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After Gon was quiet for a couple seconds, he looked up with stars in his eyes. "I want to give Killua a hicky too!" Gon announced happily. "WHAA-" Killua said as he immediately put some distance in between him and Gon out of embarrassment. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!" He asked Gon, but didn't get a response as Shoto turned towards Gon. "Go for it" He encouraged with his monotone voice and a thumbs up.

"Yay! Killua can I -" "NO. NO NO NO! YOU STAY AWAY!" Killua hopped out of his chair and began running away from Gon who stuffed his mouth with the last bit of food and ran off, chasing after Killua. "C'mon Killua!" "NO WAY IN HELL!" "Not even just one?!" "No!" "But why not?!" "Because, you dumbass, it's embarrassing!!" Killua was on one side of the couch with Gon on the other, caught in a temporary stale mate. "What if we go where no one can see?" "That barely does anything to make it any less embarrassing!" "But it does make it less!" Gon said as he jumped ver the couch, and throwing Killua over his shoulder. Gon had made his way back over to the group, and Killua looked to Katsuki for help. Instead he received a pat on the head and a sarcastic 'good luck' from him. As Gon walked away Killua saw Shoto mutter a quick "That's a good idea" before grabbing the back of Katsuki's shirt and carrying him to their room. Katsuki only brought his knees up slightly, and crossed his arms pouting at the embarrassment of being carried like a kitten. Before disappearing into their room completely, Katsuki called out to Kurapika, "Don't worry, you won't be left out for long. I called your top over a while ago, he should be hear any minute!"

Kurapika just flushed red as he heard the door open. Leorio came in, and walked over to Kurapika, lightly grabbing his waist. "A little birdie told me they were having a make out session and you were feeling left out" Leorio said into Kurapika's ear. "Want me to fix that?" Kurapika's face got even redder. "I don't NEED you to-" "Do you want me to?" "I-" Before Kurapika could even answer he was picked up, then dropped on the couch. Leorio began to pepper kisses along his jaw. Lightly kissing all over his face, everywhere except his lips. He was waiting, and Kurapika knew it. Tired of his games Kurapika grabbed Leorio's face and brought their lips together for a quick peck and looked away, but Leorio had other plans. He grabbed Kurapika's face and turning it towards him kissing him deeply. Kurapika was deeply embarrassed, and slightly pushing against Leorio, who just grabbed hold of his hands, and held them above his head. He gave him one more quick but passionate kiss before moving to his neck. Trailing kisses and hickeys down his neck.

The last thing Killua saw before being carried all the way into their room was Kurapika's face flush. He snickered to himself, a cat-like grin on his face. That was until he felt himself being lowered onto the bed, his smirk immediately disappearing. He quickly sat up, "Wait Gon, can't we just talk this out?!" Killua tried, but failed. Gon had pulled Killua into his lap, pulled his shirt away from his neck and began to leave a hickey on the back of his neck. Gon was happy to see that Killua was embarrassed, but clearly enjoying the affection. He was not so happy to see that the mark wasn't as dark as Shoto had been able to get it. That's when he realized that Shoto had bitten down a bit. He started off with more of a tentative nibble in fear of not doing it right and hurting Killua, but even just at that little bit he'd felt Killua stop breathing, it was like he froze. That's when Gon bit down harder, at this Killua let out a loud gasp before immediately trying to crawl away. Seeing this Gon quickly wrapped his arms around Killua, bringing his back to his body. Killua was still fighting it a bit, but once Gon had began to lighter on same spot, he'd taken it to mean that Gon wouldn't bite down like that anymore. He was dead wrong. After he'd felt Gon fully pull away from his neck he started to move away to look at the now sore spot in the mirror, but was once again pulled back. This time he was pushed on his back with Gon leaning over him. "What are you doing idiot?! You only said one!" "That one doesn't count, it was just practice." "Of course it counts what are you-" Once again he couldn't finish his sentence before Gon had began his attack, this time on his collar bone. They found that he was much more sensitive there, then at his neck. Killua was squirming slightly, not used to any of this, and also trying not to make any embarrassing sounds that he could feel at the back of his throat. He'd looked down at Gon just in time to see the mischievous look in his eyes and throw a hand over his mouth before he bit down hard on Killua's collar bone. All the noises he was suppressing, making their way out of his throat and stifled by his hand. Gon was very happy by the response, and continued to abuse the spot.

When Katsuki was finally set down by Shoto, he was laid back against the pillows. Shoto lowered himself onto Katsuki's chest. He put his hands on the sides of Katsuki's chest and pushed his hands together rubbing his head on his chest. It was like using a pillow to cover your ears. After he got comfortable Shoto looked slightly up at Katsuki who was lightly combing through his hair with his fingers, "Our relationship, what are we?" Shoto asked bluntly. "What?" "Well we haven't made anything official, and neither of us officially confessed either. I was just wondering what our relationship was." "What do you want us to be?" Katsuki asked, but was left without a response. "Shoto?" "I know what I want us to be, but-" "'but' what?" "I don't think it's possible right now" "Try me." "Okay. I want us to be more then friends. More then Lovers. More then Boyfriends." "what-" "I want to marry you." It was quiet for a moment, but Katsuki's grip soon tightened as he responded. "I might be able to make that happen." The smirk was evident in his voice, but Shoto couldn't imagine him responding any other way. If it was true or not, he'd have to wait and see.

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