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Shoto and Katsuki were finally getting to lay down after the stressful day they had. Katsuki was already changed into comfier clothes and laid down. Shoto had just come out of the bathroom. He walked over to the empty part of the bed, but before fully laying down, he leaned over and Kissed Kat. Not to long but not to short, perfect and sweet. When he pulled back Katsuki had a blush all the way to his ears. "What was that for!?" Shoto chuckled at Kat's response before giving one himself "Because I wanted to" Katsuki suddenly flipped over and buried his face in Shoto's chest. "What's this for?" "Because I wanted to. Now Shut it and let me sleep."

The next morning Shoto woke up and saw a sleeping Katsuki on his chest. After mentally saving the image he decided to wake him up. "Kat, off please, I need to shower" Kat only buried his into his chest, letting out a muffled out "No. way." But Shoto was not having it. It had been almost a week since he'd had access to a shower, and he could feel the dirt on his skin. "If you don't get off, I'll take you with me." Katsuki didn't see the seriousness in his face "You don't have the guts." "Oh yeah?" "yeah." "Ok then." "huh!!" Katsuki was lifted by Shoto and being carried bridal style towards the bathroom. Once there Shoto set Katsuki down and started running the water for a bath. "Didn't think you'd follow through." He heard from behind him. "Why wouldn't I?" Katsuki just chuckled, "No reason. I could use a bath anyways." "I can wash your back for you." "As long as I get to return the favor." With that both boys were enjoying a nice morning bath before their day full of fighting. Once they got out Katsuki went to the mini kitchen they had in their room to make breakfast, sending Shoto to go get the two boys down the hall. Even if they've already eaten, it likely wasn't nutritional enough for what they're about to be doing the next few months. 

Gon and Killua woke up to a knock at their door. They ignored it at first, not wanting to get up, but the knocking continued. Soon it was followed by a very familiar voice "I can hear you complaining, get up, Kat is making breakfast." At the mention of food both boys were up, dressed and ready to go in less then a minute. They even took a second to collect themselves before opening the door and greeting Shoto, who was holding back a chuckle at the boys antics, seeing as he had heard them running around not even a couple seconds before.  "C'mon, Kat's probably already done by now" "Yay!! Food!" Gon shouted on his way over. 

When Shoto opened the door to their room, they were hit with the mouth watering smell of Katsuki's cooking. Katsuki had just finished plating the food and setting the table when the three arrived.  "Well don't just stand their like idiots, come eat." Katsuki said crossing his arms over his chest, ALMOST giving Shoto a nose bleed. The food was devoured in a matter of minutes, and the two younger boys were now on the couch with full stomaches, and ready for a nap. "C'mon boys, you can't sleep now, we've got a busy day a head of us, and Gon your fight starts innn ... *Katsuki stopped to check his imaginary watch* about 45 minutes." That seemed to pick Gon right up because he sat up, no longer acting like he was in a food coma, got of the sofa and started talking to Killua about how he should handle fighting Gido in his upcoming fight. 

Gon was now in the middle of the area, face to face with Gido. He had already been hit multiple times while trying to figure out how his tops worked, or if there was a pattern to them. He had figured out by now that they were not, and that meant countering them would be a lot harder. BAM, another hit, to his arm this time. It's definitely broken. It doesn't matter though, because now he thinks he can at least avoid the tops. He slowly stops his aura and begins to use zetsu. This will allow him to use his senses to sense the tops coming. And it worked for a good couple of minutes. He was slowly getting closer to his opponent, no longer being hit by his weapons. But Gido got desperate and sent an larger number of tops  whizzing at Gon, who was able to dodge all but one. It wasn't a serious hit, but it was his 10th time taking a hit worth a point for his opponent. The victory was called, and Gon left with a broken arm. 

He was disappointed that he had lost when he had started doing so well. He was hit in the head, courtesy of Killua, and brought out of his thoughts. "What the hell was that you idiot!!" Killua yelled, concerned for Gon's injured arm, while Zushi worried silently. Shoto was quiet, but not necessarily in a bad way. Katsuki was, well Katsuki "That's what happens when you're weaker then your opponent, and are stupid enough to underestimate them." Katsuki huffed and started to walk away. Gon was a bit hurt by his words, and looked down to both hide his face and reflect. Shoto, knowing Katsuki could still hear him, said "Don't worry, he only said that because he didn't like that you got hurt. You should have seen him during your fight, he was at the edge of his seat cheering for you secretly." Shoto smirked as he saw Gon's face lighten up a bit. Katsuki on the other hand was embarrassed that he had just been outed "THE HELL DID YOU SAY?!?" Katsuki said having already made it back to the group and began pulling on Shoto's ear. " I WASN'T WORRIED AT ALL!!" Shoto didn't say anything, and just nodded along, which angered Katsuki. "JUST SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!! Now lets go, you have a fight in thirty." 

Once they were alone Shoto decided to speak up. "Y'know, you'd make a really good mother." He kissed Kat on the cheek, and went out into the arena. Katsuki was shocked. Where did that bastard get that from? When did he become so bold? How had he not noticed? He chuckled "What the hell Icyhot, saying that and running off, not cool" He said to no one in-particular, before joining the others in the stands. 

A/N: Happy new years eve!! and early Happy New Year!! Love you all, and I appreciate all your support! See you next Saturday!

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