He stole our hostages!!! Ch.34

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Sure enough, the next day when uvogene still didn't show, the troupe had decided to try and lure the person who killed him out. Unfortunately they got Gon and Killua with this trap when the two decided to follow Machi and Nobunaga. Thankfully though, Katsuki and Shoto were following Gon and Killua, and were now following the group of 4 back to their hideout. They decided to wait outside and watch for a little bit since the boys weren't in any immediate danger. Boy were they glad they glad they did!

At first the boys were just being held, heavy chains wrapped around their upper bodies. Katsuki and Shoto listening in, but barely being able to make out what the troupe was saying. They were able to gather that there was a disagreement on what to do with Gon and Killua. One side just wanted to get their memories then kill them. The other side wanted to try and recruit them. They had remembered shizuku's arm wrestling match with Gon, and thought it was worth it to at least introduce them to their boss. During the whole debate, one of the members said something that Gon obviously didn't like. He stood up and broke the chains that were previously binding him. All Shoto and Katsuki were able to hear was Gon shout "Take it back!! Right now!" followed by Killua sighing, "gosh you just had to blow our cover didn't you". He too, stood up and broke the chains around him. The troupe took a minute to process what the two boys had just done before becoming tense. To everybody's surprise, once Gon had finished with his rant, him and Killua sat back down.

"When do you think we should hop in?" Shoto asked, not wanting this to last much longer. "Eh-, well, anytime I guess. You give me the word, and I'll go get them, you watch my back." "You really think that you can take the phantom troupe alone?" Katsuki put up a finger, "One, I won't be alone, you'll have my six." Then he put up another, "Two, yes, I absolutely do. I don't plan on fully fighting them yet, just get in, get the kids, and get out. Does that work for you?" "Yeah. Then move in 3 ... 2 ... 1..." Katsuki leapt up and put some nen into his ring and bracelet. One forming his gauntlet, and the other was a grappler gun. He easily blasted through the roof and immediately anchored his gun outside of the roof near Shoto, should something go wrong.

The blast snapped everybody's heads to the cite of the explosion, the roof above their hostages. At first they couldn't see anything, but when the air settled they saw Katsuki standing on the table the boys were leaning on. He was looking down on the troupe while analyzing them at the same time. They could feel his calculating gaze as he slowly raked his eyes over the room. What few troupe members were able to look away, and look at the boys, saw them looking up and this powerful looking kid with gleaming admiration in their eyes. When they saw Katsuki finally look away from them and to the kids, they heard him say," The hell was taking you so long?" Without a word Gon jumped onto his shoulders, Katsuki wrapping the arm with the grappler around his leg to secure him. Killua jumped onto Katsuki's side, Katsuki supporting him like a baby on his hip. "I should be asking you that. How long were you going to watch if Shoto hadn't gotten bored? Huh?" "Cheeky brat. Hold on!" Katsuki pulled the trigger of his gun and they trio began to shoot upward. So fast the troupe wasn't able to catch them. They were all dumbfounded at what had just occurred. They were bested by one child, and they let their hostages get away. Despite their failures, they were definitely going to tell Chollo about this. 

"Boss!!" Chollo heard someone call out to him as his troupe gathered in front of him. "Yes, what is it?" He took a look around at their faces. "What's wrong? What happened?" He eyes them warily, waiting to hear what they had to say. "Boss! We took two kids as hostages, but they got away-" He decided not to question why they kids as hostages right now, instead giving him a look, telling him them to continue. "-Well, actually, this other kid came and got them. He crashed through the ceiling, looked around a little, then took the kids with him when he left!" "He actually had quite the menacing stare for a kid I wouldn't put over 19." Chollo, while disappointed with the outcome, was intrigued. "I was to meet this person.Bring him to me."

A/N:  Sorry this one was a bit shorter, but I will try to make the next one longer!! I just want to say thank you to all of my readers that have made it this far, it really mens a lot.

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