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Both of them were right on the cusp of sleep when "ATTENTION PASSENGERS! WE HAVE ARRIVED IN YORK NEW! PLEASE COLLECT YOUR THINGS AND CALMLY EXIT THE AIR SHIP! THANK YOU, AND HOPE YOU ENJOYED YOUR FLIGHT!" The intercom turned off, Gon and Killua were slowly getting up, and our two lovebirds were groaning in annoyance, headaches and eye bags already forming. They were finally in York New.

"Where should we go first?!!" Gon asked excitedly, turning to Shoto and Katsuki, but got a reply from Killua, "I vote we go to a sweets shop." He had his eyes closed with his arms behind his head, and a smug look on his face. After he got a pause instead of a response, he opened his eyes and was met with 3 pairs of eyes looking at his with blank disappointed stares. "What!! Besides a sweets shop could have a map." He added trying to get his hands on his sweets. Preferably choco robots. The three sigh at both his attempts and his sugar addiction. "Fine, we can go to a sweets shop" Katsuki said, just wanting to move and be able to gather information. Of course they had no idea where a sweet shop was, but that was the fun of it.

During their exploration of the city, Shoto and Katsuki took in every bit of information they could. The town had a large population, and the streets were lined with all kinds of shops. Katsuki had been buying and collecting little bits and pieces of seemingly useless machine parts. The others wondered why he would spend his money on stuff like that, but decided against interfering. Katsuki was the only one who saw the true value in all of these little stalls, how useful they truly were. The group had stayed back while Katsuki was purchasing his items which is why they hadn't heard him also gathering information from them. Vital information. One stall told him where the auction was going to happen. Another told him about one of the most prized auction items, greed island. The people running the stalls also helped him to know the dos and don'ts of york New. Not to mention that at the last stall, where he'd gotten the last part he needed, he got the location of the best sweets shop in the city. Once he'd returned to the group he started walking, but this time he didn't stop anywhere like he had been. "Uhh, yyou haven't stopped for a while, and the turns we've been taken, do you have a specific place you're taking us?" Shoto asked, a bit annoyed with all of the walking. Katsuki stopped for a second and turned around to face everyone "I thought you guys wanted to go to a sweets shop?" He asked innocently. "Do you just suddenly know where one is? or have you known this whole time and lead us in a wild goose chase?" Killua sassed. "Neither. I just asked that old hag at the last stall we were at." They all nodded, his reasoning checked out. Then Killua rage yelled "Couldn't you have done that the whole time?! I COULD'VE HAD MY SWEETS HOURS AGO!!" Katsuki did not appreciate being yelled at. "YOU BRAT!" Killua got a good smack to the back of the head, enough to shut him up. "YOU'RE LUCKY I ASKED WHEN I DID! IT'S NOT LIKE ANYONE WAS STOPPING YOU FROM ASKING YOURSELF!" Even if Killua was about to protest, despite the hard hit he'd just taken, Katsuki's words sealed his mouth shut on the matter once and for all. Seeing that he'd won, Katsuki let a smug grin take it's place on his face, turned around, and began leading the group once again.

In total it took about 5 hours to get to the sweets shop, and 4 1/2 of those hours were Katsuki having his fun exploring.  Once there, they sat down at a table, Katsuki's stuff being put on the table. They had ordered and were enjoying the giant chocolate when a man with dirty blond hair with an atrocious cut walked up to them, look at all the little gadgets Katsuki left out. Not liking his gaze, Katsuki put his arm around his stuff and pulled it protectively towards himself, while also glaring at the man. Shoto, seeing Katsuki on edge, spoke up. "And who might you be?" The man feeling scared, but not meaning to offend anyone responded quickly "o-oh, well my names Zepile" Everyone just stared at him, thinking he'd explain himself, but there was just an awkward silence. Katsuki rolled his eyes at the mans idiocy "WELL! the hell d you want old man?!" "!! oh sorry! Well I was just looking at what you got! I'm a collector myself, but it looks like it's your first time." Katsuki didn't like what he was implying. "It is, but what I got has nothing to do with it." "Does that mean you have something in mind?" "I wouldn't buy them if I didn't. Not to mention that I got them from all over the market. Since they only had one of the needed parts, they didn't see the value in them, so not only did I get them for cheap, but I also got information." The rest of his group didn't know the stall hopping Katsuki was doing had been that useful. They were also curious what he needed the parts for. Zepile was amazed at the boys talent. "So then what are you making?" He asked curiously. "And why should I tell you?" He sassed back. "I'd also like to know!" Gon chipped in enthusiastically. "Well to bad! you'll just have to WAIT AND SEE!" "what! You really won't tell us?!" "Nope!" And he stuffed another  bite of cake in his mouth. Everybody else pouted, upset that their questions wouldn't get answered. 

After the sweets shop, they headed to a hotel. Gon and Killua in one bed, and Katsuki and Shoto in another. After settling down for the night shoto asked a different question. "Are you planning on making your weapon?" "One of them yeah." "..." "You gonna tell me which one?" "Nope! Night Icyhot!" Shoto just sighed, knowing he wasn't going to get anymore. "Night Kat, sleep tight." He pulled him into his arms and drifted off to sleep. What would the coming days hold for them?

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