed overnight.

Katsuki, who'd remained silent during the conversation suddenly spoke up. "Hey, Sho, if we developed nen when we went to their world, does that mean they'll develop a quirk here?" "Maybe, how will we know?" "Uhh- something weird is happening to Killua." The two snapped their attention to Killua who was rubbing his head. "You okay?" Katsuki asked concerned. "Yeah, something just started irritating my head." As he continued to rub, in attempts to sooth the uncomfortable feeling, he felt something getting bigger on his head. "Uhh- I guess that's how." Shoto said, and Katsuki only rolled his eyes. "Yes. Thank you, Captain Obvious." "What?" "Awe!! Killua you're so cute with cat ears!!"

The classmates heard a thud, and could barely make out the figures of their classmates and guests. When the fog finally cleared, the class could see Katsuki and Shoto laughing at two kids. One with green hair, much like midorya's only spiked, and one with white hair, given his androgynous looks they figured he was also the one with the androgynous voice, but it was to early to tell whether the kid was a boy or girl.

The green haired kid had tackled the white haired kid and had them trapped in his arms. When they got a closer look, they realized the white haired kid also had cat like features that the taller boy was very intimately observing. "They're so fluffy!!" "Ah! Gon, let go you idiot! That feels weird!" They watched as Gon faltered for a second, the white haired boy taking his chance to kick Gon away, with a rather powerful kick, and practically climbed up Katsuki to sit in an offensive position on his shoulder. "Killua!" Gon said in a loud whine before he said a, "No fair" under his breath.

They heard Katsuki let out a light chuckle, this time almost fainting from the full sight of his half but genuine smile. He reached up and spread his hand out. The class wondered what he was doing but soon found out as they watched Killua relax a little and rub his head on Katsuki's hand. He laughed a little harder this time, "wow, it's barely been any time at all, but you already are acting on a cats impulses and behaviors. You're even purring!!" At this Killua pulled away and clasped a hand over his mouth, a deep blush spreading from his neck to his ears visible on his pale skin.

CA/N: I know this chapter was shorter than normal but I have been swamped with meeting my art project deadline. I just wanted to get something out for y'all so I hope you enjoy!!

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