Midnight Rain

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It was a silent morning. The entire unit was silent except the clanging of utensils in the kitchen. Leni went outside the room and instantly smelled the aromatics, she knew Bongbong was preparing breakfast. She went to the kitchen and saw him in his pjs.

He was a bit startled when he felt her presence. "Uh hi! Good morning!"

She didn't bother to acknowledge his presence. She just walked past him, getting a cup and saucer to make herself a coffee. It actually amazes her how organized all the stuff in the kitchen was. She noted how her organizers were still in use up to now. She was surprised to see a coffee machine there. She was curious if Bongbong was using it.

"Do you want me to make you coffee?" Bongbong asked.

"Marunong ka ba nito?" She asked.

He smiled. "Yeah. Akin na, gawan kita ng coffee." He got the cup from her, she didn't budged. She really need a good hot coffee before going to work.

She just stood there at the back watching him do all the works. She was quite amazed by how familiar he was with making coffee. It's like he's been doing it since forever.

"Kailan pa 'to natuto gumawa ng kape? At nahanapan nya pa talaga ng time 'to!" She thought.

"Tadaa! Here's your coffee!" He beamed as he served her cup of coffee.

She was amazed by the latte art.

"Sorry medyo di ko pa perfect yung latte art. I made  a heart latte art because I love you!" He smiled sincerely.

She was just standing there with arms crossed in her chest.

He cleared his throat to break the awkward silence as he bring the cup closer to her. "Here. Enjoy this bago pa lumamig."

She rolled her eyes as she silently sip her coffee.

He was waiting for her reaction like a kid who's watching his favorite cartoon show. "How was it? Masarap?"

She shrugged. "Okay lang."

He smirked. "Sus! Nasarapan ka eh. Nahihiya ka lang magsabi."

She frowned at him. "Hindi nga masarap! Feeling ka naman masyado!"

She walked out and get her stuff from the bedroom. He chuckled, shaking his head. He knew her very well.

After a few minutes, he heard the door shut. He ran to keep up with her. "Len, wait!"

She frowned at him. "What?!"

He handed her an insulated tumbler.

"What's this?" She frowned.

"Coffee." He said. "Nilagay ko nalang dyan yung coffee mo para mainom mo pa rin."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and went inside the elevator without even thanking him.


"Hii!" Bongbong beamed as he met Irene halfway. "I didn't know you were coming."

They kissed each other's cheeks. He then assisted her in sitting, putting a pillow on her back.

"Thanks, Bong!" Irene said. "How are you?"

"Okay naman. Bakit? I'm always fine." He smiled.

Irene sighed. She knew it isn't true. "Palagi ka namang okay at fine for the past three years of your life."

He chuckled. "Because I really am."

Irene rolled her eyes. "How are you and Leni?"

He flashed a small smile. "I made her coffee kanina. I think that's progress."

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