Home Alone♡

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I've got woken up by feeling of tight snuggles. I opened my eyes and looked at Mikey. It's him. And he's shaking. I put the quilt on him and pulled him to me hugging him tightly.

I looked at the clock on the drawer and it's 9:53 am. Good thing I don't have to meet with these idiots ntoday, so I can spend time with my love.
I kissed Mike's forehead, then got out of bed. He pulled me back in hugging me even tighter.

M: Don't go.

N: I'll just go kindle in the furnace, then I'll come back.

M: Fine, but you better come back quickly.

N: Yeah, yeah I will.

I pecked his cheek, and went to do what I wanted.

After some minutes I came back. I got under the quilt and Mikey immediately got on top of me and hugged me.

N: Just some time and it'll be warm.

M: Awesome.

He pulled me into a kiss.

N: Mikey~ what got into you?

M: I can't eat, so you at least have to feed me with attention like a typical gay guy.

N: What more?

M: Love me, and never leave me.

N: You know I wouldn't, I've told you this dozens of times.

M: I just want to make sure.

N: And you shouldn't, you should know I won't leave you unless you hurt me so bad.

M: I know.

N: Do you want to get out?

M: No, My depression doesn't allow me.

N: Aw, my baby.

I cuddle him tightly and spoil him with kisses. He laughed a little bit and hugged me.

M: Are you going out today?

N: No, I'm going tomorrow. Nick and Ted had to do something today.

M: Awesome. But I have to look at the car today.

N: Then you have to get out of bed.

M: No shit Sherlock.

N: Don't be bitchy.

M: You won't tell me what to do.

N: Then no cuddles.

M: Then fuck you.

N: Then fuck me.

M: That's not what I meant.

N: I know, but it doesn't mean I can't joke around.

M: Oh shut up.

He got out and put on clothes.

N: So now you're leaving me?

M: Yes, because I can't stand you sometimes, and I have to look at car.

N: Then go.

M: And I'm going.

I was sitting on the couch playing something on guitar with sound of tv in the background.

After some minutes I heard the sound of doors to garage. Seems like Mike's done or something.

M: Hey Noah, have you seen a screwdriver?

I looked at him. He wasn't wearing any shirt.

N: Aren't you cold?

Michael Afton x Noah Martinez: Afterlife loveWhere stories live. Discover now