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Netero satisfied by the tournament results stepped forward. "Now before you get you all get your hunters license we have to hold a meeting. Normally it'd happen the same day, but one of your fellow hunters is recovering so it'll be postponed. You can stay here in our rooms until he wakes up. It should be within the week. Congrats!!" With that he turned and left. 

Everyone silently left to their respective rooms to wait for Gon to recover. Hisoka and Illumi went outside to talk. "How did that kid know?" "I don't know, but he is a lot smarter then people give him credit for. You saw him at trick tower right? When he was playing with the half and half kid." "I did but how do we know he's that smart? I mean yeah he was winning, but how do we know they aren't both dumb?" "We don't, but they were also the first ones down the tower. Strength goes a long way, but there is know way they could do it that fast without having some brain." "Still. Nobody saw it coming but him, and all Kill did was take a step!" "Yes, I have to admit he has definitely caught my attention. So has Gon." "Uhg. Both are going to inter-fear with my plan to get Killua home. Say, can I at least kill Gon?" "You kill Gon I kill Killua." "You wouldn't" "I would if spoil my ripening fruit." "Fine!" Illumi walked away, annoyed that his plan was spoiled. 

Meanwhile Shoto and Katsuki, with Killua asleep in his arms, left to their room. When they got there they laid Killua in the bed and went to the couch. They turned on a random show and cuddled on the couch. Shoto was laying against the couch armrest while Katsuki was laying with his head on his chest. "Are you tired?" Shoto asked as he began to play with Katsuki's hair. "Yeah, a little. You?" "Just a tad." "You locked the door right?" "I did." "Then lets get sleep while we can." "Alright. Goodnight." " 'Night" Katsuki fell asleep in Shoto's arms. Back in UA he would never had let anyone get this close to him. He would probably never say it out loud, but being so close and vulnerable with people scared him. No matter how hard he tried when he was younger, he couldn't get over it. That's one of the reasons he pushed deku away, and bullied him. The kid just couldn't get the hint that he wanted space. He just kept clinging to him. It got to be to much so he took drastic measures. Ones he wasn't proud of. Now that he was here with Shoto he felt more at ease, and at ease with Shoto. It was nice. He was kind of glad this happened.  With those last thoughts he drifted off into a comfortable dreamless sleep. 

They woke up pretty early the next morning, but since Killua was still asleep they decided to just chill on the couch in each others arms a little more. When Killua did wake up he saw the two on the couch and wished he could have something like that. While he was lost dueling on what his brother had said to him, Katsuki had gotten up and walked over to him. Killua was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt himself being picked up by Kat who just silently lifted him and brought him over to the couch. Kat repositioned himself in Shoto's lap, and put Killua in his. "What are you doing?" Killua asked in confusion. "I'm cold and need more body heat." "That's his way of saying he wants to cuddle." "... good to know I guess" Killua says a bit flustered, but gave in and leaned on Kat who started to rub and pet his head. After a while a low noise could be heard from Killua's throat. He was purring. "Hey, Katsuki can do that to!" "What can he do?" "You can both purr! It's so cute!" "I told you once already I don't pu-" Mid sentence Shoto had started to rub under Katsuki's  chin, and behind his ears causing him to cut himself off mid sentence purring. "He can purr!" "see I told you, you can purr. An you Killua, can to." "Was I really purring?" "Yes, but it was definitely not as loud as Kat." Even though  Kat was upset for purring he got an idea. "Y'know Killua" Katsuki started with a teasing tone, "I'm gonna tell Gon about this when he wakes up!" Killua squeaked with embarrassment "Don't you dare!!" "To late I already made up my mind!" Killua groaned and buries his flushed face in Katsuki's chest in a pitiful attempt to hide it. 

They had spent the week together cuddling, training, and spending time together while waiting for Gon to wake up. Early in the morning on the 7th day the speakers started to blare. "Everyone! Gon has woken up  so meet in room 102 for your hunter meeting! I repeat meet in room 102 to-" "IT'S TO DAMN EARLY FOR YOUR ANTICS OLD MAN!!" Katsuki yelled at the speaker. The three had been peacefully sleeping when Netero made the announcement, and Katsuki was pissed. Killua however was excited. Gon was awake! He was so excited he jumped up from his spot in Katsuki's arms, and began to rush them. "C'mon! Didn't you hear?! Gon's awake!" Killua's excitement had calmed Katsuki down "Alright, lets go then, c'mon sleepy head." Shoto just abruptly lifted his head off his pillow, hair disheveled, and eyes half open. Katsuki just chuckled and ruffled his hair and filling him in "Gon woke up, we've been called to the meeting room for a briefing of sorts." "Oh ok" Shoto said rubbing his eyes and stretching. "Lets go then" they all headed out to finally et their licenses. When they got to the room everyone else was already there, except for Gon. They just sat down to wait for him. Killua was practically bouncing in his seat, but Shoto was still exhausted, so Katsuki let him lay his head in his lap while they waited. After about 15 minutes the door to the room opened up revealing Gon and Netero. Gon took a seat next to Killua, and Netero walked to the front. He gave them most of the information they would need, and gave them their ID's before dismissing them. He of course left the facts about the unfished test and nen out of it. Before everyone could leave he called Shoto, Katsuki, hisoka and Illumi back. Once they were alone he let them know they passed the final test. Shoto turned to Katsuki (still in front of Netero and the others) "Didn't you say nobody would see us?" To which he just shrugged "Well I meant none of the others in the exam." Hisoka and Illumi were especially surprised. They had no idea the other two knew nen. Before Shoto and Katsuki could continue, Netero interrupted their conversation "I have admit I was quite surprised to have so many people to already know nen. Not to mention the amount of control you two showed. I have never seen that type of nen before!" "Of course you haven't old man." "Don't get me wrong I have seen similar nen, like Genthru, who uses a bomb type nen, but it's no where near as precise or strong as yours." He said to Katsuki. "Like I said, of course not! No one but this guy can even come close to me!" Kat said puffing his chest out while pointing at Shoto. After a couple seconds however he turned to Hisoka and Illumi "You know nen to?" "We do." "Ha, I bet it's weak!" Katsuki turned to leave dragging Shoto with him, and leaving the other two shocked, and very irritated. "Your sure I can't kill him?"

The two found Gon and Killua with Kurapika and Leorio. "Hey! What was that about?" Killua asked once he spoted the two walking over. "He was just being a deluded old man, he really pisses me off." "Oh, well I know you guys pretty well after this week but you've barely talked with Kurapika and Leorio." That's when Shoto stepped forward "You're right. I'm Shoto Todoroki, and this is Katsuki Bakugou." "Well it's nice to meet you Shoto and Kats-" Leorio started but was interrupted by Katsuki "You can call be Bakugou, not Katsuki." "Oh ok then Bakugou." Leorio finished. They decided getting to know each other over lunch would be the best thing to do. While the others were talking katsuki leaned over the table and gestured for Gon to come close. When he did Kat whispered Killua's little secret in his ear. "Hey, you like Killua right? Well just fyi, if you ever get to cuddle you should know that he can purr!" Gon keeps his composure on the outside, but was internally freaking out and envisioning when it would look and sound like. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Katsuki continued. "It works really well if you rub his head and ears." Gon pulled back and leaned into Katsuki's ear "Thank you! I won't let this information be waisted!" His response cause Katsuki to chuckle, catching the attention of the others at the table. They were all looking at him before, "What's so funny?" Shoto asked. "Oh, nothing" Katsuki said making direct eye contact with Killua as he said it. Killua immediately looked over to Gon who had a slight blush on his face and just gave him a thumbs up. How in the world is he going to face Gon now?! 

When the group was done with lunch they began talking about what's next. "Well I'm going to take a job in York New and hit the auction up to get some of my brethren's eyes" Kurapika said. "I'm going to continue to study medicine, but I'll actually be in York New soon for it anyway." Leorio said. Killua spoke up next "Well I need to train and get money so I'm going to heavens arena, want to come Gon?" "Yeah! I have to get stronger so I can face Hisoka!" "Hey brat, mind if we join you?" Katsuki asked referring to himself and Shoto. Killua got excited at the question. "Of course! We can all go together!" "Yay" Gon said excited that there will be more people.

That's when it them they could meet in York New! So they all set up a plan to meet for the auction, and until then they will all work to get stronger. With that agreement in place, they all parted ways.        

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