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Sally took Leni to the doctor immediately after knowing that she hasn't get checked up. She wants to know if her daughter is really pregnant. Leni was just sitting there beside her mom while waiting for their appointment. She didn't know what to do to correct things. She's hoping that she got false positive from the test kit she took. If she's really pregnant with Bongbong, it's going to be chaos.

The doctor soon got Leni in and started to take on some blood from her for the quantitative blood test or the beta hCG test. Leni wanted to cry already not because of the needle inserted into her body, but because of the fear that she might suffer the consequences if the test results came out positive.

"Is it done?" Sally asked.

Leni just nodded.

Sally was nervous too. She want to scold her daughter so badly but she knew that Leni needed a mother as of the moment.

"Are you okay?" Sally asked.

Leni looked at her mom with puffy eyes. "I'm sorry mom. Hindi ko po sinasadya."

Sally hugged her daughter, Leni cried. "If you're really pregnant, we'll talk to your dad about this."

"Pero mommy magagalit si daddy. Baka itakwil nya ako—"

Sally cut Leni off, "It's the right thing to do, anak. Then, we'll talk to the father of your baby."

"Ma, no! Please." Leni begged. She doesn't want Bongbong to know.

"Anong gagawin mo sa bata kung buntis ka nga?" Sally was confused.

Leni pursed her lips, "If ever I'm pregnant, I'm going to keep this baby. Bubuhayin ko sya mag-isa." She caressed her stomach.

"But Leni—"

"Mom please. I don't want him to know about this." Leni cut her mom off. She's decided already that she's not gonna let Bongbong know about their child.


Leni went to school the next day even if she's feeling tired and ill already. She doesn't want her students to be left behind. She's going to take it easy, she told herself.

"Mare!" Risa exclaimed the moment she saw Leni walking in the hallway. "Ano kumusta? Anong sabi ng doktor?"

Leni smiled weakly at her, touching her stomach unconsciously, "Magiging ninang ka na."

Risa gasped. "What?!"

Leni nodded, "I'm pregnant, Ris."


Leni went home in Naga after her parents told her to. She knew what this means already, she's anxious of what's going to happen. Her dad will be pissed about it for sure. She took the bus going home. After 10 hours of travel, she finally arrived in Naga City.

Leni can feel the fast beating of her heart. She's too anxious for this. She want to breakdown even before meeting his dad. Also, her mood swings and being too emotional is making it harder for her to cope with the stress due to unexpected pregnancy. She tried to calm herself as she went down from the tricycle as it stopped in front of their gate. It's clear to her that she's going to keep her baby no matter what happens.

She slowly opened the gate of their house. "Ate!" Malou screamed as she met her halfway. They hugged briefly. Malou helped her with her stuff too.

Upon entering, Leni saw her dad sitting on the dining table reading some newspaper. She figured that her mom was still in the kitchen as she finish preparing their breakfast. "Dad." Leni's voice was slightly anxious. She went to her dad to exchange some pleasantries. She soon found her mom, they hugged too.

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