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N: Yeah, he's quiet busy right now...

I look out the glass door to the backyard and have a phone call.

T: What's he doing?

N: He's... Mowing the lawn...

I stutter as I watch Mike mowing the lawn. I get closer to the door since I want to get a better view of his curves in his white, tight tank top.

T: That's really great! Good start for a depressed person.

Terry laughed through phone, but I didn't listened to him since I was looking at Mike. After a few longer seconds of silence between us he decided to speak.

T: Noah? What are you doing? Fuck- Don't tell me you're jerking off to my brother mowing lawn.

N: I'm not jerking off. I'm unfortunately standing by glass door and I can't do that, unless you want out neighbour's 3 year old kid see me do this.

T: I hope you're not doing that, and you won't. Mostly when there's a kid that could watch you.

N: Don't test my boundaries.

Terrance went silent. After that I giggled, then he hang up, and I put my phone in my pocket. I looked back outside to look at mike, but he was standing in front of me on the other side of the door. He opened the door.

M: What are you looking at? You sneaky bitch.

N: Aw, you're already done?

M: Yes, I am, are you sneakig on me?

N: Why would I sneak on my own boyfriend?

M: You're capable of many things.

N: I mean, I am, but you're my pretty boyfriend, why would I sneak on you?

I put my hands on his cheeks and shake his head gently.

M: Okay, okay, you can stop now, Noah.

I did as he wanted and pulled him in for a gentle and soft kiss. He giggled and kissed me back. After a few seconds we pulled away and he rubbed his nose on mine.

M: So what are the plans for today?

N: Me fucking you.

Mike rolled his eyes and chuckled.

M: God you're so needy, I love you so much, but not today since I'm going to work tonight.

I groan and put my head on his shoulder.

N: Why...

M: Because I need money to feed a fat ass like you that only eats even though you don't need to since you're dead now.

N: I can't help myself eating is my 3rd love.

M: What are ethe two other?

N: You and guitars. Just a few years and I'll open a museum of every guitar that I'll own, of course if our music gets popular.

M: Don't tell me you actually plan on spending thousands of dollars on guitars.

N: Don't test my limits...

M: Noah! And where do you even want to keep them?

I put my finger on his lips asking him shush.

N: Shh, when we'll be rich we'll maybe renovate the other room in the basement.

M: And how do you know that you'll be rich, huh? What if you won't get world-wide popular?

N: Look right now, it's been only around a year and we're already getting successful, maybe because mayors kid likes our music and that's the only reason we're getting time at the festival, but people seem to like our music.

Michael Afton x Noah Martinez: Afterlife loveWhere stories live. Discover now