Strange Ch. 48

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"What about nen and our quirks? You think it went back to normal? And what about the jewelry I made?" Katsuki asked. "I don't know. I can test it really quick." That being said he used his quirk the way he normally would. "Now to see if the progress transfered over." Both watched in anticipation. When an ice spick shot up across the room without a trail leading back to them, and they felt the chill of Shoto's nen wash over them, they were ecstatic. So much so, that they had leapt up on the bed, and gave each other a high five. Katsuki grabbed onto Shoto's hand and gave it a jerk, catching his now unstable body by the collar of his shirt. He slammed their lips together, giving a passionate kiss. When he pulled away they fell to their knees and rested their foreheads together. "I'm glad you were the one with me." "Me too. If I'd gotten stuck with deku.." Shoto let out a light chuckle at the remark. But now both boys were exhausted, and collapsed into one another before laying back against the bed. "Nap?" "Nap." They closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep, comfortable in each others embrace. Tomorrow they'd be ready to really get moving. Maybe they would even get to go back to hero work before they leave.

The next day Dr. Makino met up with Shota before going to see the boys. "Morning Aizawa." "Dr." they greeted each other. "Any changes." "I wasn't alerted of any." Makino watch Shota release a sigh of relief. "You really care about them." "I do." "Other then you and their classmates, they haven't had any visitors." "Not even Katsuki?" "Not even Katsuki. Though you don't seem to surprised by that fact." Shota just shrugged. "You told me about Shoto's home life, but what about Katsuki's?" Makino stopped walking and looked Shota in the eyes, this was important. "I suspect there's something he's not telling me." "And why couldn't you look into it?" Makino crossed his arms in a disbelieving manner, to which Shota scoffed before answering. "Trust me I tried, but the kids smart. A lot smarter then people give him credit for. He was my student for a year and a half. He behaved perfectly to the point that I, someone with a well trained eye for specific behavior, didn't notice anything until the end of the school year was nearing. He also immediately caught on to what I was doing, and did everything he could to prevent me from finding anything he didn't want me to find." "Does he know you could help?" "Yep." "So why does he go to such lengths to hide it from you?" "No clue, doubt I'll ever know." The conversation came to an awkward pause. Without another word, Makino and Shota made their way to the boys' room.

Dr. Makino knocked lightly before walking in, Shota not far behind. They both smiled slightly at the sight before them. Shoto and Katsuki were asleep and cuddled up with one another. Makino watched and Shota made his way over and gently rubbed their heads. "Boys, it's time to get up. Dr. Makino has to do a final check up before releasing you." His voice was much softer then all the times he'd spoken with Makino in the past. He really did care for his students. He watched as Shoto and Katsuki leaned into the touch before their eyes fluttered open. Katsuki sat up, and Shota took that as his cue to remove his hand. When he went to pull his hand away from Shoto, he only followed his hand, so Shota figured a little longer couldn't hurt. Katsuki blinked a few times, then stretching and yawning before sitting in a more relaxed, hunched over sitting position. "So. What do you Shits wants?" Katsuki said, his voice gravely from just barely waking up. "He always this pleasant in the morning?" Dr. Makino said sarcastically. All Shota had to do to give him an answer was raise and eyebrow. "Well ok then."

Makino was performing standard tests and asking questions when a small explosion happened in the sink. It wasn't big enough to see, but the noise rang out against the metal of the sink, startling Makino and Shota. "What was that?!" Both had their attention focused on the source of the noise, when the both heard and saw an explosion this time. They both looked at each other, very seriously, and were about to go check it out when their attention was stolen by a yelp. When they turned back to the boys, they saw Katsuki squatting on the floor, comforting his head, and Shoto still on the bed with an annoyed look on his face. "The hell Icyhot!?!" "Don't act so dejected. You shouldn't be messing with them. The quicker they finish, the quicker we can get out of this hospital." Katsuki only huffed and jumped back onto the bed with his arms crossed. Both adults in the room were confused. How could that have been Katsuki? He could only produce explosions from his hands using his sweat, how did he create and explosion in the sink?

"Hey, you done yet?" "Actually yes, that was my last test. I'll go get your stuff so wait right here." "Thank you" Shoto said, politely enough for both him and Katsuki. "I'm going to get a coffee" Shota said as he followed the Dr out. "Those boys are strange." "You don't have to tell me twice." and the two split ways.

"Wahh! We did it Killua! We beat greed island!" Gon said and he jumped on Killua giving him a tight squeeze. "We. Did.    Now. Let go. Before I pass out!" Gon released him and backed away shyly "opps. hehe. sorry Killua." Killua sighed seeing Gon's face looking so hurt "it's okay" he said rubbing his head. At that Gon beamed. "Wha-! You little faker." Gon just laughed at his accomplishment. He had gotten Killua to give him public affection. "So" Killua's voice brought his attention back, "What now?" Gon smirked, something that unsettled Killua "We're going to use this!" "That's just the chameleon card." "Not. Quite." "huh?" They watched as the card changed after gon used his necklace. Killua's eyes widened slightly "An accompany card!" "Yep! Now Accompany ON!! To Katsuki!"

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