New Beginning

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-Stop! You're not like me!
-The scooper only hurts for a moment.
Bright red light appeared in the room and a beeping sound got through Michael's ears. Then it scooped his organs out. Michael coughed with blood, got free and fell on the floor.

Some years later

It was 6:24 am. Michael was on his way from his work, but today he decided to go to cementry to lay flowers on graves of his loved ones. He wanted to make it quick since he was tired and all what he wanted was to get some sleep.

11:37 am
Michael woke up to strange noises in the house he got after his grandfather.  At first he tried to ignore the sounds, but from time to time they got louder and quiter. The man growned in annoyance and stood from his bed and started to look around for the noises.

20 minutes have passed and he didn't found anything, but they stopped, so Michael decided to brush it off and just go back to sleep.

*Mike's pov*
After looking around the whole house I didn't found anything, so I'll just went back to sleep.
I layed back in bed ready to drove off to sleep again, but now some buzzing noises started to appear. I put my head under pillow, thinking it's just a fly. After a while I drove off to sleep.

I woke up and looked at clock. 01:18 pm. I stood up and walked to kitchen to get a cigarette. Yeah, I know I don't have guts, but it's just a habit... And something that reminds me of past...
I took box and a lighter and walked outside. I put one of cigarettes into my mouth and light it up. I layed my body and head on door frame and smoked the cigarette, closing my eyes.

I stayed in this position for a while until I heard something.
-Good morning, Michael.
I opened my eyes and saw my eldery neighbor. Well not so older than me, I think she might be only 20 years older than me I'm just stuck in my 20's-looking body while I'm already in my thirties.
-Good morning, Mrs. Linda.
I went closer to her and she smiled.
-I hope you don't get any issues from smoking.
-Oh, sorry is that an issue for you?
-That's okay, Mike. Well, how was work?
-Let's say boring, like usually.
-What time did you got home today?
-Around 7, I was at graveyard on my way back, but how's your day?
-It's going pretty good, thank you.
-It's good to hear, maybe I could help you with bags?
-Oh, that's okay, after all I live right next to you, so only a few steps and I'm home. But thank you for offering.
-Well, alright, I'll get back in, have a good day.
-Have a good day, Michael.
I went back, but before, I stall the cigarette.

When I got back in I heard buzzing sound the same that I forgot about.
-Where the fuck is that comin-
I didn't got to finish because someone pushed me to the floor and was on top of me. I opened my eyes and saw an... Animatronic? How did it got in here?
It didn't said anything and just looked at me.
-How did you got into my house?
It took a while for it to respond.
-Vënt$. Y0u lo0k fæmíliar.
-You kinda do too. Do you have a name?
Ennard. Now that's when it hit me. I don't know why, but my eyes started to fill with tears. Well, maybe because that animatronic killed my lover? I started to cry and covered my face.
-Wh∆ @ré y0u cryïng?
-H-How do you know t-that I'm crying?
-Lét's šæy that I hàvē my ówn hūmän.
I took my hands and looked at it.
-Could you please let me go?
It stood up and I did as well meanwhile wiping off my tears.
-I just remembered how I know you.
-Well, when I was younger you killed my fiance.
-I dîd?
-Yeah, but maybe you don't have it saved because you were still in work until you weren't abonded.
He sat down on the floor like a dog and I throw away the cigarette.
-Æreñ's y0ù afràid óf me?
-No. But what's wrong with your voice box?
-Ì don't kñow.
-Do you want me to help you?
-Stay here, I'll be right back.
I went to get stuff and a new voice box. I don't know why I have some of them in my house, but I don't mind.
When I came back I kneeld down in front of the animatronic. I'm actually surprised that it's calm and not aggressive. After remembering that Edward made him I could only expect it to be aggressive, maybe not only towards people.

After around 10 minutes I changed it's voice box.
-Can you say something?
-What's your name?
I smiled at the fact I changed it's box in Suh a a short time.
-I'm Michael Afton, but at work some call me Eggs or Eggs Benedict, please don't ask why, it was a stupid hand unit.
I didn't noticed at first, but he was staring at me.
-Got a problem?
-Eggs... Benedict?
-No, that's just like a nickname. My real name is Michael and let's stick with that.
-So you're the one who Baby made me kill.
I kinda frozed and shocked at his comment. Did it seriously killed me?
-Circus Baby made me kill Eggs Benedict.
I looked at him not knowing what to do.
-Great... I guess that's my karma.
-Karma? What would you do to have it?
He seem to be intelligent, buts orm of his questions didn't made sense.
-I guess I can tell you. In 1983 when my younger brother had birthday me and my ex-friends made a prank on his that caused his life.
It looked at me not saying anything.
-If you want you can stay, at least I'll have some company after my cat died.
-Your cat died? Why?
-Yeah, two years ago, from old age.
Then Ennard stood up and I just realized how big he is. Holy shit, I'm 6'6 (2m) myself and it is like... Half taller of me?
Maybe around 9-9'1. (2,74-2,77m). Okay it's noted not to mess with it until I know it better and make sure it doesn't hurt me more.
-Aww, Michael is so small.
-You're just big, Ennard.
Then I heard phone ringing from upstairs.
-Wait, I'll go get it.

*Ennard's pov*
"Noah, for you know I'm in Eggs Benedict's house?"
"Oh, really? Cool I guess"
"He said that's not his real name, but nickname"
"that's pretty obvious"
"He said his real name is Michael Afton or something like that"
"Wait, what?"
"Repeat that"
"No, you dumb, what's his real name"
"He said it's Michael Afton"
His quiet? He always was weird, but seems like soemthings off with Michael.
"Is he dangerous?"
"No, how does he look like?"
"He has long hair, curly, brown and his front hair is black. He has such a pretty, blue eyes. The most thing that I notice are rings on his fingers. They're black and silver, but one is gold"
"Yes, with something blue, maybe diamond"
"O-Oh god"
"What's wrong?"
"That's Michael, he was my fiance"
"Ohh, do you want to meet him?"
"I'd love to... But what if he hates me?..."
"For what he would hate you?"
"For leaving him, for not keeping my promises"
"But what if he still loves you?"
"I don't know"
"You should try"
"Ennard, I'm a poltergeist! He won't see me, he could feel me, but he would just get scared and I don't want him to be..."
"But we scooped him, doesn't that make him dead too?"
"Right, you said he was Eggs Benedict, what should I do?"
"Try talking with him"
"I don't know, I'm scared..."
"But you should try, if he won't accapet you again, you don't have to come out again"
"Maybe you're right..."
"And I think his mental health isn't so good, so maybe that would change it a bit"
And he stayed silent. He is so weird. The silent treatment he gives me is sometimes annoying, but now I'm just trying to help him, he never tried to get out since he possessed me, but I think if Michael would meet him again, he would be so happy.

Then Michael came back.
-Hey Ennard, I have to go to work for an hour or two, can I trust you to stay alone?
-Right, thanks, try not to make lots of noise.
He took car keys and walked out. At least I had time to talk with Noah and try to make him meet Mike again.


Hi and welcome to my new story that is a continuation of my first book about past Michael x Noah. I hope you'll like it♡

Michael Afton x Noah Martinez: Afterlife loveWhere stories live. Discover now