Start of Forever

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He woke up feeling so good and excited. This day is gonna be the start of forever. He smiled just the thought of it. He hurriedly finished his breakfast and prepared himself. He communicated with his EA, Cha who's been leading the preparation for months now.

"Good morning, boss!" Cha greeted him enthusiastically.

"How's everything?" He asked.

"Everything's good, boss! Ready na po lahat. Matamis na oo nalang ni Atty. ang kulang." Cha giggled.

He smiled, "We'll hear it from her later."

Call ended.

After all the preparations he made, Bongbong went straight to the airport. He didn't wait long enough before he saw the love of his life.

"Babe!" She screamed as she ran towards him.

He smiled widely and returned the hug tightly, "I missed you so much."

She kissed his lips, "I missed you too."

They immediately went to their favorite restaurant where the surprise will be held. They took their orders and started to eat lunch.

"How are you, babe? How's your flight?" He asked.

"It was okay naman babe. Medyo jetlag lang but I'm fine." She answered. "Ikaw how are you? How's business?"

"Business is good. Medyo busy lang talaga because we're expanding, you know how it works." He told her.

She nodded, "How's tita meldy?"

"She's okay naman. She's enjoying her life with her friends." He smirked.

She chuckled, "Can't wait to see her again after a year."

"Naku! Pag nagkita kayo baka kulitan ka nya about having a child. Gusto na magkaapo eh." He hinted.

She just gave him a faint smile. She doesn't want to have kids right now. "In time."

He halted and look at her, "Don't pressure yourself, babe. Mom will surely understand." He smiled reassuringly.

She held his hand. "Thanks babe."

He nodded and continued eating. He knew all too well where she stand with regards to having kids, she doesn't want it yet. He wanted to have kids and settle  down with her but he doesn't want to pressure her and just wanted to support her in everything she wanted to do. He's contended with the kind of relationship they have.

Hours later, Bongbong finally drove her into their house as Imelda demanded for dinner. He was the one who entered the first telling her that he has to inform his mom and siblings about their arrival, she agreed telling him she would be there in no time.

She was curious of why the lights outside and even the chandeliers aren't even turned on. She frowned but continued to walk forward.

"Babe? Why is everything turned off? Is there some—"

Her sentence got cut off the moment she entered the house. The lights went on and there are a lot of people standing in front of her. There she saw her Mom and Dad, her Tita Meldy, Bongbong's siblings—Imee, Irene, and Aimee, her other cousins, Bongbong's closest friends: Migz, Chiz, Win, and Grace, Bongbong's EA, Cha. And there she saw the love of his life, holding a bouquet of beautifully arranged flowers walking towards her. She was completely shocked of what was happening to her right now. She suddenly saw him holding a red box, her heart started to beat rapidly. She knew this.

"Babe, I know that you still have a lot of goals to achieve and I am very much willing to support you. I am proud of you alam mo yan. You are my life. You're my everything. I cannot imagine my life without you. I am so in love with you." He started. She started to cry after everything he said.

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