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I'm the end he was standing strong, a barbarian smile adorned his face, and there wasn't a scratch on him. After that battle a new name spread like wild fire ... the Ruthless Rookie.

He stood in the arena over Gido's body reveling in the violence and applause. His ears tuned out all sound that wasn't praise. When the world finally did return to him, he practically strutted out of the arena, his smirk still sitting proudly on his face. Seeing him finally moving Shoto moved to go meet him, with the rest of the group following after him. When Katsuki and Shoto first saw each other, they walked up to each other not saying anything, and stood in front of each other in silence. It was awkward for the group but not for them. Eventually they heard, "Told you I didn't need luck" "And I told you I was wishing your opponent luck, it was obvious he needed it." "Tch" "don't 'Tch' me" "I just did, anyway, I thought that fight would be more fun, but I was getting more then two points a combo which meant I couldn't have my fun." "I hope you realize that by 'fun' you mean mercilessly beating on your opponent as much as you can." "Me? Merciless? Please it's like you don't even know me" Kasuki sassed back with and eye roll and playful smirk.

That's when wing decided to bud in. "I must say I'm quite impressed." "What do you mean?" Zushi asked before Wing had a chance to explain. "I mean that Gido was close to being a floor master, and Katsuki beat him without using any nen at all in the fight." It was Gon's turn to speak "WOW!! That's so cool!! I can't believe you didn't use any nen in that fight, he was sure strong when I fought him, and I WAS using nen!" "Well he's older then you and seems to have a lot more experience with actual combat then you, so it only makes sense that Gido would be an easier opponent for him." Killua reasoned, then continued "But it is still quite impressive that you were able to fight without nen. Just observing the fight I would assume you were an enhancer." He paused "Speaking of which, you two obviously know nen, so which type are you?" Shoto thought back to the the explanation Wing gave of the types, thankful he and Katsuki had listened, before responding, "I believe I'm a specialty type, but I don't know what Katsuki could be" "Yeah that sounds about right" Katsuki said agreeing, "Of course, we never actually took a test" he shrugged. Killua looked at Katsuki, then looked at Wing with a slightly confused look about his face "Shoto's personality, and nen type match up, but Katsuki? His personality matches up with an enhancer right?" He asked Wing. "I have to agree with Killua" Wing said thoughtfully "Maybe we could just have you two do the test at my place over dinner?" He asked, now turning his attention to the two. "It would be my treat tonight, though it'll be hard to follow Katsuki" He looked pleased at first, but then his eye brows furrowed, then his eyes widened as he yelled "YOU MEAN IMPOSSIBLE!!" The other four just sweat dropped, and Shoto smacked him up-side the head "We're in a crowded place, be quiet." Katsuki growled at him, but was otherwise compliant. The three were impressed with his ability to calm Katsuki's temper.

The group made their way to Wing's apartment, picking up food on the way. When they sat down at the table to eat Katsuki scoffed and mumbled a quick "can't believe my godly cooking was compared to this cheap roadkill" under his breath. Shoto, who was sitting next to him, head him and let out a small chuckle, but let the comment be, not wanting to start anything when they were finally about to eat after a long day.

Dinner passed pretty smoothly, conversations hear and there. When dinner was over the conversation naturally made it's way to the nen test, and Wing got it set up. Shoto decided to go first, and Katsuki, surprisingly, let him. He did the test and as expected had a special nen type. This made the others curious, wanting to see his nen. They only got "When the time is right" in return, only making their curiosity grow. Next was Katsuki. When he did the test everyone was surprised to find that he was a transmuter. "Really a transmuter? Not an enhancer? That doesn't make much sense personality wise" Killua said bringing up the point he made earlier. "It is quite odd, but we have no idea what his nen is" Wing said eyeing Katsuki the others following suit to see if they could get him to tell them. "Not happening, I'm keeping it a secret so it's a total surprise! It'll make for an epic entrance once of these days!!" He said enthusiastically. That only let them know that it was probably flashy, but with how brash he comes off, it was a surprise he was hiding it, and strategically saving it. It's not like they'll get anymore out of him, so they drop it and the three boys go to talk and play in the other room, while Wing Katsuki and Shoto sat down on the couch. Katsuki looked like he was about to pass out when Shoto reached over, patting his head gently. "Aww, is it past your bedtime?" Shoto mocked expecting a snarky response, but instead Katsuki leaned into the touch before falling onto Shoto's lap. He curled up and closed his eyes, Shoto's hand resting gently on his lower back, and the other playing with his hair.  Him and Wing talked for a while, but eventually judged it time to head back. He picked Katsuki up, got Gon and Killua, and they all walked back to heavens arena. He dropped Gon and Killua off at their apartment before finally being able to lay down with Katsuki and close his eyes.

Today was a good day. At first he thought about going home and still becoming heros, but since coming here he's felt himself get stronger, he gets to be free, and he gets to spend all this time with Katsuki. His day gets to start and end next to the explosive blond. He also gets to be away from his horrid and abusive family dynamic, so he's come to the conclusion that coming here has been the best thing to have happened to them. He didn't regret it at all.  "Night Kat." He whispered before finally succumbing to sleep.

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