Right Where You Left Me

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It's been three days since they went back to Manila. Three days ever since that incident happened. Leni couldn't contain her worry for her husband. She wanted to talk to him, but he was aloof. Ever since that night, he seemed to stop communicating with her. She felt like he's avoiding her for an obvious reason.

She went to his office during lunch to personally bring her cooked packed lunch. She gave some of the containers to his staff before going inside his office. "Daddy! Lunch na!" She tried to be enthusiastic about what's happening.

He looked at her. His eyes were tired. "Hi!"

She kissed his lips. "Let's eat? Prepare ko lang 'to dun sa table."

He just nodded.

She held his hand ushering him to sit beside her on the couch. He silently do what she wants. She then started to feed him, "Ah"

He silently opened his mouth, chew the food until he finished everything she brought. "Thank you."

She smiled and cupped his cheek. "Are you okay?"

He nodded, kissing her palm.

"You can talk to me. I'm gonna listen." She said.

He smiled sadly, "I'm fine, ba."

She nodded. He then stood up, walking back to his table to resume his work.

She just watched him move. She sighed. She knew something is not right with him.


"Anong meron? Magkaaway kayo ni Bong?" Risa asked after seeing Leni's sigh for the nth time over the course of their dinner.

Leni's eyes spelled worry. "Nag aalala ako kay Bongbong eh. Di sya masyadong nagsasalita these past few days. Pag tinatanong ko naman okay lang daw sya. Pero ramdam kong may something sa kanya eh."

"Just be patient with him." Kit suggested.

"I am patient." Leni said. "Minsan gusto ko na ngang awayin eh. Puro nalang sya I'm fine eh halata namang hindi."

"Hay naku! You have to learn how to compromise." Kit remarked. "Di puro ikaw nalang ang bini-baby ng asawa mo."

"Wow ha!" Leni reacted.

"O bakit? Totoo naman! Pag magkasama kayo ni Bong para kang bata." Kit rolled his eyes.

"Yiiee! Nagseselos!" Leni teased.

"Parang tanga!" Kit fumed.

They laugh.

"Pareho kayong parang tanga dyan!" Risa boosted.

Leni and Kit frowned at her. "Si perfect!" Leni exclaimed.

"Well yeah! That's true!" Risa hair flip.

"May kwento nga pala ako." Kit brought up silencing Risa.

"Ano? Goww!" Risa was so eager to know.

"I saw Grace." Kit said.

Risa and Leni were silenced.

"Saw her sa coffee shop malapit sa campus." He continued.

"How was it?" Leni asked.

He shrugged. "I still love her."

Leni and Risa's heart broke after hearing how sincere that was.

"But she's happy. She got her family now. She got Kring diba? So I am happy for her too. Guess I'm just gonna love her from afar." He smiled.

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