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A/N: I know I said I would skip to the third phase, but I just can't! I love fluff, and I want to have Katsuki and Netero interact before the final phase!

Netero the chairman showed up suddenly," Well, now that everyone has made it back, lets get on to the third phase! Back on the airship, I'm taking you to a place we hunters call trick tower!" He said with a very poorly hidden sadistic simile.

Katsuki leaned in and whispered in Shoto's ear "This phase is going to be awesome!" "Why do you say that?" "Just look at the chairmans face!" Shoto looked over at the chairman then back at Katsuki. "He has a really creepy smile on his face" Shoto's face remains neutral but you can hear the questioning tone in his voice. "Exactly!! That means this phase has to be epic and dangerous!" "You really need to get some help" "You too, I can feel you shaking with excitement!" "You got me there." They had been walking while talking and were now in a lounge area of the airship that had couches. Shoto sat down first and pulled Katsuki into his lap. "What are you doing Icyhot!?" "I'm never going to be able to stop shaking on my own, so help me ok?" Shoto whispered in his ear. "Yeah, yeah whatever." Katsuki said as he rolled his eyes. "Thanks" Shoto said as he put his head in the crook of Katsuki's neck, and brought a hand up to play with his hair. "Better?" "Much" Katsuki sat thinking and strategizing while Shoto dozed off. He knew Shoto was asleep when his hand fell off of his head. Katsuki held Shoto's head, slipped off his lap, and laid his head back down in his lap. It was his turn to play with Shoto's hair. He eventually got board with nothing to do. Lucky for him, the chairman walked by them. "Hey old man" Katsuki said in a hushed tone. The Netero turned towards Katsuki "Yes?" "You got paper and a pencil I could use?" it came of as more of a demand then a question, but he was fully aware of it. "I do, if you don't mind be asking why?" "What do you mean why? I'm Board! I need something to occupy my hands other then this idiots hair" He grumbled. "Simple enough, I'll be right back with that paper."

After a few minutes later he handed Katsuki the paper. "Finally! Took you long enough" Katsuki retorted, but despite his harsh words, took the paper delicately and respectfully from Netero's hand. "What's your name number 4?" Katsuki looked up sending a slight glare his way but ultimately deciding to answer "Bakugou" "And he is?" "Todoroki" "You know most people would jump at the chance of getting to talk to me or ask about the exam" "So! I am NOT like all those other extras, and just so you know once I become a hunter, I'm coming for your position" "Why's that?" "You're the chairman, which I assume, means you're number one around here. I'm going to be the best, be number one." "What makes you think I'll let you" "When I get strong enough you won't have a choice in the matter." Katsuki said smugly. "What if I decided to kill you right here, right now, then YOU wouldn't have a choice." "You won't kill me." "What makes you say that?" "It's in your eyes" "What is?" "When a person speaks what they say either matches their eyes, or doesn't, when you talked about killing me now, your eyes betrayed you." "Perceptive one are't we?" "Wouldn't be any less if I'm going to be the best." Without another word Netero walked away from Katsuki, his interest in him peaked ten fold. "Oh, I really lucked out! He surely won't fail to disappoint me!" He said to himself.

When the ship landed Katsuki woke Shoto up, and they made their way outside the ship. They were hundreds of feet up on a circular building. "This is trick tower. In order to pass you have to make it to the bottom of the tower alive within 72 hours. Good luck!!" Netero finished, and made his way to the tower control/ security room to watch the phase.

Someone acted cocky right of the bat, and jumped off the building, thinking he would get to the bottom first. He just got snatched up by some predator, which discouraged anyone else from trying the same stunt. Eventually everyone started to look for loose tiles when they realized how people had started disappearing. Katsuki had another idea. He held onto Shoto until everyone had disappeared. "We are getting a late start y'know" said Shoto "No, I'm making sure we can't be followed" Katsuki said with a smirk. "I'm assuming that means you have a plan?" "HELL YEAH!!" "Lay it on me" Shoto said and sighed because if he knew Katsuki his heart was in for a thrill. "We're going to slide down" "How? From what slide?" Katsuki just widened his smirk and pointed at Shoto who almost immediately caught on. He began walking to the side of the building with Katsuki before telling him to hold in tight. Holding Katsuki against his stomach he jumped and created the slide under them, creating in front of him, and melting behind him. Katsuki had let go of Shoto and was now facing forward, hands in the air "WAAAAAHOOOOO" Shoto was right, his heart was beating out of his chest. It was caused by two things, one the speed they were going, and two katsuki looked absolutely gorgeous with the wind flying through his hair with a smile on his face.

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