I know you

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Leni rolled to her other side for the nth time, she opened her eyes and see no Bongbong lying down on the other bed. It's already 11:50pm but Leni can't still sleep as she unconsciously wait for him to come home. Earlier when they were together at the university for the intramurals, Bongbong left early because he has to meet his best friends and have dinner with them. Cha stopped giving her updates after dropping Bongbong off at the restaurant making Leni slightly paranoid. She knew Cha already went home and it's not her responsibility to update her regarding Bongbong's whereabouts after office hours.

She slowly stood up and went outside their room. She sighed, he's still not there. She went to the kitchen instead to drink some warm water. She wanted to rest already after a tiring day but she cannot sleep without him which is knew to her.

Nasaan ka na ba, Marcos?! Leni was teary eyed already. She didn't know what she's feeling at that moment — anxious, stressed, angry and all other things she can imagine to feel. She managed to breathe for a few minutes to avoid having another panick attack. She didn't have Bongbong's phone number so all she can do is wait.

She managed to walked back to their room to lie down once again. Suddenly, the door swung opened. She immediately turned around to see who it was, her guess was right, it was Bongbong. She immediately sat down. "Bakit ngayon ka lang?" She asked.

He was a bit startled. "Why are you still up?" He glanced at his wrist watch, 12:23am. "It's already morning."

"I can't sleep." She pouted. "Bakit kasi ngayon ka lang umuwi? Saan ka galing? Akala ko ba mag didinner ka lang with friends?"

"Oh god!" He sighed heavily as he walked inside the walk in closet. "Bukas na tayo mag-away, Leonor. I have no time for this."

Leni felt a pang in her chest. Her eyes instantly watered. She sniffed. She lie down again and covered herself with the blanket. She wanted to bawl in front of him and tell him that she's anxious because he doesn't tell her where he is or who's with him. She wanted to tell him to just stay at home and look for her because she might experience having a panic attack again. But their relationship is too much complicated for all those things to happen.


"Anong nangyari sa'yo?" Risa asked. They were at the covered courts watching basketball. It's their college vs. the college of business and accountancy. Risa noticed how silent Leni was and her eyes were swollen.

Leni looked at her, sadly. "Si Bong kasi."

Risa rolled her eyes. "Inaway ka na naman? Umiyak ka ba?"

Leni nodded. "Madaling araw na sya umuwi kanina. Hindi man lang ako sinabihan kung saan sya pupunta."

Risa sighed. "Alam mo Leni, kausapin mo yang asawa mo ha! Yung as in one-on-one tapos serious kayo ganyan. Pilitin nyong mag communicate jusko buntis ka pa naman. Tingin mo ba mabuti yan para sa baby?"

Leni shook her head slowly. Her face was very sad. "Hindi ko alam paano sya kausapin ng matino eh."

"Hay naku! Pareho kasi kayong ma pride." Risa expressed.

Leni was about to talk when her phone rang. It was Charity, so she immediately answered. "Hello, Cha?"

"Hello, maam? Maam, nasaan po kayo ngayon?"

"Nandito sa school. Bakit?"

"Saan po dito maam? Kakarating lang po kasi namin eh. Saan ka po namin maam pupuntahan?"

"Nandito kayo sa school? Bakit anong meron?"

"Um wala naman po maam. Gusto lang daw po bumisita ni boss. Saan kayo maam?"

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