HISOKA!! Ch.24

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They all went to the top of heaven's arena and sat down enjoying a nice picnic that Katsuki had prepared. The view of the bustling city below adding to the serenity of it all. It was a perfect way to end their day. They all went to bed with full stomachs and still minds. They new they couldn't stay here for much longer, just enough for Gon to fight Hisoka. Until then though, they would enjoy it as much as they can.

When they next went to see the fights lined up they saw that Riehlvelt had been idiot enough to pick a fight with Gon. Killua had one fight, but it was no one to take any notice of. Katsuki and Shoto had no fights. No one wanted to be in the arena with them after their destructive performances. Looking further ahead at the schedule, their breath got caught in their throats. Hisoka had chosen a date, and it was less then two weeks away.

Now that Gon's fight was just half an hour away he was waiting by the arena, talking with Killua. "Do you know how you're going to beat him?" "Yup!" " ... Well are you gonna tell me or do I have to ask?" "Neither! You'll have to wait and see!" "Wha--!! That's not fair!" "Oh well, gotta go now!" "Gon! Don't think you're off the hook yet!" Gon just stuck his tongue out and ran out onto the arena. When the light of the arena hit his eyes, slightly blinding him, he heard the crowd erupt in cheers. Even though he lost his last fight, they had loved the fight he'd put up, and were excited to see him in action again. Riehlvelt, who was already there, was clearly annoyed with the attention Gon was getting.

When the cheers died down, the ref. signaled the start of their fight. Gon and Riehlvelt started their own game of tag, and Riehlvelt was 'it'. He had just activated the speed boost on his wheelchair when Gon jumped up, and landed on him, grabbing his whips. In an instant his own weapon was wrapped around him, and "GOOOOOO". He was out cold. He was so traumatized from his fight with Killua that even the threat of his eccentricity was enough to make him pass out. Gon had won, and his crazy, unexpected method, made the crowd go wild!! Out in the crowd Killua was shaking his head "haha, leave it to Gon to come up with a plan like that!"  Katsuki, who was watching from his room with Shoto, was laughing his heart out at the boys obviously, poorly thought out plan.

When Gon had meet back up with Gon hw slapped him on his back "You really through me for a loop you know!" Gon just rubbed his neck "yeah me to" Killua just took a second to process what he'd just heard. "WHAT!! YOU MEAN!? YOU DIDN'T REALLY HAVE A PLAN!! GON! YOU'RE AN IDIOT!!" "WHA-!! Killua, you don't have to be so mean!!" "Well it's your fault for being so reckless!" "I wasn't reckless!" "Oh yeah! what were you then?!" "I was just thinking quick on my feet!! It's quite a useful skill!" "yeah, yeah whatever Gon. Let's juts go train, you're gonna need it to prepare for your fight with Hisoka." "HAI!!"

With a little over a week until Gon's fight, Katsuki was getting restless. He went around challenging people, but nobody would accept. His reputation of 'The Ruthless Rookie' continued to hold out while he went around aggressively asking people to fight him. Unfortunately for him, they weren't stupid enough to accept. This lead to Shoto having to deal with his restlessness. It usually ended in harmless fights, but others, in a full on spar. When that happened they'd take turns patching up each other's wounds. That was usually followed by a Disney movie and loaded popcorn, snuggling on the couch.

Gon and Killua would often spar, but they never understood how Katsuki and Shoto could fight to the extent that they did. It seemed like every time they'd seriously spar, they'd hurt the other really bad. Gon and Killua just couldn't hurt each other like that, even if it was just for sparing. It meant that their improvement wouldn't be as fast, but this way, at least, they wouldn't have to hurt each other.

It was a couple days before Gon's fight when Shoto and Katsuki were sitting on the couch, and heard the window open. When they turned to face it, they saw Hisoka sitting on the window sill. "Hello there~" "HISOKA! What're you doing here?" "Oh I just want to have a chat" "... about?" "Who knows" Hisoka said as he shrugged his shoulders "Alright, cut the crap. You obviously came here for something, so spill it already." "oh~ you're no fun. But fine 'sigh' I'm here to give you some advice. After you leave heaven's arena, and meet your little friends in York New, DON'T get caught by the phantom troop." "and they are ...who exactly?" "They're the spiders Kurapika hates so much." Shoto reminded him. "Oh, right. So why are those spiders going to be in York New?" "They're hitting the auction, and will kill anyone who gets in their way. I'm only telling you because (He slowly inched towards them) I'd really like to (he grabbed their chins pulling them in so he can whisper in their ears) fight you when you're ready to reveal yourselves. (He let go and backed off a bit) But of course, I can only be so patient. If you make me wait to long, I'll have no choice but to force your potential out of you." He smiled and left the same way he came, through the window. 

"Ugh! Will he ever leave us alone?" "I doubt it" "Whatever, lets just finish our movie." " 'Kay, I'll go refill our drinks" With that they spent their night finishing tangled, and cuddling on the couch, dreading their next encounter with Hisoka.

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