Shopping Date♡

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𝙽𝚘𝚊𝚑'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟
I woke up and Michael wasn't there. Maybe he was somewhere in house.
I got up and begin to dress up.

I was done and walked downstairs, but there was no one, but the front door was opened. I walked out to see why they are and there was Mike and he was smoking. I hugged him from behind scaring him a bit.
-God, Noah you scared me.
-Good morning to you too, darling.
I kissed his cheek and took the cigarette from his hand and put it in my mouth.
-So why are you smoking if you don't have lungs?
-It's an addiction and it reminds me of our past together.
I rested my head on his shoulder.
-How did you sleep?
-It wasn't really great when you weren't there with me.
Mike chuckled and I blow out smoke and Mike took the cigarette from me.
-Hey, that's stealing.
-You've stole it first.
-Because I can.

I kissed Michael's cheek. I started to feel kinda uncomfortable, like someone is watching us?
I don't know, but I felt like it.

I looked around to see if there's someone.
-Are you okay?
-I feel like somebody's watching us.
-So you do too.
-Wait, you too?
-Yeah, but I thought I'm just being paranoid.
After a while I noticed neighbour watching us from her window.
-There she is, but why she's watching us?
-She always been kinda weird.

I thought for a while meanwhile looking at her.
I smirked as I got an idea. I kissed Michael's neck gently and he froze.
-N-Noah, we're outside.
-Somebody will see us.
I put my hands on Mike's hips and pulled him inside.
I turned Michael around and smashed my lips against his.
I got more intense and he melted into the kiss letting me do my thing, putting my tongue into his mouth, licking and sucking on his tongue.
After a while I pulled away.
-Of course, I don't want you to get so spoiled.
I let go of Mike and closed the door.
-I want more.
-Nah, you don't.
-I do.
I took Mike's hand and pulled him into living room.
-Oh, come on! Just one more!
-No, you'll keep wanting more.
Michael didn't let me finish by kissing me passionately.

After some seconds Mike pulled away and looked at me.
-See? I'm okay.
Mike sat on the couch and looked at me.
-What do you want to do today?
-I don't know.
-How about we'll go shopping?
-Um okay, I guess.
-Let's go.
-Enny, were going out!
Mike took car keys and my hand and drag me out of the house and to the car, started and drove to shopping centre.

After 20-30 minutes we were on place and walked into the centre.
-Woah, this place changed so much.
I said.
-It's been some time, babe.
Mike pulled me into the clothing store. He started to look around clothes, to find something interesting. I looked around too, but there wasn't anything that would caught my eye.
-There isn't anything in the style of 80's.
-So I was right you still like that style.
-Of course how could I not.
-We just came here so maybe there'll be something. And you know style is getting different.
-I know and these days it looks like shit. I mean what the fuck is up with these baggy pants? They don't look cool.
-Calm down and let's just go look somewhere else.
We walked out and been walking to another store, but something caught Michael's eye.
-What's up?
-Come on.
Mike grabbed my hand dragged me to the store. He looked at those shoes, then walked to the shop assistant and asked about something. I've been looking at them and she walked to the back and came with a box. Of course shoes. Mike had always acted like a child when we were out shopping. I chuckled at how he got childish when he tried the shoes on. Or I should say heels. Black ankle shoes on thick heels. After a while Mike came back to me with a bag.
-You both them, huh?
I smiled and Mike took my hand dragging me out of the store.
-I bought for you too.
-Eh? Why?
-Cause I know that you'll like them.
I sighed and smiled tiredly at Mike.
-You didn't had to.
-Oh, shut up.
And just like that we spent another 2-3 another hours in the shopping centre.

We were on our way back, but this time I was driving since Mike was tired.
-You seriously had to bought all of these things?
-Yes and it's not that much, these days there aren't many things that are like in the 80's.
-Today's fashion still is similar to 80's a bit.
Mike looked at me a bit annoyed. I took Michael's hand in mine and continued to drive.

𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟
After a while we we're back. Noah was taking a shower while I was done putting every new thing I bought.
And now I was thinking what to do. I changed into a bit oversized shirt and short sweatpants as my pajamas. Then I've got an idea. I walked to bathroom since Noah never locks himself, I took off my clothes and walked in shower. Noah looked at me meanwhile I put my hands on his shoulders and put his wet hair back.
-What are you doing here, huh?
-I missed you.
-We've spent the whole day together.
Noah chuckled and smiled causing me to blush a little.
-You're so pretty, Noah.
-You think so?
Noah stroked my cheek with his hand and kissed me gently, but passionately. Oh my god these kisses drive me crazy and make me crave more from him. Noah stopped and looked at me, then he took my hand and kissed it and stroke it with his thumb. He kissed me again and licked my tongue a little. Damn, you can say whatever you want, but it was kinda cute. He pulled away and looked at me.
-Let's shower and go to bed.
-Mhm, I'm tired.

Michael Afton x Noah Martinez: Afterlife loveWhere stories live. Discover now