Noah's revenge♥︎

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𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷
When I woke up I didn't fell Noah next to me. I checked the time and it's 12:46 pm.

I went downstairs to see if he's here.
Fortunately he was sitting on the couch watching TV.
I sat down next to him as he looked at me.

N: What's up Mi-

I pulled him for a smooch.
After I pulled away he looked kinda confused.

M: I'm sorry.

N: For what?

M: For getting into a fight with you earlier.

N: Drama queen.

M: Holy fuck Noah, I'm trying to apologize.

N: You're dramatic over some stupid shit like that. It's okay, as long as it's not anything serious.

M: Are you sure?

N: Yes.

M: Can I ask you something?

N: Of course.

M: Why are you shirtless?

N: I didn't really wanted to look for something while you were asleep.

M: At least in home it's not cold.

He pulled me for a hug and kissed my shoulder.

M: Oh! It's snowing.

N: Yeah, for the past some time.

M: I would go out, but at the moment I don't feel like to.

N: You do?

M: Yeah, maybe later.

N: Yeah, we can go out.

M: Awesome.

I hugged into him and watched the tv.

𝘕𝘰𝘢𝘩'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷
Suddenly the phone rang and Mike went to pick it up. I turned down volume in the tv.
It was one of his co-workers.

The conversation was weird.
Michael was laughing strangely.
Mostly it wasn't even a conversation about work or anyhing like that.

Michael started to sound flirty and telling flirty jokes. I wonder if he noticed.
I turned off the TV and went to kitchen where he was.
Seems like he didn't noticed me.

I stood behind and close to him and put my hands under his shirt on his waist.
I got his hair away and started to kiss his neck.

Micheal got quieter. I bit his shoulder while he tried not to scream.
I slide my hand under his pants and began to touch him.

M: N-Noah...

N: Hm? Trying to be flirty with someone else other than me?

I whispered to his ear and licked his cheek as I started to get rougher.

•: Mike? Are you okay?

Michael wanted to take the phone, but I was first.

N: Sorry, but Mike is busy and I'll make him feel even better than just okay.

I put the phone head down and continued kissing his neck and giving him a handjob. He lean to the wall and laid on it.

After a while I stopped kissing him and looked as he was smiling. Seems like he's enjoying this.
I turned him around and stopped.

M: W-Why would y-you do that?

N: What do you mean?

M: You teased me while I was on call.

Michael Afton x Noah Martinez: Afterlife loveWhere stories live. Discover now