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"Good luck" Shoto said sounding a bit exasperated. "I don't NEED luck" "Good thing I wasn't talking about you. We both know your opponent is going to need it." Katsuki only smirked as he walked out to the arena, and Shoto to the stands. "FOR YOUR NEXT FIGHT FOLKS WE HAVE KATSUI BAKUGOU, A FIRST TIME OPPONENT ON THE 200TH FLOOR NO WINS AND NO LOSSES. HIS OPPONENT ... NONE OTHER THAN GIDO WITH ONE LOSS AND EIGHT WINS!! ONLY TWO AWAY FROM CHALLENGING A FLOOR MASTER! AFTER TODAY WILL IT BE ONE?! PLACE YOUR BETS AND FIND OUT!" The crowd was hyped, especially after seeing how the last newbie fight with Gido went. "FIGHTERS READY!?! ... FIGHT!!"

Katsuki gave the impression that he was scared or stalling, but he was analyzing. Everyone thought he was just a lucky hot head, but he never went into a fight without having certain statistics and a plan. The times where he just rushed in was because his opponent was incompetent, relied on their brute strength, which was never enough to win against THE Katsuki Bakugou. That was the case here. Sure his tops were strong, but HE wasn't. He just had to get past his tops. He didn't move in right away because as proved in the fight with Gon, they weren't predictable. That was easily solvable once Katsuki had observed them for about 30 seconds. With Gido taunting him, thinking he got cold feet. Meanwhile he was just thinking about how to hurt him as much as possible. From Shoto's fight he determined that you only got one or two points at most from a combo, no matter how many hits it was. He could use that. He wanted to hurt him as much as possible. That means he can get at least 5 big combos on him. And OH he couldn't wait!!

Without warning Katsuki began to lung forward running in an unpredictable pattern himself, and at record speed. Gido had tried to launch more tops at him, but he was moving to fast for any of them to hit. In less then 15 seconds he was in front of Gido ready to launch his first combo.  He had stayed low to the ground to increase his speed, so when he reached Gido he put his hands on the ground to support himself before spinning and knocking Gido off his feet. Using his momentum Katsuki spun back around and as he was standing up he grabbed Gido's head and pulled it into his knee, making sure to it him in the cheek so he wouldn't pass out. After his knee hit he let go letting Gido start to fall, and reeled his foot back before driving it into Gido's stomach launching him a couple feet in the air. When he landed he held his body up. This action meant Gido's body couldn't curl in on itself to ease the pain of the blow to his gut, leaving the after pain to grow even more intense.

After holding him him like that for 20 seconds, the referee had given Katsuki 2 points for the combo. Unlike Shoto, who backed off when he got points, Katsuki delivered another devastating blow to his stomach, before temporarily letting him go. As he was falling he brought his elbow into his nose, also sending him falling backwards. While he was parallel to the floor, stomach in the air, Katsuki brought his leg straight up in the air, showing of his flexibility, and bringing it down onto his stomach again. He hit the ground HARD, knocking the wind out of him, and sending him back up into the air. This time, he kicked upwards into Gido's back, making sure not to hurt him TO bad, yet that is. He was flying up in the air and then left to fall back to the ground. Gido prayed Katsuki would decide to attack while he was coming down, because a fall from that hight would definitely hurt more. Despite him barely being able to focus, he still looked for Katsuki, but his blood ran cold when he saw his face. He was grinning ear to ear, like a rabid beast, with his hands calmly in his pockets. He knew that it would hurt worse if he just let gravity do it's thing, and that's exactly what he planned to do. Gido tried to brace himself, but when he landed his lungs seared with pain as air was forced out of them. Before he could breath in again Katsuki was pressing in his back, keeping his lugs restricted, and unable to draw air. "FOUR POINT TO BAKUGOU!!" Gido could hear the crowd roaring in excitement.

Right before he passed out Katsuki leaned into his back in order to whisper something "I hope you know, your only alive for two reasons. 1, your not worth it. 2, I have a promise to keep (thinking to his past as a hero and still being reluctant to kill)." with that Katsuki had gotten off of him, and uncharacteristically backed off. When Gido looked up to find Katsuki, he instantly regretted it. His eyes were on him, waiting to pounce. While he did back off to keep this fight going, he also was thinking about what had just happened. He was just given 4 points for that combo. I mean it definitely deserved 4 points but now he only had room for one or two more combos since he now had 6 accumulative points. It's whatever though. This fight was starting to boar him. He finally decided on a plan of action to end the fight, and his once still form pounced into action. He went straight at Gido, who tried to launch more tops, but Katsuki had disappeared from view. It was less then a split second later that he felt a two palm strike on his back, once again robbing his lungs of any air. As soon as he started to lean forward from the strike, Katsuki appeared in front of him, delivering 4 devastating punches, 2 to each side of his jaw. That was followed by three consecutive kicks. One to the gut, breaking 4 ribs. One to his shoulder, dislocating it, and shattering his shoulder blade. The last kick was a hard blow to the back of the head. Unfortunately for Gido Katsuki didn't stop there. He still had one more punch to throw. Before Gido could even comprehend what was happened he felt an immense pain in his jaw, and his head was knocked back as he felt his eyes rolling into the back of his head, being able to do nothing to stop it. Katsuki's finishing blow was an upper cut to his jaw. Fast strong and precise. Just the way he liked it. "K.O.!! BAKUGOU IS THE WINNER!!" The crowd went wild as Katsuki gave them a raw and feral victory cry.
I'm the end he was standing strong, a barbarian smile adorned his face, and there wasn't a scratch on him. After that battle a new name spread like wild fire ... the Ruthless Rookie.

A/N: Hey!! Thank you again for all of your support!! I hope you liked this part, I've been trying to write both fluff scenes and fight scenes. I haven't ever written fight secnes before this story, so if you have any recommendations, and suggestions for the next fight that would be awesome!! Love you guys!!

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