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Leni felt her she's gonna throw up after that brief encounter with Bongbong. She just want to evaporate into thin air the moment he recognized her. "Sa lahat naman ng puwedeng maka-one night stand bakit yung may-ari pa ng university." she thought.

The emcees soon announced that the short program has ended and they should all proceed to the 5th floor of the other building where a convention hall is located for lunch buffet. "Magkakilala pala kayo ni BBM?" Kit asked Leni as they started to exit the hall.

"Huh? Sinong BBM?" Leni frowned.

"Si Bongbong Marcos. Anak ni Madam Imelda Marcos. Kinausap ka kanina sa stage diba?" Kit elaborated.

"Ah yun ba? Um ano wala yun. It's a long story at gutom na ako kaya bilisan na natin." Leni just chuckled and walked faster.

Once they entered the convention hall for lunch, Leni saw Bongbong was already seated at the front together with the University President,VP for Higher Education, and other stakeholders. She continued to observe his movements where she was seated with Kit, Risa, and other faculty members from their department. She saw him conversing with his seatmates, laughing and the way he listened to other people's stories just amazes her. She found him charming and handsome too.

"Uy mare, tama na ang titig mo dyan. Hindi yan ang lunch. Itigil mo yan." Risa lightly tapped Leni's arm.

Leni chuckled, "Ano na naman? Wala naman akong ginagawa."

Risa just rolled her eyes at her friend. They walked towards the buffet table. Leni's eyes widened in enthusiasm as she saw what's for lunch, she loves everything on the menu. She's lucky it's all for free.

"Mare, kalmahan mo lang ang tyan mo baka naman kabagin ka sa dami ng kinukuha mo." Risa reminded her friend. Leni just shrugged it off and continued to move forward from one chafing dish to another.

There were still some performances coming from the guest band and some acoustic songs presented during the duration of the lunch. The faculty and staff were still chatting while they savor the food served to them. Meanwhile, Leni seems to not take her eyes off of Bongbong who's laughing and conversing with his seat mates. Some of the attendees cheered for Bongbong to sing, he humbly declined.

Risa tapped Leni's arm subtly, "Mare, wag mong gawinh dessert si Sir Bongbong. Mahirap na baka mag round 2 pa kayo dito. Huwag kayong magkalat."

Leni blushed, she just couldn't imagine that the world they were in becomes smaller. "Tumahimik ka nga, Ris! Baka may ibang makarinig or worst baka marinig ka ni Kit."

"Yan! Yan! Lalandi-landi ka tapos babalik at babalik ka din naman pala kay Belmonte. Kung ako sainyo gawin nyo ng official yang mga mutual understanding eme nyo." Risa rolled her eyes. It's quite obvious that Leni and Kit has the same feelings towards each other. Both of them don't have the guts to address these feelings.

"Ewan ko sa'yo. Dyan ka muna, CR lang muna ako." Leni stood up from her seat.

Risa frowned, "Pang apat mo na yan na ihi mare." Leni doesn't bother to answer back.

As Leni travelled from inside the venue going to the nearest comfort room, she suddenly felt like her eyes are turning blurry. She felt dizzy. She held her head as she tried to breathe in and out, calming herself. She successfully reached the comfort room, she looked at herself in the mirror, what is happening to me? She might be stressed out over the bar's result. Seconds later, she ran to one of the toilets to throw up. She barely breathe because of throwing up. She can feel her stomach turning and her intestines are gonna come out of her mouth.

She then felt a hand on her back, caressing her. Another hand was felt trying to held her hair up. Minutes later, Leni felt relieved as she stopped throwing up. Someone gave her a tissue which she gladly received. She then stood straight to recover and to thank the person who just helped her.

"Thank—" Leni's eyes widened the moment she saw the person behind her. "Oh! My god!"

"Are you okay now?" It was Imelda Marcos.

"Madam, naku, sorry po sa abala." Leni apologized shyly. She was so embarrassed.

Imelda chuckled, "Ano ka ba, hija. Don't be sorry. I'm here to help since narinig kita paglabas ko ng toilet."

"Thank you po, madam." Leni bowed her head in embarrassment.

"Okay ka na ba? What happened to you?" Imelda asked further making sure that Leni's fine.

Leni nodded, "Naku, okay na po. Sumama lang po ang pakiramdam ko baka po sa mga kinain ko."

Imelda soon noticed her ID, "You're a faculty here? What's your name, hija?"

Leni nodded, "Um yes po. I'm Leni Gerona po from the Social Sciences Department."

Imelda smiled, she found Leni smart after she knew her department. "Wow! That's very nice of you, Leni. Si Kit pala ang boss mo sa department."

Leni smiled sweetly, "Yes po madam."

Imelda held Leni's hand as they walked back to the venue. They continued to chat as Imelda liked Leni in an instant plus she's a bit worried about her health after seeing her throw up. "I love you skirt, hija. Mahilig din yung isa kong anak sa mga local brands na damit. Magkakasundo kayo ni Irene. Pagnagkita kayo dito sa campus." Leni was wearing a locally produced fabric which she brought to her trusted tailor to transform it into a skirt.

Leni giggled, "Thank you po. Magaganda po kasi ang mga local brands na damit and other accessories. Saka we really have to support local po." She said with enthusiasm, she's really a woman who knows what she wants and stand in what she believes in.

Imelda was impressed on how Leni was reserved and yet brave enough to express her stance. Leni reminded her of her youth.

Minutes later and they were able to reached the entrance of the venue. "Ladies and gentlemen, let us all welcome, Madam Imelda Romualdez-Marcos!" The emcee announced Imelda's presence. Everyone in the room looked at the back to greet their boss. Leni was suddenly embarrassed as her right hand was still held by Imelda.

"Mom!" Bongbong immediately met his mom halfway. He was surprised to see her there, he assumed that she'll just rest after a long flight. Nevertheless, he's glad to have her back.

"Hi, hijo! How are you?" Imelda greeted her boy. They exchanged pleasantries.

"I'm fine. Glad you're here. Have you eaten already?" Bongbong asked, ready to assist his mom with whatever she needs.

"No no, I'm okay anak." Imelda declined. "Oh! Have you met Leni? She's a faculty here, anak. She's teaching Econ." Imelda introduced, still holding Leni's right hand.

Leni and Bongbong was suddenly caught off guard. For a moment, they didn't know what to do in front of Imelda. Leni couldn't move, she can feel her hands trembling. She just wanted to evaporate into thin air. This day is will passed as her most embarrassing day.

Bongbong smirked at Leni, "Yes, mom. We've actually met. Right, Ms. Gerona?"

Leni blushed, she knew what he's talking about. "Um yes, yes po. We um we've already met po. Dito— kanina po sa ano— sa um program — kanina." She's crushing.

Bongbong smirked at her. He loved how she reacted.

Imelda beamed, "Good to know! Sabi ko nga kay Leni magkakasundo sila ni Irene because they both love to support local brands."

Bongbong nodded in agreement as he still stared at Leni with a smirk on his face, "Hmm mukha nga, mom. Aimee will like her too for sure."

Imelda nodded, "Yes yes that's true. Well, lahat naman gusto ni Aimee."

"Imee is a bit too much, I think. Masyado kasing madaldal." Bongbong followed. Leni realized how he mentioned all his siblings to her.

Imelda chuckled.

Bongbong looked straight to Leni's eyes, "But I will like you for sure, Ms. Gerona."

To be continued...


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