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"Attention" a voice came over the intercom system, waking up Shoto and Katsuki," there are 30 minutes until we reach our destination, please grab all your things and meet by the entrance of the air ship."

Shoto reluctantly got up, and made his way to the entrance of the ship with a sleepy Katsuki in tow. What he didn't realize was how good Kat looked with bed head. He wasn't the only one though, the others who were already at the entrance were staring. Jealousy bubbled up in Shoto's chest causing him to fix Katsuki's hair himself. He hated that others got to see Kat like that. 

Shoto's thoughts of jealousy were interrupted by Menchi,"Alright now that everybody is here follow me and listen carefully." she said as she led the way out of the ship and to the edge of split mountain. "For this phase all you have to do is get a spider eagle egg! This mountain has an updraft that you have to time perfectly. If not you could fall to your deaths!" She said with a bit of a crazed smile on her face making the others uneasy. "Now I will demonstrate, then it will be your turn. When you know the updraft is coming jump and grab the egg on your way down. It is important that no matter what you keep your balance, if not you could get disoriented and miss the landing or the egg." With that she jumped off the edge, and came back up with an egg in her hand. "These are the best eggs in the world, when you get one you'll be able to cook and enjoy it! Katsuki, you don't have to do this part of the exam.", "What?! And miss out on both the thrill, and the egg?! No thanks! I'm totally doing it!!","I like your attitude kid!! Knock yourself out!"

Right as Menchi was about to give an important warning everybody started jumping off the cliff to wait on the webs above the eggs. Well everybody but Katsuki and Shoto who were still standing at the edge of the cliff. Hisoka had also gone down to the webs, and was curious as to why he couldn't see the two boys, and wondered what they were planning on doing.  Menchi was surprised the boys didn't follow everyone else's lead so she asked," Aren't you going down to?" "You didn't." "Shoto states bluntly "Yeah! And I mean look at the webs" Katsuki said pointing "they're about to snap. It would be suicidal to go down now." Menchi just stood there while Shoto and Katsuki turned back to face the edge. Less then a minute later the two shared a glance and Katsuki jumped off the cliff "SEE YOU LATER EXTRAS!!"on his way down he grabbed an egg and fell until he was out of sight. Menchi rushed to the edge and looked over to no longer see him. When she looked at Shoto he looked clam as ever. "WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM!?!", "I tried but he wanted to have some fun and jumped early, speaking of jumping -" Shoto jumped off the cliff, got an egg then rode the updraft up and landed, followed by everyone who didn't go to early. After everyone made it Gon came up to Shoto, "Hey! Where did your friend go?" Shoto just shrugged "Down, I guess" That got him alarmed looks from Gon and his group. "Aren't you worried!?", "No, he likes the thrill, and messing with people, he'll probably be up with the next updraft." He stated matter of factly. Sure enough with the next updraft, as everybody was eating their eggs, they heard," WAAHOOO!! HAHAHAH!!" (It was his more manic laugh he has in his anime) Most everyone rushed to the edge of the cliff to see him, egg in hand, doing flips, and playing in the updraft before landing behind them. "THAT is what I call a thrill!!" He said as he stretched and walked over to shoto to prepare his egg, completely ignoring everyone else. Hisoka just looked at the two and smiled thinking, he's almost as crazy as me!! I love it! 

Netero the chairman showed up suddenly," Well, now that everyone has made it back, lets get on to the third phase! Back on the airship, I'm taking you to a place we hunter call trick tower!" He said with a very poorly hidden sadistic simile. 

A/N: I know this chapter was shorter but I don't think there will be many this short.  I also wanted to ask if you would prefer another fluff airship chapter on the way to the 3rd phase, or if you'd rather I just skip to the 3rd phase? Let me know!

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