Nightmare Birthday

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𝘔𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘭'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷

-Happy Birthday Michael.
He said giving me a bouquet of flowers.
-Thank you, but you didn't had to.

He gave me tulips. Fucking tulips. He knows that I hate them. Maybe he forgot?

-I'll go put them in water.
-Alright, I'll be waiting.
I went to kitchen, got some vase and pour water to it then put the flowers.

I placed the vase on the counter and went back to living room. I felt hands on my waist and got pulled to sit on his lap.
He hold me close to him and he kissed me multiple times.
-I thought we could go to a club as a celebration?

I don't know. You know I don't like clubbing.
-Oh, come on, just this once, you'll meet some of my friends.
I sighed and hoped my old addiction won't come back.
-Fine, but just this once.
-Yes! You're the best. Let's go.

I got off of his laps. He took my hand then lead me to his car.


Like I thought, I was sitting at the bar bored as hell and looking down at a glass of cola that was in front of me. I just wanted to get out of here. Parties aren't my thing anymore. Or maybe I'm just trying to stay away from alcohol? It could be that, after all getting out of addiction was such a long process.

I looked at the dance floor. Daniel was there dancing like everyone else.
I even wonder if he still loves me. The tulips that he knows I hate, taking me to a party.
This relationship isn't like it was with Noah...
Yeah, it's been 5 years, but I still can't get over his death.

While I was daydreaming I felt a tap on my shoulder. It wasn't Daniel it was somebody else.
-Why's such a pretty boy like you is here all alone?
-I'm not alone, but I'm just sitting here alone.
-Well, why don't you go have some fun?
-It's not fun like before.
-Bartender, 2 glasses of vodka.

He turned back to me and looked at me more.
-So what's your name?
He asked and put his hand around my shoulder.
-Nice to meet you, I'm Walter.
-You too.

The bartender put two glasses in front of us and Walter gave me one.
-Thanks, but I don't drink.
-Oh, why not?

Yeah, the question I was expecting.
-Just private problems.
-Not really.
-Alright, more for me.

-So who are you here with?
-With my let's say boyfriend.
-Yeah, but he's having fun on the dance floor and he just made me come here.
-What a dick. Taking you here and not even spending time with you.

And we spent time talking together until Daniel came back.
-Michael, who the fuck is this?
-Hey, I'm Walter, nice to meet you.
-What are you doing here? Are you cheating on me?!
-Calm down, we were just tal-
Daniel didn't let me finish by hitting Walter.

-Are you crazy!? We were just talking, Daniel!
I stood up and got closer to have a closer look at Walter's face.
-Are you okay?
-If you were just talking then why do you care about him!?
-Stop, you're just drunk!


I was driving Daniel home in silence.
I swear there's something wrong with this guy.

-Shut up, I don't want to hear you.
I stopped in front of his house and got out of his car.
-Mike, I'm sorry!
-Fuck off.
-And what will you do now?
-I will go to my uncle.
-Oh, come on, it's dark, stay at-
I started to walk to uncle's house. Good thing it's only 15 minutes on foot.

Suddenly I felt my body being pulled and Daniel got close to me. His grip got stronger and he kissed me. I pushed him away and looked at him.
-I'm so fucking done with your bullshit for today.
-But Mike!
-Just go home!


𝘉𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵

𝘕𝘰𝘢𝘩'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷
I got woken up by some sound, like silent sobbing. I looked at the drawer where the clock was and it's 6:04. Damn, I'm so tired.
But the sobbing didn't stopped. I looked at mike. It was him.

I put my hand on his cheek and rubbed it gently hoping it'll wake him up.
He slowly opened his eyes, rubbed his eyes and looked at me.
-Why are you crying?

I-I was crying?

He sounded so sad, I felt like my heart is going break because of a fact that something's wrong.
-Yeah, I've got woken up by you sobbing.
-Not again...
-What? What do you mean?

He hugged me gently and I stroke his head.
-Do you want to talk about it?
-No. At least not now.
-That's okay, take your time.
I kissed his head, but I was so confused what is going on.

-If you have any problems you know you can tell me. I'll try to help you with everything.

He looked at me with tired eyes and kissed me gently.
-I love you, you know? Like... a lot.
I smiled at his words and kissed him one more time.
-I love you too, darling.

After I answered him Mike started to cry even more which made me heart break.
-Michael, what's wrong?
-I-I'm just really hap-py that I have y-you.
-Me too, but don't cry, it makes my heart break.

I wiped his tears away and kissed his head.
-I'm sorry, b-but I just f-feel loved. My relat-tion ship wit-th Daniel was alot more differe-ent.
-Don't think about him. It's just the two of us now.
-And En-nnard.
-Right, and Ennard.

Michael laughed silently and kissed me one more time.
-Can we go to sleep?
-Of course, after all I'm tired.
-Goodnight, Noah.
-Goodnight, Mikey.

Michael Afton x Noah Martinez: Afterlife loveWhere stories live. Discover now