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The auction is starting in a couple of days, and they're going on the third day, that's when Greed island is scheduled to be auctioned, which would give them about a week and a half. Until then Katsuki will be working on his little project, and Gon and Killua will be working to raise money for the game.  

For the next week Katsuki had been spending all his time doing one of 4 things, babysitting, cooking, working on his little project, or shopping for more parts. He was almost done, he only needed to add a few mechanisms to make sure everything worked properly, then it would be battle ready. Since he was pretty much hold up working on his project, he'd missed out on terrorizing anybody that so much as looked at him wrong, sooo ... he turned to Shoto. He had planned to let him see when he was about half way done, but he was way to board for that, and has kept Shoto in the dark this whole time. While it did get annoying to listen to his whining, he found Shoto's increasingly creative attempts to sneak a peek, very entertaining. In a way it really was Shoto's own fault . If he just hadn't show so much interest, he would've already seen it. 

"How is it coming?" Shoto asked walking into the room and sitting on a make shift stool. "What? No crazy attempt today?" Katsuki chuckled, but remained alert. He was surprised when Shoto only shook his head "Not today, too tired." And he looked the part. Turning around, Katsuki saw that his shirt was all ajar and his normally tame hair was sticking up in all different directions. He couldn't help himself and immediately fell to the floor laughing. "HAHAHA ICYHOT!!" "The hell are you laughing at?" Shoto asked annoyed that he hadn't even done anything yet, and Katsuki was already laughing at him. Of course he couldn't be mad for long because Katsuki's laugh was his favorite sound. Maybe next time he should record it? yeah. "JUST LOOK AT YOU!!" "That didn't explain anything!" He didn't get a response after that, Katsuki was laughing to hard for that. He sat there waiting for Katsuki to finish his little fit, taking in every minute of it, when he had a sudden realization, this was his chance. Springing into action, he sprinted around Katsuki and lifted up the tarp. Katsuki halfheartedly making an attempt to stop him. 

 Katsuki just stood behind Shoto with a smug look on his face. Shoto on the other hand was frozen with shock. He knew Katsuki had worked with Mei to do repairs on his gauntlets, but he had no idea he was anywhere near this level. He'd thought this would be more like an art piece that Katsuki would attempt, but not quick be right or usable. Boy was he wrong. "Like what you see?" Katsuki asked breaking him out of his trance. He nodded before asking "How did you learn to do this?" "I've always been good at a lot, I learn quick, and you know that I studied with that train wreck of a mechanical genius" "Yeah, but to do this all by yourself, no notes, no start point" "I'm just that awesome" he gloated "And they look better then they did, did you change how they were built?" "Yeah I did. I had to modify their design to better serve this world. One the outer design needed an update and they had to be able to be controlled by nen since that's where my explosions come from, and not my sweat." "Wow, it'd pretty amazing you were able of come up with that. Are they going to work?" "OF COURSE THEY'RE GOING TO WORK!! Besides they only reason I'm not done is because I still need to finish my surprise feature that you'll have to wait for. And making it so if other people somehow got them, they wouldn't be able to use them, or my nen." "You can do that?" "I'm damn well going to try. It's been going good so far." He shrugged, pleased with how they've come. 

It's been a couple days since they last saw Killua and Gon, but they decided to stop by in hopes that Katsuki would cook for them, also inviting Zepile. That made Katsuki a little hostile towards the three, but eventually Shoto came over slapped some sense into him, and everyone sat down at the table while Katsuki got to work on dinner, still close enough to hear and be apart of the conversation. Gon and Killua began telling the two about how Zepile taught them about the different types of appraising methods, and how they used that to find the more valuable items, and sell them for higher prices. They also said that by the third day of the auction they should have enough to buy greed island. Katsuki had finished by the time Gon was done explaining, and set everyone's plates down, telling them to dig in. An in sync "Itadakimasu!!" rang out through the dinning room. Zepile had taken a bite and paused, starring at the food. "Something wrong with my food?!" Katsuki snapped. "No no, quite the opposite. Gon, Killua" the two swallowed their food, and turned their attention to him. "Use some of the skills I taught you earlier on this meal" They did and their eyes went wide "What is it?" Shoto asked a bit nervous, while Katsuki was biting his tongue, upset that no one was eating his food. "This food!" was all Gon said before Killua followed, "It's filled with nen! This is way more valuable then all of the stuff we found today!" They looked to Zepile for answers. "How could a meal Katsuki made in 10 minutes be that valuable?" Shoto asked, a bit surprised at what they said. "What the hell's that supposed to mean icyhot?!" "Nothing, I love your food, I just don't know why it would elicit this kind of reaction." Katsuki only rolled his eyes because, he too, was curious. "Well it all come down to the nen that can be sensed in it. It's obvious that even though it's a small, quick meal, you still put a lot into it  to make it taste so good" "Are you delusional? All I put in was turmeric, cumin, and some ginger." Shoto chuckled at his bluntness, and Zepile's embarrassed figure. he took a minute to right himself before  continuing. "It's not about the physical spices, but the effort and unconscious amount of nen you poured into it" "Yeah ok, a lot of my nen is in it so what? You losers are letting that delicious food go to waste! No stop talking nonsense and stuff your stupid faces!" Shoto had already been doing that, and was a little over half way done while the others quickly began to dig in. 

They had just finished dinner, and were cleaning up when Killua suddenly turned towards Katsuki's work room and asked "wait, what is that?! There's a bunch of nen coming from that room!" Zepile and Gon focused in on the room and looked even more shocked then earlier, if it was even possible. "Killua's right! Katsuki, what's in there?" "Hmm? Oh it's just that project I'm working on. It should be done soon. I still need a few more parts though, so I'll have to get them tomorrow." Gon's eyes lit up. "Can we see it so far?!" Killua snapped his head towards Katsuki too, giving him big pleading cat eyes. Katsuki sighed "Well this idiot got past me this morning so, follow me I guess" They followed him in, and looked around the messy room at all of the scattered parts on the floor. "Don't touch any of those, I still need them" he warned, making his way over to the trap. In one swift movement he lifted the tarp to reveal his gauntlets. "Awesome right?!" It was silent before Zepile spoke up "What are they supposed to be? They're quite and odd shape" "You've never heard of a grenade?" "No, what's that?" Katsuki only slapped his face "THAT TAKES AWAY ALL THE DRAMATIC FLARE!!"  He took a deep breath in order to calm himself "They're called grenades, and they make explosions." "So why are you building them when you have nen to do that way easier?" "They aren't real grenades. I only designed them to look like grenades." "Then what do they do?" "I was getting there, I built them to help make the explosions from my hands a lot stronger" 

"MAKE YOUR NEN STRONGER!! HOW!?" Gon and Killua both yelled at the same time. Katsuki only leaned down a little, putting a finger over his lips as he replied "A magician never reveals his secrets" followed by a teasing wink. "Now. It was nice having you all, but it's past when I'd like to be asleep so get lost. Stay safe." He sent them off, mumbling that last part, but the others heard it. Laying down Shoto said "Those two are going to get a hell of a lot more annoying from now on" "Yeah I know" and they were out. 

A/N: Hope you like the chapter!! I'm planning on doing something a little abstract with Katsuki's gauntlets, so please just bear with me when I try to explain it later. Love you, and all your support! See you next chapter! 

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